Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 49 - Friends?


After Ayleth had bathed and changed, the maid knocked and asked if she wanted her hair dressed. She was about to agree when another knock sounded and they both turned.

Lady Trayn, Ayleth\'s first Lady in Waiting stood at the door, scanning the room before looking at Ayleth far more directly than she usually did.

"Herst, can you leave me and her Highness for a few moments, please?"

The maid glanced at Ayleth who nodded. "Of course, ma\'am," she said, dropping a curtsey and trotting out the door, closing it behind her.

Ayleth dropped onto the bed, but sat straight and watched her closest Lady walk towards her, a strange look on her face. "What is it, Trayn?" she said.

Trayn scanned the room again, then walked over to sit on the bed next to her, both of them looking out the window where the bright morning sun blazing over the Castle gardens made the world look as if they shouldn\'t have a care.

"May I speak plainly, Ayleth?" Trayn asked quietly, without looking at her.

Ayleth blinked. "Yes, of course." Her cheeks warmed, was Trayn going to ask her about mating?

But her Lady shifted in her seat and looked at her hands. "I know that we have always kept a careful distance, Ayleth. And I understand why. The Ladies can be… cunning," Trayn said quietly. "But I want you to know, I have never broken your confidence with any of them. And I feel… I feel that you could use a trusted companion right now. There are so many things happening, so many men, so many choices… you can\'t do all that on your own. And there are things we cannot discuss with our parents. I wonder if you would let me help you?"

Ayleth\'s jaw went slack. "Help me, how?"

"Well, firstly I could help you avoid being caught returning from midnight meetings," Trayn gave a wicked grin and cut her a look from the side. "But, perhaps more importantly, I could help you make decisions. Listen when you need to talk. Just… be a friend."

Ayleth was about to brush her off when she stopped.

A friend.

A true friend.

Other than Falek, she\'d never had one before. Her position had always kept her from being able to trust others, or share too much. She turned to examine Trayn, not unaware that political machinations surrounded her. Was it possible Trayn was helping someone else? That this offer wasn\'t born of personal intimacy, but of political ambition?

She looked away from her Lady and considered her position. It had been a very close call this morning—and it still may come out if Falek decided not to keep her secret, or if the maid had overheard or started gossiping.

And Trayn knew, though she may not be familiar with all the details…

"I would like that," Ayleth said quietly. "But you may have to be patient with me. It is part of my skin to hold secrets closely."

Trayn nodded. "And you are wise to do so, Ayleth," she said barely above a whisper. "I will never push. I just… I just wanted you to know that I truly admire and care about you, beyond your position as my future Queen, or… or how I might gain from being close to you. Those things are real, and I enjoy them. I do not deny it. But… but honestly, I could use a friend, too."

Ayleth turned to look at her, and Trayn looked back, her eyes silvered with unshed tears. "Have you been hurt?" Ayleth whispered.

"Haven\'t we all?"

Ayleth took her hand. "Can we… can we talk when the others aren\'t around? And perhaps not always talk, but sometimes just… forget about everything?"

"I would enjoy that a great deal," Trayn said in a rush of breath.

"Thank you for coming to me, Trayn. I do not know what will happen in the coming weeks, only that I must find a husband and it is proving complicated already. I would greatly enjoy having someone alongside me through this journey.

Trayn nodded. "Plus, we can join forces to call bullshit when the others are… becoming ambitious."

Ayleth grinned and giggled. "You swear too?" she whispered.

Trayn lifted a single eyebrow. "I have brothers," she said dryly.

Ayleth squeezed her hand. "Well, then, you must teach me everything you know. I find my vocabulary sadly lacking—I only gather what Falek lets slip when he isn\'t paying attention."

Trayn squeezed her hand back. "Oh, I can help with that. A lot."

And they hugged. And Ayleth\'s heart felt lighter for the first time in… well, ever, really.

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