What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1055 Preparing For First Contact

That\'s why I\'m not surprised about what happened when the multiple versions of myself from parallel Universes were brought here inside Elaria\'s flying ship.

By that I meant that most of them were basically engaged in coitus in some way or another while fantasising about Master.

"Are we really such horn dogs?" Bait muttered while looking at a pair of us trying to get each other off with their fingers.

"This one hates to admit it…. But yes," Denna sighed and I agreed with her.

A long haired version of me shrugged, "Can you blame us? We\'ve been without Master for a long time already and the only people we have for companionship is each other. At least you have yourself to do it… We don\'t have that luxury."

Another me with an eyepatch over her left eye walked up to us, "You sure you don\'t want to join us? It\'s good to let loose sometimes you know?"

I chuckled, "I think I\'m loose enough with the threat of those tentacled freaks coming to end our existence."

She actually rolled her eyes at me, "Please, we all know that the ones most likely to perish are us. There is no way Master would let you be hurt, even in His current state."

Even I had nothing to refute that claim since I believe it to be true as well.

The eyepatched version of me grinned, "That\'s why, how about joining us? It\'ll be fun!"

Laverna shook her head, "Save… Master…"

I agreed, "You girls already had your fun with us back then. The next time I\'m having sex is when Master has returned to His normal self!"

She shrugged at my answer, "Suit yourself then."

I watched the two of them strip themselves before jumping into the orgy inside this large room they had repurposed for this act alone.

The four of us thus left the room with mixed feelings, mostly because it was still a fact that we were indeed quite pent up since it had been a while since we\'ve slept with Master. At least my other sisters got to see Master even if it\'s His alternate Universe selves.

"Hey… Ya\'ll wanna go back to our room and do it?" Bait suggested.

Denna tilted her head, "This one believed we were all of the consensus that we will only next engage in sexual activities with Master and Master only?"

Bait smirked, "Ah, but with the four o\' us, it wouldna\' be sex but masturbation, wouldn\'t it? All of our senses are linked together anyways so whateva\' I\'m doin\' ta\' ya, I\'d feel it too! Dat\'s definitely masturbation!"

The three of us rolled our eyes exasperatedly at her.

Before I could tell her off though, I spotted one of the staff of this ship running towards us from the end of the corridor.

Our thoughts about sex were replaced with concern as seeing someone in such a hurry usually does not bear good news.

He stopped in front of us and bowed, "High Priestess Eris! I have word from the scouts! Those things are going to be upon us in less than half a day! We will need to start preparing to meet them in another two hours!"

I nodded to show him we received the report and he scurried off the way he came, no doubt to prepare for the fight.

Ugh, ever since we got the news that those things inexplicably sped up, everyone else has been on edge the whole time.

Sure, the Parallel Universe\'s versions of me are engaged in one big orgy party at the moment but they\'re just using that as a way to cope with what is happening.

I immediately turned to Bait, "I\'ll leave it to you to get those inside to stop what they\'re doing and prepare for the fight of our lives.

She groaned, "Ehh… Do aye\' hafta\'? Not all of them are Goddesses, ya\' know? Aye don\'t even know why sista\' Lian Li thought it was a good idea to have dem\' help us … They\'re jus\' basically dead weight!"

"Ahem… Like I said, we were not helping them out of the goodness of our hearts."

The four of us jumped in surprise at the sudden voice, turning to see Lian Li standing behind us with Manami and Kiyomi in tow.

"When did you get here?" I asked.

"Just a short while ago…" Lian Li waved her hand noncommittally. "I have to ask… How are you dealing with all this?"


"Yes… The space thing, the Worlds and even this ship."

Oh, I know exactly what she\'s talking about. Honestly, it still feels like I\'m in a fever dream right now and I have yet to come to terms with what is going on yet.

"To be honest… I just don\'t think about it," I admitted with a shrug. "All I know is that there\'s a giant monster out there that is threatening Master and we\'re here to stop it. That\'s all I need to know."

My other three personalities also nodded in agreement.

Denna then spoke up, "When sister Lian Li said you weren\'t doing this for them… What do you mean?"

"It is exactly what it means… They are our cannon fodder. I hope you don\'t have any attachments to them because I believe most if not all of them are going to die to that monster very, very soon."

I waved my hand, "Yeah, I know, I know. Truthfully, I don\'t really care since I know they aren\'t me anyway. Besides, this is all for the sake of Master. If I have to sacrifice several parallel versions of me to save Master then I\'ll do it without complaint."

Back in that mirror world, I did mean it that I would even sacrifice my sisters for Master if I had to, much less parallel Universe versions of me.

I\'m pretty sure the same goes for my sisters too.

"So what is our plan?" Kiyomi asked, changing the topic.

"Beats us," Bait shrugged. "Elaria\'s the one in control of all the ships \'round here, we\'re just gonna go and try to cut those two bastards up!"

"What about Cai Hong?"

This time it was my turn to shrug, "None of us have seen or heard from her ever since she went off."

"And Lilith?"

I sighed, "She\'ll be joining us shortly with all the other Gods and Goddesses she managed to round up. I dare say this might be the biggest fight the Universe might have seen, even bigger than the scuffle between Lilith\'s siblings."

Laverna nodded, "Start… Two hours…"

Lian Li grimaced, "They\'ll be here that soon huh… Alright then, let\'s get ready to head out to meet those freaks and make sure they don\'t reach Master! We\'ll make them scurry back to their stupid little hole!"

Manami giggled, "Ufufufu~ To think there would come a day where I would see our dear sister Lian Li get so worked up~ Though I suppose this indeed is cosmic scale fight~"

And to think we are right in the middle of it as well, I really want to give that stalker bitch a slap the next time I see her!

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