Glory [e-sports]

Chapter 47.1: Quiet~ China's sharpening stone

He then saw the ID FTW.Quiet, and Sleep God was triggered into exploding.

Shadow thief vs berserker thief. It represented the regret that had been left behind last time he’d fought against Wei Xiao in the live broadcast.

At the time, Asleep had used the shadow thief and lost to Wei Xiao. Many of his fans had called for Asleep to use the berserker thief to take back a win.

And now, that opportunity had arrived!

There were some people in the scrolling comments who didn’t quite understand, “Last time, Asleep lost to Quiet. Can he win this time?”

Someone immediately shared general knowledge, “Wake up! The berserker thief can explode the heavens in 5v5, okay? The shadow thief can’t compare to it at all!”

That’s right, this was the biggest difference between a shadow thief and a berserker thief.

The shadow thief was a talent spec who could use a set of skills to kill people across the heavens and the earth. The advantage of this kind of hero was that it could deal tons of damage in an instant and kill the opponent’s c-position, making it so that any group battle was already half won.

But the disadvantages were also very obvious. After using the set of skills, they had to immediately slip away. If they didn’t manage to get away, they were nothing more than a one hit wonder super soldier––useless.

The berserker thief wasn’t like that. It was a typical group battle hero and could be used as a core DPS position. His passive ability ensured that he could participate in continuous battles. As long as he killed one enemy, it would be bad news for the opponent.

The berserker thief who was in a frenzy could only be described as adding madness on top of madness.

Its skill cooldowns dropped sharply, its damage doubled, and it would even have a defense bonus. It became the real daddy of the canyon in an instant!

In a group battle, the berserker thief could deal continuous damage for as long as the fight lasted.

In a solo game, the shadow thief had the advantage, because one rotation of his skills was enough to destroy the heavens and the earth, and a single person couldn’t withstand the damage.

5v5 was the berserker thief’s world. This was especially the case when it was Asleep, who was an old hand at it. He would definitely be able to enter the berserk state and take off during the group battle.

When the two of them soloed, Wei Xiao, who could play out eight light arcs with his shadow thief, won against Asleep.

Now, in a 5v5 team fight, Asleep’s berserker thief wasn’t the same anymore!

There wasn’t much difference in the personal ability level of these two players, so it was difficult to say what the outcome would be.

Asleep was lazy and sleepy in reality, and as long as he wasn’t in front of the computer, he could be seen sleeping 99% of the time. The remaining 1% was when he was on his way to sleep.

Yet it was such a Sleep God who could blow up the canyon in seconds as soon as he entered the game.

It seemed that all of the strength he saved up in normal times was all released into the Glory canyon and the heroes he manipulated.

The way he used this berserker thief made even Wei Xiao’s eyes brighten.

When it came to all the talents in Glory, Wei Xiao used Close as the standard.

However, Close’s berserker thief was absolutely different from Asleep’s.

Even when he was using the berserker thief, Close still brought a heavy pressure to the canyon, making people feel besieged and cautious, and they couldn’t help being careful when they played.

Asleep was different. His play seemed to be full of loopholes, as though he was exchanging a life for a life, and his style seemed to be similar to self-destruction!

However, this was a trap. Anyone who tried to ‘sneak attack’ him would instead be sending themselves into his arms and end up locked in by his scythe!

The first real group fight between the two sides took place in the red side’s bottom lane jungle area. The berserker thief stole into Wei Xiao’s jungle area. Bai Cai noticed it and sent Wei Xiao a signal.

Wei Xiao had originally wanted to go and clear the upper lane’s jungle area, but at this moment, he turned around and called Bai Cai and the marksman over to block the berserker thief’s retreat.

Asleep only had his own support Cong Yi, and the two of them had infiltrated in quite deep. He saw how Wei Xiao and Bai Cai wanted to come attack them, and his instincts all came alert. A few seconds before Bai Cai could use his W skill, he locked his sickle towards the dragon pit and jumped backwards to avoid Wei Xiao’s attack!

He’d dodged away. Reasonably speaking, Cong Yi was done for. As a support without much health and no damage, as soon as he was surrounded, the only way out was death.

Cong Yi really deserved to be someone who cooperated with Asleep all year round. He never planned to run. He used his Q skill and released his ultimate move, perfectly locking in on Bai Cai, who was positioned behind the marksman.

Asleep didn’t pause at all. The berserker thief’s black scythe flew over to the red side’s marksman. Bai Cai hurriedly used his ultimate move, and the marksman’s health went up and down like a roller coaster. Unfortunately, there was no tacit understanding between the marksman and Bai Cai. In this situation, he definitely shouldn’t run and just needed to stand still and deal damage. Even if he died, there would still be Wei Xiao coming over to finish off the kill.

However, the marksman backed off! Looking at his health bar that fluctuated like a trampoline, he became scared!

This brief hesitation gave the berserker thief enough opportunity to take away the marksman’s life with a series of moves.

Bai Cai’s healing was more of a continuous type, and there was a certain interval between each heal. It was reasonable to say that this interval had been minimized to the extreme, but unfortunately, Asleep was able to snatch this opportunity to deal all the damage and take away the kill in the moment when the marksman’s health wasn’t recovering!

By the time Wei Xiao arrived, all he saw was a berserker thief in a frenzy.

To hell with fighting.

Everyone who saw this scene thought this way.

They shouldn’t fight and should quickly withdraw in order to avoid having a situation where a silly baby went to save the grandfather––sending heads over one by one.

“Holy shit! Quiet is crazy!”

“He didn’t pull back! He’s too caught up in it, right!”

“Brother Cai doesn’t have any skills left, and his own side’s marksman has already fallen. Faced with a frenzied berserker thief, what can Quiet do?”

“Haha, he can send his head over.”

Even Chen Feng frowned slightly, feeling that Wei Xiao’s move was inappropriate.

Wei Xiao, who normally had a whole pile of trash words to say, was currently unusually quiet, his face unprecedentedly calm and steady. He didn’t retreat and advanced instead. He moved perfectly to avoid the berserker thief’s blade, and at the same time, he moved forward, linking up his moves and filling up the light arcs.

Chen Feng froze for a moment. He was…

The shadow thief released eight light arcs within the blink of an eye, and it all smashed down on Cong Yi’s body!

He hadn’t tried to kill the berserker thief whose damage and defense had been buffed up after the frenzy. What he aimed at was the light priest who’d already taken a large amount of damage and whose health bar had already fallen to one third!

Cong Yi fell to the ground, and the berserker thief rushed over.

Wei Xiao shouted into the headset, “Old Bai!”

Bai Cai might be stunned, but his operations weren’t slowed down at all. He used the W skill and hit the berserker thief, and Wei Xiao withdrew from the battlefield during the half a second that Asleep was controlled and couldn’t move!

The scrolling comments exploded, “Holy shit, it’s a fight amongst immortals!”

“He can even manage to send someone back to town like this, Quiet is too fierce!”

“Their side losing their marksman in return for the opposing side’s support, it’s really a loss.”

“Brother, sober up a little. This wasn’t a trade, it was a save!”

Indeed, having the shadow thief kill off Cong Yi after they’d lost their marksman was enough to make up for most of their losses.

Although Asleep had still obtained a huge advantage in this wave, Wei Xiao had already made use of the available opportunity, pushing to the extreme.

For example: Weaker junglers might have already started fighting with the berserker thief at this point and finally ended up giving the other side a kill.

A relatively more normal jungler might have retreated and waited for another opportunity.

It was only Wei Xiao, who’d chosen in that moment to make the decision to strive for the team’s best interests!

The point was, he had even succeeded!

Chen Feng looked at Bai Cai.

Sure enough, this support of his who was even lazier than Asleep, had finally gotten serious.

Chen Feng had never questioned Bai Cai’s ability. He was no worse than any of the top level supports, and he was even expected to be able to reach the tier of a god-level support.

However, this kid… had no ambition!

In the e-sports circle, not making mistakes was a mistake of its own.

Players that didn’t make mistakes weren’t perfect because they didn’t make mistakes. Instead, it was because they stayed out of the way and didn’t need to take the blame for anything.

Bai Cai was precisely this kind of ‘balanced’ player who didn’t make any mistakes.

From the start of this group battle, the shadow thief and berserker thief had become ‘crazy’ to the naked eye.

Their teammates weren’t players from first class teams, but they weren’t at the casual player level either. They were inspired by their explosive fight and played 200% of their strength in the effort to cooperate with them.

Asleep snatched away Wei Xiao’s advantage, but Wei Xiao instantly got even.

Wei Xiao invaded Asleep’s jungle, and Asleep led Cong Yi to chase and intercept.

It was a free match game, but it was incredibly fun to watch.

At one point, the scrolling comments couldn’t even speak anymore and could only shout 66666.

Sure enough, watching games where the opponents were about even was the most exciting; sure enough, games played without reservation were the most exciting; sure enough, young passion burned in the most brilliant way!

In the final group fight that determined the outcome of the game, the red side had the advantage.

Wei Xiao launched an ambush and killed the blue side’s top-laner.

It was a four against five situation, and it seemed to be a sure win.

However, 3U’s Cong Yi reversed the situation by using flash, followed by his Q skill ultimate move. A wall slammed down from a distance and locked in three people from the red team.

When Asleep’s scythe locked in on their mid-lane, Bai Cai’s heart thumped.

Wei Xiao: “Save your skills!”

Unfortunately, it was too late. Bai Cai used his ultimate move and sent a wave of heals towards the mid-lane.

However, the mid-laner was too squishy and couldn’t be saved at all beneath the blue side’s explosive damage, and the kill went to Asleep.


It was over.

Wei Xiao cut down the blue side’s core DPS, while Asleep was like a wolf charging into a herd of sheep, tearing up the red team’s formation and causing unilateral slaughter!

Bai Cai fell to the ground, and his expression was very ugly.

Wei Xiao barely managed to kill three of the blue side’s people, but finally, he was toppled by Asleep and Cong Yi.


The red side lost.

xiin: oh dear~

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