What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 988 An Unexpected Comrade

In the end, we still browsed through the store while attended by a sickeningly polite and subservient shopkeeper, getting a few trinkets at heavily discounted prices. He even gave us a few

I\'m sure he was hoping that this would appease us enough to become return customers of his but too bad, we aren\'t planning to stay here after the festival is over.

That\'ll be his just desserts for being such a prick.

As for the things we bought, there were several cultivation materials I bought that would help my other disciples in their cultivation to godhood.

I also grabbed several herbs that would especially aid Brendan in his alchemy. Who knows, these might be the things he needs to create his Origin Liquid.

With that particular trip done, we left the shop with the shopkeeper pressing his head to the ground to see us off. I\'m now quite sure it\'s a universal pose for the people of this Plane at this point.

Thanks to this guy, we are also now aware of our reputation with the people in this city. Especially when everyone we passed by was glaring daggers at us.

"This place truly is trash, Master. Why would the Gods even associate themselves with this place?" Kiyomi asked, giving the passers-by a disdainful look of her own.

I shrugged, "If I had to guess, it\'s probably because this is the Plane that is closest to the God Plane, allowing them to interact with the mortals without breaking the barrier between Planes or something."

There\'s probably some other reason but I\'m not bothered enough to find out about it since I\'m not really interested.

Manami shook her head, "Ara, ara? To think these pieces of trash are unable to see Master\'s Divinity even when the Gods interact with them, they truly are trash. Perhaps we should make a formal complaint to those Gods?"

That was one of my plans should the people here attempt to do something to my disciples, at least nothing has happened yet to warrant such an action for now. If anything, they\'ve actually been a big help in teaching my disciples how to deal with trash so I should be thanking them instead.

"It\'s fine, if it comes down to it, I\'ll handle things. Anyway, it\'s a little early, but maybe we can go and eat something?" I suggested, looking at the restaurants nearby.

"Ufufu~ This would be a date then~" Manami giggled, looping her arm around mine.

Lian Li quickly claimed my other arm while Kiyomi was content with wrapping her tail around the same arm while walking a step behind me.

We eventually settled for one that looked to be rather substantial with its fanciful banners and colours decorating its exterior.

"Welcome honoured gue… Oh…"

Talk about deja vu. Are we going to have a repeat of what happened at the shop earlier?

Manami turned to smile at the host, "Your establishment has private dining rooms, yes? We would like to have your best one."

"Listen here you bunch of--"

Manami waved her hand and the host immediately found himself crashing face first into the ground.

She then dropped a single gold coin on the ground in front of him, "I suppose this place hires people who are hard of hearing. I asked if your place has private dining rooms?"

The display of strength and wealth was enough to change his attitude instantly.

"Yes! Yes! Ple… Please follow me! I will guide you to our best rooms!"

Seems like my girls have already learned how to deal with the people of this Plane. You just have to be even more arrogant than they are and show off more.

We were guided to the top floor of the establishment and given a rather large room with a comparably large table, there was enough space in here to host all of my disciples without it feeling cramped.


Manami placed another gold coin on the table, "Prepare the best dishes and make sure no one comes in to disturb us."

The speed that the host was bowing his head while retreating through the door was particularly impressive to say the least.

"I have to say… I\'m impressed, Manami," I praised, giving my fox disciple a pat on her head.

"Ara, ara? To receive Master\'s praise over something so trivial… Ufufufu~"

Lian Li patted her chest confidently, "Unn, just leave dealing with such trash to us Master!"

So cute.

The food came shortly after and it was definitely top quality.

I did check if they put poison in them but surprisingly they did not. The host also assured us that no one will be disturbing us before wishing us a good meal and leaving through the door.

Which was precisely what the girls requested so that they could be as handsy as they wanted within this confined space with me.

Lian Li was seated beside me, her body pushed up against mine while her tongue was busy exploring my mouth.

On my other side, Manami had taken off her shoes and was thoroughly occupied with playing footsie with me under the table.

Knelt between my legs was Kiyomi who was… Extremely content with me patting her head while she laid her head on my lap, purring cutely.

Such was our position when voices echoed outside our corridor, loud enough for us to hear from inside.

"Ple… Please! Master Hei! We will prepare another room for you! I will have the chefs prepare the best dishes for you!"

Our door was flung open and a young man stepped into the room, his eyes locking onto mine while the host trailed in after him.

Manami wordlessly slid the gold coin off the table and the host grimaced visibly.

"You\'re the ones who claim to have come from the Earthen Plane?" The young man asked.

Kiyomi stood up from between my legs without shame, "To barge into the room and not even give your name. Are you asking to be thrown out?"

The young man turned to the host and passed him a silver coin, "Leave us. Don\'t let anyone else come in."

The host bowed and quickly left, shutting the door behind him.

"I am Master Hei of the Abyss Sect. Could I know who I have the honour of speaking to?"

Kiyomi stepped aside and I nodded at him, "Master Lin of Heaven Sect."

I was expecting all kinds of reactions from him. Either he would laugh, ridicule, doubt or even just show no reaction at all to my introduction. Yet the last thing I expected was for him to gasp and throw himself on the ground in front of me.

"Master Lin!! Master Lin of Heaven Sect!! It\'s really you!! This is where you\'ve been for the last few years!!"

Errr… What?

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Do I know you?"

"No, no. You most definitely don\'t, Master Lin! I used to be a Master back at Phoenix Sect! I couldn\'t take what Sect Master Feng was doing in your absence! Claiming you to be dead just to take over the entire continent was just preposterous! So I forcibly ascended to this Plane but crippled myself in the process! Please, help me!!"

Oh wow, I most definitely was not expecting to see another fellow Earthen Plane Practitioner here…

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