Wolf King And His Fox Consort [BL]

Chapter 181 - The Wolf Wants The Fox To Want It Badly

Chapter 181 – The Wolf Wants The Fox To Want It Badly

Xiao Zai felt an incredible thrill at being on his knees while Chu Yun sat on the throne — his throne. 

It felt illicit, dangerous, his head spun. He loved seeing this side of Chu Yun, demanding and domineering, ordering Xiao Zai around without doubting he\'d be obeyed.

Xiao Zai swallowed him down eagerly. Chu Yun kept one hand on the back of his head and a running commentary of Xiao Zai\'s performance.

"Wetter, make it sloppy."

"You can take it further down your throat than that."

"Don\'t drool all over yourself, it\'s unbecoming."

"You\'re really gagging for it, uh?"

His tone was dispassionate despite the breathless hitch in his voice. He was getting close, Xiao Zai could feel the swell of the knot bumping against his lips.

Suddenly Chu Yun let go of the back of his head and slipped two fingers alongside his cock inside Xiao Zai\'s mouth, making space.

"Open wide, I\'m going to knot your mouth and come down your throat."

Xiao Zai\'s eyes fluttered shut and he relaxed his jaw as Chu Yun did just that.

Xiao Zai wasn\'t aware of anything, his mind floated in a sea of tranquillity. It was hard to hold on to any thought, but then again he didn\'t really want to, he was happy to drift peacefully. Everything was so quiet he thought he could hear the earth\'s heartbeat.

Someone was calling his name, and then touching him.

His gaze came into focus and he saw Chu Yun\'s worried face. 

"Where did you go?" Chu Yun asked, sounding relieved. "Your eyes were open and you were breathing but it was like there was nothing behind them."

Xiao Zai let out a contented sigh and scooped him up in his arms. They were still naked, sitting on the cold floor at the foot of the throne. Xiao Zai pulled Chu Yun\'s discarded cloak with his foot, and Chu Yun picked it up when it was close enough, throwing it over both of them.

"I went somewhere blissful" Xiao Zai said, thumbing the corner of Chu Yun\'s mouth before kissing him. His mouth still tasted of Chu Yun\'s cum, and he wanted to share the flavour with him. "Were you scared?"

Chu Yun scoffed. "No," he said, but it was a lie. Xiao Zai knew him too well.

Xiao Zai scented him deeply, his scent made even headier with the musk of sex.

Chu Yun\'s fingers tightened on Xiao Zai\'s bare leg. "Why didn\'t you mark me?"

Xiao Zai nuzzled his neck with a smile. He knew what kind of reaction being rejected would get out of Chu Yun, and he was happy to have gotten it. He loved driving Chu Yun to the edge of reason, drowning him in pleasure and forcing him to submit to the whims of his body, but he also loved it when Chu Yun did all of that to him.

The push and pull between them was addictive. Xiao Zai never wanted it to stop.

"You make me work so hard," Xiao Zai said, inhaling deeply and dragging the edge of his teeth over Chu Yun\'s skin, making him gasp. "You\'re so hard to please, so difficult." He smiled at Chu Yun so he knew he wasn\'t complaining. "Maybe you should get a taste of your own medicine, from time to time."

Chu Yun\'s face tightened in a frown. 

Xiao Zai couldn\'t resist kissing the scowl off his lips. Chu Yun kept his lips pressed tight, denying him entrance, but after Xiao Zai worried at the seam of them with his tongue he finally relented, kissing back with marked impatience. Xiao Zai laughed into the kiss, and Chu Yun pulled away with a shove to his shoulder.

"So you\'re just being difficult?"

"No, I\'m making you work for it."

"You\'re the one who wanted to mark me!"

Yes, but he also wanted Chu Yun to want it, as badly as Xiao Zai did.

He smirked. "I still do."

Chu Yun glared at him. "Fine, then don\'t mark me, see if I care."

He cared deeply. Xiao Zai nodded. "Ok, I won\'t mark you if that\'s what you want."

Chu Yun\'s eyes flashed with annoyance. "I know what you\'re doing."

"What am I doing?" Xiao Zai asked, his tone filled with innocence.

Chu Yun\'s eyes narrowed. "It won\'t work."

Xiao Zai shrugged. "What won\'t?"

With an annoyed growl Chu Yun got up to his feet. Xiao Zai got up too and pulled him against his chest with an arm around his waist. "Don\'t be mad," he said, whispering the words right over Chu Yun\'s scent glands on his nape. "I just don\'t want you to do anything you\'re not ready for." He patted Chu Yun\'s bare hip. "I\'m sure that when you really want it, you\'ll find a way to let me know."

He pulled away and started picking his discarded robes off the floor.

Chu Yun kept staring at him with a calculating glint in his eyes. Xiao Zai couldn\'t wait to see what he had in store.

The two of them left the throne room, in wrinkled robes and loose, messy hair, doing a poor job of pretending they hadn\'t spent several hours fucking savagely inside. The two guards stationed outside greeted them respectfully while looking resolutely ahead, barely breathing.

Chu Yun was so humiliated by the knowledge that they probably heard everything that he wanted to die.

Xiao Zai didn\'t look bothered in the least and took his hand as he guided him through the hallways, and towards the royal bedchamber. 

Chu Yun was supposed to have quarters of his own. The late Queen Consort\'s old rooms must have been readied for him. But, there was no point in him even pretending he wanted to sleep there.

It was almost dawn when they reached the bedroom. Chu Yun barely had the chance to take in the rooms before he was being pulled into bed. He pretended to have forgotten their last conversation in the throne room, but his mind buzzed with all of all the ways he was going to make Xiao Zai regret not marking him when he had the chance.

If he thought Chu Yun was going to beg a second time he had another thing coming.

He didn\'t understand why he was so displeased by it. He rolled Xiao Zai around on his side and pressed his lips to the messy mark on his nape, to make himself feel better.. He fell asleep wrapped tightly around Xiao Zai, breathing in his comforting scent. 

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