Vampire Nightlife

Chapter 60 A Lesson On Weapons And Gods

There were a couple of questions that Lukas had on hand–for all the powers that a Vampire was supposed to have, the fact that they needed more weapons was surprising.

"Three? You\'ll certainly need more than that. Why, the chances that you drop your weapon into the mouth of a devil toad or in the gaping jaws of a manticore is more likely than that. But yes, we\'ll try to find something that you can use."

"I believe none of them has ever learned how to use any weapons before. Something like a one-edged blade might work." Serena commented.

"Serena, you clearly don\'t know what you\'re thinking about." Viktoria shook her head. "The intricacies of learning a sword takes time. We need something that gets the job done and for beginners, well… this bad boy should ought to do the trick."

Lukas watched a mace float from one of the stacks and dropped into his hand. The heavy weight surprised him at first, but he could see that the end was perfect for whacking.

"Now the mace is something I\'d recommend in close-combat. But if we\'re going for something a little more long-range, when you know you need to have a safe distance from venomous snakes and such–why not a spear?"

As before, a beautiful spear dropped into Lukas\' hand and compared to the mace, it was a bit lighter and yet the spearhead seemed to sparkle delicately within the room.

"It might take a few days, to something more like a week or two to become highly proficient with that compared to say the mace, but when you need to stab your enemies from afar–that\'s perfect and safer. You just need to remember that the pointy side goes to your enemies and not you."

"I see, I see." Lukas nodded.

In all honesty, he was a little disappointed with what weapons they were giving him. It all seemed like the medieval era, something so much in the past when compared to what was available in the present human technology.

"I guess it\'s because they\'re faster and much more agile," Lukas muttered underneath his breath.

Compare a human with a ray gun versus a Vampire who could dodge everything and then cleanly slice your neck off with a sword–it could have really worked. Maybe Lukas was just expecting a bit more magic, like the ones in display.

"What was that, Lukas?" Serena asked.

"Oh, it\'s just that magic isn\'t readily available is it." Lukas shifted the spear to his other hand and scratched his head. "Nothing wrong with that, but I did see–"

"The relics of the past have old magic infused in them, but it\'s a long lost tradition among our kind." Viktoria sighed and flickered her fingers. "I should know, I\'ve tried to learn but it seems like our blood is getting weaker. Or we lost our connection to magic."


"Ignore what she said." Serena briskly shook her head. "We don\'t need magic when we have our innate gifts that bring us to the apex of creation."

Viktoria shrugged and floated another thing to her hand. "Just saying, lycans are like us but they also still kept to their tradition and managed to hold on to shamanic rituals whereas we–well, whatever. If you truly wish to be safe from a good distance, then you would need this instead of a spear or mace."

"A crossbow." Lukas recognized that at least.

That seemed like something he or perhaps someone like Stacy or Chaerin could use.

Anything as long as they were safe was best. He might have taken it for himself, but there were at least other things that Lukas could do like develop the path of the Overlord.

Even without magic, Serena was right–it was possible to be highly invulnerable to most things. Maybe disappear in a mist or turn into a bat. The possibilities seemed endless for him thanks to the VR System as compared to someone who just had to rely on blood.

Lukas just needed to focus on what he could right now.

First was the ability to change his physical form like cosmetic stuff, but there would come a time where he\'d be able to change even his very nature. A Nordic god came to his mind–Loki.

Which sprung up another question.

"Um… do you guys think it\'s because of, uh, the deities we worship?" Lukas coughed. He knew that he might end up getting things wrong, but it was better to risk being seen as stupid once than being ignorant forever.



"I mean magic–I don\'t remember, but surely magic must have come from one of the gods?"

"Magic is… well different for each race and the gods themselves might bestow power but necessarily brand it as magic, at least that\'s what the old texts say. I suppose Viktoria here has done far more reading than me in terms of this." Serena coughed.

"I\'m not really into the idea of worshiping gods. What have they ever done for me?" Viktoria brushed back some of her hair. "If they really were around, then they should have solved all of our mess–at least if we\'re talking about benevolent ones. Others just thrive in tragedy, so maybe there are gods and they just don\'t care about us at all."

Lukas couldn\'t help but remember that during the dinner time when he had met the Tenebris Family, they had asked him about whether he was a follower of Deimos or worshiped the Goddess Celes.

"But there is a far greater power at work I suppose," Viktoria smiled. "This world of ours is so full of resources that have allowed us to build our civilization as well as harness materials. At least in the past… our smiths are no longer as great as before, but that\'s enough talk from me–the two of you need to go."

"Viktoria." Serena narrowed her eyes.

"It\'s so weird sharing our thoughts and opinions." Viktoria huffed. "What is he–nine? So curious. I\'m not here to baby people and isn\'t he supposed to be leaving for the wilderness? I don\'t have much room to spare for someone who might die."

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