Loving the Forbidden Prince

Chapter 79 - Men At Work


Later, Etan returned to the ballroom with no fanfare. He slunk into the shadows and stood aside for a time before eventually joining Borsche near the front of the Great Hall, much closer to Ayleth, which, in the candlelight soothed his aching heart.

Borche was still tense and angry, his smile had an edge that Etan rarely saw, and his eyes were blades, threatening to cut the throat of any that would challenge him.

Etan thought he\'d approached quietly, while Borsche was busy entertaining a cluster of young nobles who wished to see his magic tricks. But soon after Etan stopped behind him, Borsche made his apologies and turned as if he\'d known Etan was there the whole time.

"You came back too close to Lady Sarya. It looked suspicious to anyone paying attention.

Etan frowned. "She left the garden a full half hour before I came in."

"You saw her out there?"

Etan grunted. "She found me—not the other way around. It was… unfortunate."

Borsche couldn\'t glare at him the way he knew the man wanted to. "What happened?"

"I was forced to apologize for apparently leading her on," Etan said through his teeth. "Trust me, it was not pleasant. And my pride has taken enough hits tonight that I am not in the mood to discuss it or hear how it was a storm of my own choosing."

But Borsche only folded his arms and looked around the room. "I don\'t believe that particular squall was of your making," he said finally. "That doesn\'t, of course, mean your other actions this night are forgivable. However, I will not… berate you on that particular score."

"How very generous of you," Etan said through his teeth.

Borsche chuckled. "You have no idea."

They were quiet for a moment, then Etan took a seat at the edge of the dance floor, and Borsche stood nearby, juggling and making faces at the passing nobles, so they could speak without appearing to.

"Did she get back safely?" he asked quietly.

Borsche growled. "She returned to the care of Falek who was ready to give birth to an entire litter of kittens. But she got here safely and has since spent a great deal of time dancing—especially with Trystan."

It was a jab and Etan cut his man a piercing glare, but Borsche wasn\'t looking at him, so didn\'t even know.

"This cannot happen again, Etan," Borsche said a moment later.

"I know. You were heard and understood."

"No, I mean, the… meeting. At all. It cannot be allowed to happen. Her man and I have discussed it. We see the Father\'s hand in all that you two are doing, in all that you are to each other. But that does not mean there will be no consequence for your actions. It is far too risky to have you make these attempts at solitude. We had thought the training… well, it is clear that is not enough. We have a plan. Falek will attempt to make it happen with the King. If he\'s successful, you will be able to spend time alone. A great deal of time. But until we know that, you cannot risk it. At all. Training will be your only chance, and you must use it so."

"What is this plan?"

"Never you mind. We see the vision you two paint for the future, and we would help you reach it. We are working to help you. Both of you. We will give you time alone as much as possible. But you are not to put her man\'s honor at risk again, do you understand?"


"I mean it, Etan."

"As do I. Do you think I jest?"

Borsche turned to him then, bowing as if he\'d made a request, and pulling those juggling balls from his pocket. Etan wondered if it an intentional slight that the balls were blue.

"I don\'t think you joke, Etan. I think you may be guilty of not thinking deeply enough, or clearly enough. Of being… blinded."

"Not anymore."

Borsche looked him in the eye, then nodded. "That is good to hear."



To her embarrassment, Falek felt the need to escort her from the ball to her chambers despite Trayn\'s presence, and one of the servants as well.

She didn\'t say anything ot him in the halls where it might be overheard, but when they reached her suite and he didn\'t stop at the door, but came inside, she turned on him as soon as the door was shut.

"This is unnecessary, Falek. I\'m not going anywhere."

Her man glared at her, his bright blue eyes piercing and sharp as he strode around the room. "Apparently your word cannot be trusted, Ayleth. We covered this after the stables remember?"

"I never left the castle! The Royal gardens are for my use!"

Falek whirled on her so quickly the cloak of his uniform fluttered out behind him as he took the three strides it would take to reach her. "Do not speak to me as if I am stupid!" he hissed. "Do not insult my intelligence—or my honor. Tonight you took a risk that could have cost your lover everything!"

"He is my betrothed!"

"Then he should start acting like it!"

Her eyes went wide. "Do not imply that he—"

"What, Ayleth? That he laid hands on you? That you were alone for a purpose? That if I had witnessed it, your betrothed would have been dead at the point of my sword? I do not imply, I state clearly: I will kill him if he takes your virtue, Ayleth. I would have no choice. I am vowed to protect you, and to avenge your life OR HONOR if either is taken. Or would you have me present myself to the King as a traitor? As a liar and fraud?"

"No, of course, not, but—"


Ayleth sucked in and raised her chin. Falek loomed over her, his eyes fierce and furious. They stared at each other like strange cats on the same roof until finally she bowed her head.

"Very well," she said. "I see the wisdom in your counsel, and I will take it."

"I do not believe you."

"You would call me a liar?"

"No, I would call you thoughtless, heedless of the effects of your actions. You proved that tonight."

"Then let me speak plainly," she said through her teeth and stepped up to him until they were toe-to-toe. "I will not step out from under your guard until after the Peace Accord. And in the event that you are not there, I will not take any actions, or join any company, that could be viewed with a critical eye. There. I vow it. Is that enough, Falek? Will you stop speaking to me like I am a disappointment to you now?" she demanded.

Falek took a deep breath and his face softened a hair. "You do not disappoint me, Ayleth. You make me afraid."

She swallowed. "I do not wish to hurt you, Falek. Ever."

He regarded her for a moment. "Thank you for the vow. I do believe you will keep it."

"Thank you!" She folded her arms and stared up at him. "Now… I have an important question that is unrelated."

"Ask it," he said, his voice weary.

"I thought fuck was mating? And… holy? How can we do anything for the sake of it?"

Falek dropped his face in his hand and groaned.

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