What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1183 Internal Strife

(Lian Li POV)

As much as I hate to admit it, we owe Iris one for distracting Master like that.

I had completely lost myself after that little mishap with those three little pieces of trash and may or may not have done things that would cause Master to raise an eyebrow or two…

But it\'s not my fault that they were surprisingly brittle after I overpowered their little domains before I tore their arms off to beat them to death with it…

Apparently Iris had distracted Master a little before that and she made sure to tell us about it through telepathy too, informing us that we could go all out for the next hour while she had Master distracted.

None of us needed to ask how she was distracting Him since we had a pretty good idea of what she was doing to achieve that.

Without the worry of displeasing Master, I went ahead to be as brutal as I needed to be with any other opponents I came across.

Judging by how quickly we had reduced the number of contestants down to the last ten, my other sisters and Brendan seemed to have come to the same conclusion as well.

It seems like my experience in dealing with Gods was very helpful in dealing with them.

Unfortunately, Master would definitely not be distracted for this part of the competition so we have to go back to being careful once again. At least the last two Origin Wielders were easily dealt with since all of us worked together to kick them out of the battle royale, leaving just the eight of us left.

That is, not counting that small army that Diao Chan, Elaria and Tsuki brought with them of course.

This is it, this is where I show Master that I deserve my rightful place as His number one disciple. This is where I can rightfully crush all of you and cement my spot as Master\'s number one!

"Ufufufu~ I apologise in advance to all of you, but I shall be going at you seriously from the start. I\'m already quite at my limit of holding back my urges and I want to be bred by Master right now~ That goes for you too, my little Kiyomi~" Manami giggled.

Kiyomi stretched her hands out as ice gathered around her palms, "What a coincidence, elder sister. That was my sentiment exactly as well."

"Wahaha! Do you all think this will be that easy?! We\'ll be the ones taking the win here!" Bait shouted out beside Eris arrogantly.

The giant machine at the far end opened up its chest to reveal Elaria scoffing at us, "Muahahaha! Do you all still think you stand a chance against my mighty and invincible mecha Onii-sama army?! I\'ll show you that I will be taking not only Onii-sama\'s best imouto spot, but also Onii-sama\'s number one too!"

Tsuki scoffed at her in turn, "Hmph! We\'ll settle who is the better little sister right here and now! I\'ll show you that I\'m still the best little sister for my Aniue!"

Brendan and Diao Chan did not vocalise their wish to defeat the rest of us, but that\'s more because Brendan was busy preparing something with all the bottles around him while Diao chan was occupied with the other Origin Wielders pleasuring her.

If I had to say, those two were going to be quite a pain to deal with especially since Brendan is known to be full of surprises.

We remained there, all of us just staring at one another as we waited. Though what exactly we were waiting for was anyone\'s guess.

There was no signal to start and I don\'t know who launched the first attack, but the ground suddenly shook which all of us just decided was the signal we needed to begin our fight.

The first thing I did was to summon up my storm clouds to form a defensive ring around me, all of them imbued with the concept of destruction and invulnerability.

Just in time too as a miniature sun was materialised right on top of me, its gravity pushing down against me in an attempt to immobilise me.

Fortunately for me, my storm clouds immediately shot out a lightning bolt that hit the sun right in the centre, destroying it and dematerialising it from existence.

I then materialised even more of my storm clouds, spreading them out around me to further expand my domain around the area.

My efforts were met with strong resistance as Kiyomi\'s domain started eating into mine, her domain somehow overpowering mine and assimilating it into her own domain.

Tch… How annoying… Shouldn\'t you be paying more attention to your elder sister who is busy creating and throwing around stars?

I then felt the hair on the back of my neck stand and I quickly summoned up a wall with the concept of impenetrability.

Despite that, a metallic spear pierced a hole in it and stopped right before it could impale me in the chest, both it and my wall exploding a split second later.

I scowled at Elaria as the giant machine she was riding pointed its fist at me to shoot out another one of those spears.

One of my destruction lightning was shot towards the spear but the moment it did, it caused a huge explosion with the spear being the point of origin, blasting apart the ground and sending me as well as everyone else in the vicinity skidding away from it.

Eris seemed to have taken advantage of the blast to leap at me, her sword slashing towards my neck.

She was, however, impeded by my storm clouds as they moved to intercept her, the Goddess of Paths being forced to defend herself against my lightning as I regained my bearings.

When the dust settled, I found myself surrounded by Eris and her other personalities, all of them with their swords drawn and pointed at me.

The good thing was that the earlier blast had sent the others far away from us, so I only need to worry about fighting Eris.

"No hard feelings, sister Lian Li, but I shall be the one to take you out here," Eris declared with confidence.

I couldn\'t help but sneer at her, "You wish, Eris. I shall remind you why I am Master\'s number one. You can remain at where you are."

Bait laughed at me, "Wahaha! We\'ll show you our combined powers! Then we\'ll be Master\'s favourite from today onwards! Prepare yourself!"

There\'s no need for more words as we got ready for our fight.

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