What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 919: Some Women Just Want To Burn The World

Chapter 919: Some Women Just Want To Burn The World

(Lian Li POV)

The casino floor was filled to the brim with patrons and the sound of coins clinking against tables echoed through the hall.

In stark contrast to the dilapidated state of the slums, the casino was decorated lavishly with gold and velvet. This was natural of course, considering the amount of wealth and the clientele they received on a daily basis. If it was anything less, these people would never have come here just to indulge themselves away from the kingdom\'s eyes.

I pulled open the doors and stepped out into the open, an action that several people noticed seeing that I was dressed very differently compared to the people present.

A few guards immediately came to block my way as several of the patrons started pointing in my direction with disgust and scorn.

"What are you doing here? Are you part of tonight\'s entertainment? How did you even get here?" One of them demanded.

So many questions… But I guess I can humour him.

"I am here to kill everyone," I answered, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Almost all of the patrons laughed at me but the guards took my words more seriously as more moved to surround me, a few even unsheathing their blades.

"Very funny. Get back to the holding cells and enough stupid jokes."

I tilted my head at him, "I was not joking though?"

To prove my point, I blew his head off with a blast of lightning, separating it from his body.

The headless corpse wobbled unsteadily on its feet for a few moments before finally toppling forward onto the ground lifelessly.

I looked up and smiled at the rest of the people gathered in the hall, "Your turn~"

Normally, you would expect them to start trying to escape since a non-Practitioner trying to fight a Practitioner would be tantamount to suicide. But for these influential people, they would have hired the best guards money could buy, which meant among their retinue were several Practitioners as well.

Said Practitioners strode forward to form a defensive wall against me, even the mercenary Practitioners the syndicate has hired to guard this establishment appeared behind to surround me, evidently understanding the threat I possessed.

The only problem for them was that they thought I was a normal Practitioner.

From among the crowd, a richly dressed man stepped out from the side of the syndicate\'s Practitioners. He was someone I would definitely recognise as he was also the head of the syndicate and the bane of my existence back then.

"Are you with one of the Sects? I\'m pretty sure all of the Sects around here were all paid on time, who are you?" He asked rather dispassionately.

Ah, I never knew the Sects around here were in cahoots with them, but I suppose I should have expected that too. Not that it matters now anyway since in the real world, we had already subjugated all of them under our rule and also burned this place to the ground too.

I turned my smiling face towards him, "Oh, I am not from any Sect. I\'m just here to collect a very old debt."

"An old debt? I have no idea what you\'re talking about. There must be some sort of misunderstanding if you\'re doing this purely for a debt of gold."

I shook my head, "The debt is one that needs to be paid in blood. That\'s why all of you will have to die today~"

To their credit, the Practitioners were instantly on alert with a few of them lunging at me in order to take me down.

In response to my attackers, I waved my hand and shot forth bolts of lightning at them, each bolt aiming to blast them apart.

Their defensive inscriptions crumpled and shattered upon meeting my lightning, something that they had most definitely not expected to happen.

Thus, without even understanding what happened, their heads were all blown clean off before they could even defend themselves from it, their blood splattering the ones unfortunate enough to stand behind them.

The past me would have capitalised on their distracted state and attacked, but the current me had no need for such a meaningless opening so I merely stayed still and continued smiling at them.

My smile seemed to unnerve them enough to stay cautious of me, prompting them to switch to a ranged form of attack instead.

Fireballs, ice spears, lightning bolts and various other Techniques flew towards me simultaneously, only for them to be disintegrated by the divine aura I clad myself with.

Unperturbed, they tried again, using even stronger Techniques this time, only to be met with the same results.

I did not let them attempt a third time, it was getting boring after all.

Everyone watched as the headless corpses of the Practitioners fell lifelessly onto the ground, all of their resistance absolutely meaningless.

"Is it fun?" I asked the leftover patrons and the leader of the syndicate, a sense of glee bubbling up from beneath me. "To trample on those worse than you?"

One particularly brave man stepped forward, his attire suggesting him to at least be a Duke.

"Name your price, I can pay it," He declared arrogantly.

"Oh, did you not hear? I said the price was to be paid in blood."

With those words, I decapitated him with a swipe of my hand.

His head spun a few times in the air before bouncing on the floor once and rolling away, signalling the rest of the patrons to make a run for the exit.

Ahahaha! Look at them run like the cowardly mice they are! Pathetic! Utterly pathetic! To think these were the people that were the cause of my suffering in the past! I regret not doing this in the real world where I had simply burned the place down!

Ah, their screams of pain and fear… It really feels like music to my ears. All these pieces of trash who had once ridiculed me and tortured me for their own entertainment… They were now all at my mercy!

I remember! Remember how I would be brought here to be tied up in a cage! They would then poke at me with sharpened sticks or iron pokers heated over a fire! They would laugh as we were made to dance for their entertainment, then watch as we fought with each other for the scraps of food they would throw at us!

That was the kind of entertainment we were brought here for! Just so that they could have their stupid sense of superiority!

Oh no, we were not good enough to be in the same bed with them, so my virginity was never taken that way. Instead, they did worse.

They completely crippled by ovaries with their tortures, something that Master had healed with his infinite benevolence.

That\'s why… Nothing brings me more pleasure to see these pieces of trash put in their place!

I killed each and every one of them, feeling joy and glee well up inside me as I did so. The sight of the leader begging me pathetically right before I smashed his face in with my own fists was… Fulfilling.

Then I went ahead and killed everyone else with my bare hands until no one else was left standing but me.

But I was not done…

How can I be done?! I was just getting into it! The euphoria! The satisfaction of punishing all these worthless pieces of trash! This is not enough!!

The world rejected me!! That\'s why, the world will burn!! And I shall be the one that burns it with the wrath of the heavens!!!

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