Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 189 Lady Of The Night (13)

(Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Underground Prison Complex)

Camilla whistled a low haunting tune that echoed through the empty cells inside the castle\'s dungeons.

The two vampire corpses on the ground were still warm and the expression of terror and confusion on their faces sent chills down Mary\'s spine.

Even though they were vampires... they could not react to Camilla\'s attack. It was like their bodies were frozen as the crimson weapons came close to them.

Was it possible that the female vampire was able to control the blood of not just humans but her own kind as well?

Mary lingered for just a moment by the corpses as she stared at the organs that leaked out their dead bodies.

Vampires had the same basic biological structures as humans and yet they were blessed with such terrifying gifts.

Regeneration. Enhanced strength. Sharpened reflexes.

If it were not their inability to face direct sunlight, then perhaps this world would have long been ruled by these bloodthirsty monsters.

Mary narrowed her eyes as she stared at Camilla\'s retreating figure. Without a doubt... that dangerous female vampire was a beauty.

Black cropped hair, kissable lips, sharp angular facial features, and a gorgeous figure with two large mounds in the front and a very shapely behind.

"Keep up or I\'ll leave you in one of the cells," Camilla\'s stern voice interrupted Mary\'s thoughts.

The young woman felt her body tremble slightly as the blood inside her veins responded to the vampire\'s casual words.

How could she possibly escape from this place?

Only the strongest vampire hunters on the planet would be able to face a prince or princess ranked vampire and live.

And Mary had the sneaking suspicion that the female vampire leading her through the dark dungeon was in the upper echelons in terms of her personal strength.


She could not give up.

Lily was still alive.

She needed to escape this place and reunite with her sibling.

Mary pushed down the negative thoughts in her mind and fell in line behind the voluptuous vampire whose hips swayed hypnotically from side to side.

A blush spread across the young woman\'s face as she watched almost spellbound as Camilla turned around and gave her a sadistic smile.

"Like what you see pet?" Camilla whispered quietly as she stared at the human with bemusement dancing in her crimson eyes.

Mary bowed her head and remained silent. Camilla laughed hoarsely and slowed down to give the human a better look.

It was always flattering when one of her dogs looked at her with hunger in their eyes.

Of course, none were worthy to touch even a single hair on her body but...

She enjoyed teasing them.

The journey through the dungeons was relatively peaceful except for the occasional vampire guards that crossed their path.

"Excuse me... you aren\'t supposed to... ARGGHHH!"

"Lady? How? We all thought you were..."

"Please... please... I STAYED LOYAL!"

Terrified screams and cries of pain entered Mary\'s ears and her blood turned cold.

She could do nothing but watch as Camilla stretched out her palm and used blood magic to rip apart every single vampire that came in sight.

There was no mercy.

She did not listen to their begs.

She did not listen to their pleads.

She did not listen to their cries.

Once again Mary was reminded of exactly what she was dealing with.

This monster may be in the form of a beautiful woman, but she was nothing more than a merciless animal.

One of the vampire guards tried to run away but froze in disbelief as a crimson spear plunged into his stomach and came out of the other side.

Camilla flicked her fingers upwards and the spear swung in the direction of her movements.

The vampire\'s body was neatly bisected in half and his corpse fell to the ground with lifeless eyes staring at nothingness.

"Pearce has really gotten lazy... these scums are unworthy of bearing the sigil of House Volantis..." Camilla whispered softly to herself.

She sighed with annoyance as she kicked a corpse away from her body and thought about what to do next.

Maybe it was best if she...

Hurried footsteps came from the end of the corridor and a familiar figure burst into view.

He was the elderly vampire who had bought Mary at the auction and was the one who led her to the hidden room underground.

Mary clenched her fists in rage and hid the dark emotions that stirred in her heart.

Fortunately, no one was paying attention to her movements since the elderly vampire was in a state of disbelief as he saw the leader of House Volantis.

"Mistress... you are... back?" Count Pearce hesitantly spoke as he knelt down on the floor and placed his head against the ground.

No one could have imagined that one of the most prideful and strongest vampires in New Atlantic City would lie down on the ground like an obedient dog.

"Are you not happy that I have returned?" Camilla questioned in a casual tone of voice as if asking about the weather.

Count Pearce could feel his body tremble as an enormous pressure fell upon him and cracks appeared on the ground beneath his feet.

One wrong word and he would be killed.

"I... I... of course I am... mistress... I never gave up on..." Count Pearce stammered out an excuse, but his voice was cut off by Camilla\'s calm tone.

"I don\'t care. You will be appropriately punished for your transgressions later but for now I wish to have an assembly in the throne room," Camilla coldly ordered.

"Not a single vampire is to leave the estate. I want every member of the clan in the throne room by the time I arrive there."

"For every one that is missing... I will chop off one of your fingers."

Count Pearce shook violently as Camilla slit a small wound in her palm and then flicked a drop of blood on the elderly vampire\'s forehead.

He got up from the ground and bowed deeply towards his mistress before transforming into a small, winged creature.

A bat?

Only high tier vampires were capable of shapeshifting, so Mary was once again forced to revaluate the dangerous place where she had found herself in.

How dangerous was the seductive woman in front of her?

Even a high tier vampire humiliated himself in order to to avoid her wrath...

Camilla scoffed as she whispered a few words in a language that Mary did not recognise. A reddish circle of blood magic appeared above her palm and then sunk into the ground.

Mary could feel a small tingling sensation in her toes and Camilla glanced at her curiously.

She didn\'t expect the young human to be immune to her dominion spell but perhaps it was due to her nature as a Sun-Born.

Camilla turned her attention back to her domain and muttered a few more quiet words.

Under the influence of her dominion spell, she was able to see and manipulate threads of blood magic throughout the castle and its grounds.

Two female vampires attempting to escape the castle were immediately impaled by large spikes of blood that rose up from the ground.

A handsome male vampire jumped out of his bedroom window and prepared to transform but a crimson arrow shot through his heart.

So many spies...

Her clan was nothing more than a festering mess of corruption and depravity.

Camilla\'s lips gently curved upwards as she maintained the spell and began walking towards the throne room.

There was a simple and easy method to deal with rot and she looked forward to seeing the frightened faces of her once loyal pets.

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