Necropolis Immortal

Chapter 2090: Seventeen Hundred and Eighty-Eight

“Fifty-six,” answered an equally empty voice devoid of emotion.

“But this is the strongest Lu Yun yet, he’s much stronger than the fifty-five that came before him.” A hint of hope slowly grew in the first voice.

“You said the same thing when the fifty-fifth one came. He died a grisly death in the tomb all the same and was buried in it.”

Lu Yun’s Tomb.

The tomb that buried Lu Yun.

“There is no space or time in the nothing. Perhaps the first fifty-five were all the same one,” sounded a third voice.

Time was a measurement. If the power of time existed, then experts could utilize it to accelerate or reverse time. But if there was no power of time and only measurement, then nothing would exist.

The same person could set out from the same place in time, but arrive at the tomb at different times. There was no power of time here, just the measurement of time. Thus, the Lu Yuns that arrived at different moments could only come one by one.

The next one would not come if the previous one didn’t die. They were all the same Lu Yun from the same starting point. They simply arrived at different times when they traveled to a place without time.

“But why were there differences in strength in the Lu Yuns that came?”

“I don’t know. If he dies, there will be a fifty-seventh Lu Yun to come who is even stronger.”

“Ai, we’re all dead people. What do we care about this for?”

“Let’s keep waiting. Our chance to come back to life will arrive only after Lu Yun fills in the tomb.”


“Why do I feel like I’ve come here before?” Lu Yun didn’t dive into exploring the tomb after entering. He stood in place and thought quietly to himself. “Have I been here before?”

He looked around blankly and operated formula dao, coming up empty handed after a round of calculations. Formula dao could analyze certain aspects of the tomb when he was outside it, but it was as if he wandered around in a maze after entering.

“Wait, what am I analyzing the tomb for?” He laughed at himself and deployed formula dao again, this time on himself. If he felt that he’d come here before, then the problem lay with him and not the tomb.

“So indeed I have been by… seventeen hundred and eighty-seven times.” Lu Yun slowly wound his deductions to a halt after a long time, his expression grave and solemn. “This is the seventeen hundred and eighty-eighth time. I died in the tomb on all of my previous trips.

“Rather than the temporal difference of the nothing, it has to do with the power of reincarnation. Reincarnation traverses the nothing and reality. In my current form, I am nearly immortal. I wonder what will happen this time.” Lu Yun had come and died in the tomb again and again, but the power of reincarnation had seeped deep into his bones. As long as there was a temporal difference and the power of reincarnation, he would not truly die.

He would resurrect again and again from the origin point and come here again and again, experiencing the same things as before until he entered the tomb. The Fire and Wave Gods from earlier hadn’t detected anything amiss. Such was the marvelous effect of reincarnation.

After the Tome of Life and Death transformed into a golden page, it became the apex of the nothing. When Lu Yun was immersed in the power of reincarnation, he was undying. The current him was like the previous Land of Reincarnation. If he died, he would repeat the loop, cycling through his previous affairs.

The core medium of reincarnation—the Tome of Life and Death—was within Lu Yun’s body. He only needed to utilize formula dao to review everything that had taken place before. He just needed to use it on himself.

Dying more than seventeen hundred times was an indication of how dangerous the tomb was. The dead temple masters of the Divine Temple of Nothing had long since grown numb to the young man’s repeated deaths and arrivals.

They were dead and influenced by the tomb’s power, which was why they could witness his repeated actions. Those alive were affected by Lu Yun’s power of reincarnation and journeyed the cycle with him.

The Light Deity that he’d killed came back to life because of his death and met him again and again.

“The previous seventeen hundred and eighty-seven deaths were because I ran into zones of danger, so I just need to evade them. What a pity that the Tome of Life and Death is strong enough, but I am too weak to deploy its entire strength…”

An eruption of power from the Tome of Life and Death would fill Lu Yun’s body beyond capacity. He would cycle through reincarnation once more after his body exploded. At the same time, he wouldn’t have discovered he was undying if he hadn’t died a few times.

He had to continue his explorations.

Lu Yun knew that the dangers of the tomb couldn’t be plumbed with just a thousand deaths. He avoided the places he’d identified before and headed in a new direction.

“Enough already, damn you!” A massive voice boomed from the depths of the tomb. “Dying again and again and coming again and again! I’m sick of it even if you aren’t! Tell me what you want, I’ll give it to you!!”

“Um… you’re the one who killed me all those times before, aren’t you?” Lu Yun paused and looked warily at the pitch black tomb.

The voice fell silent.

“Forget it, I’ll explore some more myself. No wonder I couldn’t find the way to break the layouts before, there’s an incredibly strong tomb owner here,” Lu Yun chuckled and started forward again. He wouldn’t die—he’d at most return to the starting point and come in again.

“Out with it, what do you want?” The infuriated voice came again when he stepped forward.

“The way to end the great destruction,” he said.

“It doesn’t exist. It is an objective rhythm that cannot be changed unless you are strong enough to affect the objective with the subjective, making the objective your subjective. Otherwise, the barrier of nothing will destroy everything within the nothing again and again.”

“Mmhmm.” Lu Yun nodded and walked forward.

“Are you listening to me??” The tomb owner’s voice grew exasperated.

“I am,” Lu Yun responded as he walked forward. Having died more than seventeen hundred times, Lu Yun had summarized his experiences—there was no solution to this tomb.

The only way to break it was to fill it in with lives—his lives—and explore it. Every death resulted in a lesson, a mistake that he would not repeat.

“I can send you to the real existence. It may contain the answer you want,” the tomb owner said.

“No need, I can find my way there myself.” Lu Yun curled his lip, not believing a single word that the tomb owner said. He’d already seen the words “Lu Yun’s Tomb” on the tombstone.

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