Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 123: 123. Inspector Of Xu Province Arrived!

Chapter 123: 123. Inspector Of Xu Province Arrived!

Chen Ji: "My Lord, I heard of rumors that the Xu Province Inspector Position Your Majesty has assigned someone to fill the position as for who it is I only heard that he served in the Liang province rebellion subjugation, I don\'t know if you have heard of this or not so I decided to inform you about this."

Lie Fan: "I haven\'t heard of this news Chen Ji, thank you for informing me about this. Are you sure that this information is reliable?"

Chen Ji: "Yes My Lord, I heard this from my connections in Luoyang. The Liang Province subjugation is not doing great and I have heard rumors that they will pacify the Iqng people and the traitors who joined their side with official positions."

Lie Fan: "This fools! How could they lose against the Qiangs?! This will further unstable our position in the northern frontier, I\'m afraid that the Xiongnu and Wuhuan people will begin to do some movement also. Jia Xu, please investigate who is the one who becomes the inspector of Xu Province and see how bad the outcome from the failure of subjugation in Liang Province."

Jia Xu: "Yes My Lord, My Lord I\'m afraid that the sudden assignment of the empty Inspector Position is a maneuver by our political enemies in Luoyang."

Xun You: "I agree with what Master Jia Xu said, there are 3 people with the biggest suspicion right now. That is General He Jin, Zhang Rang, and Master Wang Yun, the three of them have the highest influence in the Imperial Court right now and there is also a chance that this is the plot of the three of them to completely exclude My Lord from Luoyang."

Lie Fan stayed silent, this is a headache to think about. The problem is he has grievances with all three of them, the biggest problem is if it\'s just like what Xun You said that the three of them work together. While Luoyang\'s influence will be insignificant in the future, right now he still has some interest in Luoyang that needs to be protected.

He has extensive spiderwebs from Luoyang to Xiapi, but unfortunately, the speed of the information to arrive still needs more time. Lie Fan is thinking of finding a way to make the speed of information from Oriole members arrive at headquarters faster.

Chen Ji and Chen Qun aren\'t involved heavily in the political situations in Luoyang, so they don\'t know that Lie Fan also has grievances with He Jin and Wang Yun also. Since Chen Shi was ousted from his position in the Imperial Court, they only paid attention to Xuchang and the rebellion when it broke out.

Jia Xu knows this and explains it to them in the shortest and most direct explanation, knowing that Lie Fan is standing opposite against 3 political heavyweights they know this scheme is not small. They have heard of Lie Fan\'s exploits and seeing how Lie Fan was conducting himself, they were sure that Lie Fan was on the right side.

Lie Fan spent some more time with Chen Ji and Chen Qun before leaving, they told them to not worry about their family as he would send his trusted bodyguards to lead his soldiers to escort their family. He also tells Chen Ji that he can relax and not begin his duty until their family arrives, Chen Ji and Chen Qun are very grateful to Lie Fan for this.

Lie Fan leaves the guest quarters, and Lie Fan orders Sun Qian to cooperate with Jia Xu, and begins to transition the position of Xiaopei\'s Governor to Chen Ji slowly. While the current Xiaopei\'s Governor corruption is the smallest, Xiaopei is too important to be left to a person like him.

He told Jia Xu to help him be assigned as a prefect of a small township near Xiaopei, which is the biggest gift concession he can make so that he will not cause trouble. Xiaopei will slowly turn into a fortress town, actually not just Xiaopei but Lang Ye and Guangling will also be turned into a fortress.

They are the entrance to Xu Province with the main road connecting them with cities outside of Xu Province, in the future Lie Fan envisions making Xu Province impenetrable so that his dynasty can live on for several hundreds of years with how safe Xu Province is from outside attack.

Lie Fan separate ways with his advisors, and he returned to the Lie Clan residence. Ying Yue and Diao Chan have already waiting for him since they received the news that Lie Fan has returned. Seeing Lie Fan coming back safely, both of them approach him and hug him left and right sandwiching him between them while saying how thankful they are that Lie Fan is unharmed.

Lie Fan hugged both of their waists, he kissed the top of their heads saying that he come back home. Wannian also heard of the return of her big brother, she ran towards Lie Fan and hugged him tightly asking how could he go out to play for so long without bringing her.

Hearing this, Lie Fan knew that Ying Yue and Diao Chan were afraid of making Wannian anxious about him so they lied to her. Lie Fan picked up the continued-growing Ying Yue, seeing how her cute face slowly transitioned to become a beauty his heart silently thought to begin to prepare protection for her.

Wannian face is almost like the little sister he left with his mother from his previous life, that\'s why he always pampered her and agreed to almost everything she asked of course with some precaution so that she would not become too spoiled.

Lie Fan brought them to the dining room, where he asked the kitchen staff to prepare lavish dishes as he missed the taste of home cooking. Eating rations and unspiced food during his military expeditions is one of his hell. While waiting for food, they talk about family things and Wannian sometimes chimes in.

Lie Fan asks how is Wannian progressing under Cai Wenji\'s tutoring Wannian, Diao Chan answers by saying that Wannian always listens to Cai Wenji and does all of her tasks and homework. She also begins to learn how a noblelady should act, embroider, and play musical instruments.

Ying Yue then complained to Lie Fan, she said that Wannian only listened to Cai Wenji and was sometimes afraid of her not because Cai Wenji was scary, but because she can become aloof and stern when she was angered so Wannian was afraid of seeing Cai Wenji when she makes a problem but she never listened to both Ying Yue and Diao Chan.

Lie Fan gently reprimanded Wannian, saying to her that she needed to listen to Ying Yue and Diao Chan she he was not at home. Wannian just looked down and apologized, promising to listen to Ying Yue and Diao Chan. Lie Fan patted Wannian head and at that time the food was served to them.

After eating lunch, Wannian went to her room to study under Cai Wenji. Lie Fan spends his time with Ying Yue and Diao Chan, Lie Fan feels bad for not spending more time with them due to his busy schedule. They continue to spend time together until night when suddenly Diao Chan pushes Ying Yue to accompany Lie Fan tonight.

Ying Yue was surprised by Diao Chan\'s actions, and when she realized Diao Chan\'s tricks she was already in Lie Fan\'s arms like a lamb entering the wolf\'s den.

The next morning, Lie Fan woke up from his bed with Ying Yue sleeping soundly beside him, maybe because he was pent up due to fighting and not spending the night with his wives, he was a bit aggressive and rough last night making Ying Yue to be exhausted.

Lie Fan hugged Ying Yue tightly, wishing that time would always be peaceful like this. A month passed by since Lie Fan returned to Xiapi, he had sent Guan Hai and Huang Shao to bring 2,000 soldiers and escort Chen Ji and Chen Qun families to Xiapi, and right now they should have arrived at Xuchang.

The Chu Ko Nu\'s are now in mass production, and Lie Fan slowly equipped his Guard Battalion with this and also made a Crossbow Battalion which will be under Chao Bo\'s command. He assigned 5,000 men to become Crossbowman, so it will be 10,000 Chu Ko Nu\'s in production.

As for gunpowder\'s weapon progress, the alchemist and craftsmen are working together to find the perfect material to build the fireworks. Lie Fan hoped that they could succeed faster so that he could have another trump card in his hand in the future.

Bomb production is slow due to its volatile nature, there have been some accidents where it exploded and killed craftsmen. Lie Fan has ordered his family to be compensated and his family will be taken care of by the government due to his bravery and contribution.

The hospital is in full swing, Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjin have managed to complete training a batch of young doctors. Lie Fan sent them to the big cities in Xu Province, where the local governments were told to help and accommodate whatever they needed.

While everything is going on the right track, one is not, and that is the information about who will become the Inspector Of Xu Province. Looks like the Oriole\'s eyes and ears are comprised of Wang Yun who knew of their existence and keep the name out of anyone\'s mouth by allowing only high-ranking officials who knew.

Lie Fan could only wait for the person to arrive and not for long the small finally arrived at Xiapi, when Lie Fan heard that the Inspector Of Xu Province had arrived and wanted to meet him, Lie Fan told the guards to bring him to the main hall.

His most trusted advisors Jia Xu and Xun You were alongside him, they wanted to know who the person assigned to try to checkmate them.

Seeing the person who entered the room, Lie Fan doesn\'t know who he is but Jia Xu and Xun You know him. Jia Xu mouthed the words to Lie Fan and when he read the words, Lie Fan was shocked as it looked like the heavens like to play like this sometime.

Tao Qian: "Tao Qian Inpspecfor of Xu Leovince has met Governor Lie Fan. Thank you for receiving me while our position is equal, In terms of powers I\'m below you so I hope we can cooperate and bring Xu Province to prosperity."

Lie Fan: "Haha so it\'s Master Tao Qian, it comes as a surprise to me that Master Tao Qian was assigned to become an Inspector in a Xu Province and not become a Governor elsewhere."

Tao Qian: "Governor Liw Fan is joking, my small contribution to the subjugation of Liang Province is not worth becoming a Governor."

Lie Fan: "Of course, it\'s not worthy! How Coukd Master Tao Qian and the others of the Imperial Army subjugate one province!"

Jia Xu: "My Lord please calm down, Inspector Tao Qian I\'m sorry for My Lord\'s sudden outburst. He was just disappointed that the expedition to subjugate the rebels failed and blamed himself for being more involved in the war."

Tao Qian\'s face is a bit scrunched and green, this is the first time that someone shouted at him like this. He could only swallow the bitter pill and give a smile saying that Lie Fan doesn\'t need to blame himself as he was busy eliminating the Yelow Tuebans. He doesn\'t want to break face with Lie Fan so fast, he wants to slowly accumulate influence.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Heaven Subjugator

Age: 20 Years Old (187 AD)

Level: 14

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 215

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 4)

SP: 706.700


STR: 753

VIT: 331

AGI: 328

INT: 349

CHR: 93

WIS: 289

WILL: 207

ATR Points: 0

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