The Villain’s Sister Suffers Today

Chapter 27

Donations that could not be left behind in the prayer room were eventually delivered through the priest.

The priest seemed to be embarrassed at first glance as if it was unusual to deliver such a separate message, but eventually, I still passed the pocket money to her

That was my last conscience.

I’m a thief, but I left the money behind. I put in a lot.

I left the temple with the enchanted cloth that had been stolen so safely.

And in the coming carriage, I unintentionally took a memory test.

This is because I suddenly remembered reading a passage of the book about the crown prince I encountered today.

‘That’s right, there’s a passage like that.’

The prince’s visit to the temple of love at this time of year was also described in “Spring of the Goddess Agrita.”

‘I’m sure…’

When the weather changes at the beginning of autumn. Feeling a sense of unprovoked emptiness recently, the Crown Prince wondered if he could know the cause of this sudden emptiness and loneliness – although I think it was just the feeling of autumn – he visits the temple of love in the west.

And there, he hears a prophecy from a new official priest- whose task is not hearing a prophecy, that said ‘You will meet your destiny within this year.’

Later, the seasons changed and on a cold winter day, as he ran into Agrita like fate in a deserted alley in the capital, the crown prince suddenly recalled what he had heard in a temple in the past, and the scene of the recollection was exactly what I read in the book.


I was slightly impressed.

‘My memory skills.’

Aren’t I a genius?

‘Anyway, there’s a scene like that on the temple.’

I understood why the Crown Prince was in that distant temple of love at this time.

And at the same time, I also feel pity.

‘I have no luck…..’

The encounter between the Crown Prince and me was quite a coincidental overlap. Of all things, the place, the time.

And of all things, the enchanted cloth.


How will the Crown Prince return to his senses and recall today’s events in the future?

Would he think like ‘why on earth did I do that’ or ‘was I crazy’ and wouldn’t it remain a painful dark history for him? Turning the bedclothes into rags before going to sleep, and advising himself to die?

It was a pity. Why did he pick it up and put it around my neck instead of just giving it to me….?

I gazed out of the window in a flurry at the disaster brought on by his own kindness.

No, wait, is it kindness when he put something that dropped from the floor around the neck of someone?


Anyway, bad luck was bad luck. I wish the crown prince, who is known for being excellent in many ways and for his outstanding memory, would be blessed to forget it as soon as possible.

Then I arrived at the mansion almost exhausted.

“Did you enjoy sightseeing in the temple?”

“My soul is drained out.”

It was just getting dark by the time we arrived. I’ve been riding a carriage for almost half a day, and I’m dying. Ugh, this is too much.

Of course, Ash was the only one with a lively face that didn’t show any fatigue, but the physical strength between Ash and I was almost not comparable.

I relieved myself with the bath that Bessie had given me, and I recovered my strength with a simple dinner.

Around that time, Ari glowed by my side.

“Eonni, eonni. How was it? Did it go well?”

Ari did not mention the object or the detailed act because there were ears around him.

I showed my thumbs up without saying anything. Ari gave a small round of applause.

After a little chat in the living room, the evening passed quickly.

I immediately took Ari to my room.


Soon the enchanted cloth showed its full appearance.


Ari admired first.

“Is this that enchanted cloth?”

“Of course.”

“Can I touch it?”

“What are you getting permission for? Just touch it.”

Ari, who did not hide her curiosity, touched the cloth around. She caressed it very cautiously.

I looked fondly at her. Cute.

“How did you steal it?”

“Well, I stole it well, didn’t I?”

“Wasn’t it difficult?”


At this time, it passed through my mind that I would have been caught red-handed while stealing and that I might not have solved the box’s password if it wasn’t for Ash’s face, but I decided about forgetting the past.

“It wasn’t a big deal.”

“Wow. That’s amazing. Eonni, you look like that, who is it again?”


“Angel girl…”


“That and the mysterious thief…..”



The giggled Ari soon lifted the cloth with a slightly bolder touch than before.

Then she tilted her head slightly.

“So, eonni. If I wear this, will everyone fall in love with me?”

She was intrigued to hear that it was a treasure from the book, but she seemed to be curious because she had not seen any proof from it yet.

The enchanted cloth, in fact, was plain on the surface and seemed so ordinary.

Not only the shape and colour, but also the material felt by the touch was not unique at all.

If I had not read the sacrifice of the Crown Prince in the temple from the book, I would have wondered if this plain cloth really had that effect.

Seeing is believing. It’s action rather than words.

“Would you like to try it yourself?”


I lifted the enchanted cloth and wound it around my neck.

‘Because it’s said it’s effective for the same sex.’

The types of emotions were slightly different, but I heard that longing and friendship were formed or deepened anyway.

Ari had no time to speak, looking at me wrapped in cloth.

After a while, I thought this would be enough, so I untied the cloth. Only then did Ari open her mouth with a sober face.


“How was it?”

“I almost asked you to marry me, eonni!”


Ari spoke passionately.

“It’s blinding. If I were a man, I would definitely propose to you. No, if this was the Netherlands, even a woman would have proposed!”

“Ah, is it?”

That’s too much.

I was a little startled by Ari’s passionate reaction.

Ari fluttered her hands as if her words could not express everything.

“It’s so amazing. It’s so amazing! What’s the principle?”

“Well…. Would we know if someone told us? It must be magic.”

“Oh, is that so?”

Ari’s eyes, looking down at the enchanted cloth, shifted. Ari curled up the cloth and soon wrapped it around her neck.

“Look at me too, eonni.”

But I’m already watching her.

It was not long before I was startled.

“Huck! Ma, Marry…….”

“Look at that! Right?”

“No, to be honest with you, the proposal is a joke. But it’s still amazing.”

How should I express this? When Ari wore the enchanted cloth, Ari lit up in a twinkle.

I mean, the effect is like some kind halo, isn’t it?

It was so bright that I couldn’t take my eyes off it, and my heart was fluttering.

I wanted to be close. I needed to know her.

My heart was pounding with the urge to let my opponent know I was there and win her favour.

‘This is crazy.’

I looked seriously at the enchanted cloth,

Why did they make this? Are they really making this as a present to the goddess?

‘If I wore this, I would have been burned to death because I was called a witch, not the goddess.…’

Perhaps it was for Agrita’s safety, not jealousy, that the crown prince burned down the enchanted cloth.

‘Crazy temple.’

With such a grand name like the temple of love, but actually, they are just snobby.

Well anyway, thanks to them, I was gratified for this.

There are some non-scientific objects of this ridiculous effect, which is why I can have a sense of shame.

Ari will now use this cloth to attract Ash’s attention.

And so I’m going to tie Ash’s eyes and attention to her, and I’m going to be able to run away as originally planned.



“Oh, huh.”

“So from now on, am I going to use this enchanted cloth to seduce the villain?”

I wonder if she could have agreed. Just in time, Ari brought up the subject.

I nodded, ignoring the strange bitterness on the tip of my tongue. Maybe it’s because I’m tired.


“Oh, I’m nervous. Will it work?”

“Are you worried it wouldn’t go well? You just saw the effect of cloth.”

“That’s true.”

‘But he’s still a villain. To kill such a pretty, nice, perfect eonni!’ Ari pretended to shiver.

When did perfect come after being pretty and nice? Maybe it’s because of my good characteristics.

I laughed at Ari, who was so hyper that she was shaking.

“Are you afraid of Ash?”

“Of course, he’s a villain.”

For Ari, who knew the contents of the book, Ash seemed to be called the villain completely.

I pulled one leg from the bed and asked with my chin up.

“You don’t get excited?”


“He’s handsome.”

I may be a much known Ash as a villain better than Ari, but sometimes it’s hard to take my eyes off when we’re close enough and he crinkles his eyes and laughs.

Come to think of it, Ari did not seem to have paid much attention to Ash since she first appeared at the banquet hall.

She was the heroine back then, so I thought, of course, she’d do it.

Ari asked back, jumped on the place and shook her head.

“Oh, that’s true. Right, he’s really handsome. I’ve never seen anyone that handsome in my life since I was born.”


“And what more, his hair and eyes are not black.”


Unexpected reasons popped up. Ari said seriously.

“I guess I’m Korean to the bone. No, Asian? Anyway, if your hair colour and your eyes are colourful, not black or dark brown, it doesn’t look like a person. Just the feeling of looking at a handsome painting or sculpture?”


This was unexpected again. Well, that’s possible.

I couldn’t come with that presume, since even in my previous life, I always like western actors with blonde hair.

“So Sir Davery also doesn’t look very human, does he?”

“The knight? Yes, well.”

“What about Alex? He’s got brown hair and almost black eyes, he- the one that moved the frame from your room before.”

“Oh, him? He looks like a human being, but just his appearance looks like a human being.”


After a flurry of talk, the subject returned to the previous one.

Ari, who raised the enchanted cloth again, tossed the topic.

“Then this cloth, when and where shall we use it? I don’t think I should wear it around anytime.”

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