What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 692 - They’re Multiplying

I counted another thirty more people who were sent crashing into the Grand Courtyard, courtesy of one of my disciples. They would then be escorted out after regaining their consciousness, some of them going quietly while a few unruly ones had to be physically tossed out.

The latest one of them was still unconscious in the centre of the Courtyard, being prodded by Cai Hong with a stick.

The fact that his body was riddled with burns told me that he most likely pissed off Manami to be tossed here.

I wonder why they\'re even going to my courtyard in the first place?

Oh, is it because it\'s located quite high up so they thought it belonged to someone important?

Well, they\'re right in that line of thinking except I\'m currently not there. Should I return there to avoid these people disturbing my disciples?

"Papa! Present!" Cai Hong squealed, running up to me.

I turned my gaze downwards to see my little dragon holding a small coin purse and looking at me with sparkly eyes.

Cai Hong, being the dragon she was, must have smelled the gold the unconscious guy had on him that stirred the dragon blood in her. It is, after all, part of a dragon\'s nature to want to hoard things so I suppose she\'s just beginning to awaken to such wants.

Though the fact that she brought it to me instead could mean that she thinks that her Papa would want to increase my own hoard of gold. I won\'t deny being a hoarder, but gold is the last thing on my hoarding list right now.

Still, for Cai Hong to be thinking about me...

So cute.

Ahem, stealing is still wrong, no matter how cute you are so I have to tell her off.

"No, no, Cai Hong, don\'t go stealing other people\'s coin purses. Give the poor boy his purse back, Cai Hong."

"Yes, Papa~~" The little dragon saluted, running back to the unconscious boy.

Ahhh… That cute salute, I can\'t… Why is she so cute?

Cai Hong squatted down in front of the boy and dropped the coin purse on top of his head, making sure the purse stayed there before going back to prodding him with a stick.

Well, this guy did piss Manami off so I don\'t feel the need to be kind to him anyway.

I turned to Iris who hasn\'t ceased staring at me ever since she stayed by my side.

"So… Having fun, Iris?"

"Ara? This is the happiest I\'ve been in a long time, Master. To allow me to stay by your side and watch you from such a close distance, I could not ask for more."

Why was I even expecting any other answer? I should really get her to do other things aside from just staring at me all day.

Hmm… Maybe I really should go pay the gods of this world a visit? That\'s an idea, I should do that after the student selections are done.

Just when I was considering taking a stroll around the Sect to see how the other prospective students were faring, another person made their way to me, this time a young woman.

She looked like she was really considering her actions since she kept taking a step forward before taking two steps back, then taking three steps forward before backing off again.

I grinned at her, "You can come closer, you know? I don\'t bite."

The woman gasped at my words and quickly scurried in front of me, her head bowed low.

"Thank you for allowing me the honor, Master!"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Err… Sorry but… What\'s with that serious attitude of yours?"

"That… I… I\'m sorry, but I\'m a little unsure of how I should behave in front of Master…"

"Why are you calling me \'Master\'?"

"Umm… You are Master Lin, yes?"

"That is correct."

"Then you are the Master!"

What is she...

Oh… I get it… She\'s one of the fanclub members too… Didn\'t think I\'d actually meet one that came from outside of the Sect, much less announce herself like this.

I cleared my throat, "Ahem… Let\'s put aside who I am for now. Are you here to gain my approval to join the Sect?"

She nodded her head enthusiastically, "Yes, Master! It\'s been my dream to join your Sect ever since I knew about your Holiness!"

Great, I\'m guessing she was also present at Guiying\'s coronation ceremony too… Or else she\'s part of the church there as well which I already know is still the same fanclub anyway.

I need to remember to give Guiying another spanking for tricking me into becoming the head of my own religion... She seriously led me by the nose for that one.

I sighed, "Alright… I think I already know the answer but… What are your reasons and goals in joining Heaven Sect?"

She clasped her hands together in prayer, "Of course it is to be as near as the holiest being in existence and, if I may be so bold, be able to serve you in some way! I wouldn\'t mind just being given the opportunity to sweep your Sect for you! Just being in the same place as Master… I could not ask for more!"

So this is what a fanatic looks like huh… I\'m tempted to just say no but I\'m worried about what she might resort to doing if she doesn\'t get what she wants…

I tried my best to maintain a neutral face, "Very well. I approve of your joining."

She gasped, "Re… Really? Oh thank you Master! I swear you won\'t regret this!"

I am regretting it plenty already…

Snapping my fingers, I imbued her body with my Quarks to show she had passed the test.

I was about to tell her to proceed back to the Grand Hall to report to the Elders but she suddenly let out a cry and collapsed on her knees.

Eh? Did I hurt her? I only imbued my Quarks into her you know? There shouldn\'t have been anything that would have hurt her in any way?

I considered removing the Origin of me imbuing my Quarks in her when she suddenly hugged herself and started moaning out loud, "Ahhhh!! This feeling! This feeling of Master\'s energy embracing my body!! Absolutely Divine!! Ahhhhh!! To think someone as insignificant as me could receive such a reward!! I can die without any regrets!! Thank you for this Divine Gift Master!!!"

Uwaa… Are all of my fanclub members like this? I\'m really afraid to meet the rest of them now.

I used my omniscience to find out her past a little and…

Oh… She was under the direct tutelage of Diao Chan… Of course she was… And she wasn\'t even the only one?

Oh wow… There\'s several others like her inside the Sect as well, just that she was the only one who chose to approach me...

Seriously girls… What did you even do to them to make them act like this? I\'m really tempted to use my omniscience to find out everything but something tells me I definitely wouldn\'t like the answer.

Yeah, I\'ll just forget about this. Ignorance is bliss and all that. I was plenty happy enough not knowing about this fanclub of mine and look where I am now...

Iris tilted her head at me, "Ara? It seems like the thought of these followers is troubling Master. Shall I End all of them for you?"

No, no. You\'re enough trouble as well Iris, please don\'t act innocent, ok?

Ugh… Maybe I should just go and check on what my disciples are doing right now to escape from this…

I\'ll just go and fluff Manami and Kiyomi\'s tails while I\'m at it, I\'m sure that will heal my weariness right up.

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