QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 43 The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 21

When He Yuan returned with the pen, there were two men in black and three men in police uniform downstairs. He smiled.

"What do you mean? Do you dare mess with the Zhang family? How could you barge into the Zhang mansion with false claims?" Zhang Jun was saying to the police officers. The alpha looked a little pale.

"Mr Zhang, we haven\'t even claimed anything. We\'re only calling you in for questioning. It would be in the best interest of everyone if you cooperate with us," One of the men in black said.

"What kind of questioning would be required at this time?" The family head inquired. The old man was even paler than his son and was a little unsteady on his feet. He Yuan was quite sure the alpha father and son had an inkling as to why the men were here and were secretly shitting their pants.

"We cannot answer that until Mr Zhang is with us at the station."

Zhang Jun grit his teeth. There was no way they would\'ve found out, right? He didn\'t even do anything wrong, he had no direct involvement. Zhang Ye was so talented and made sure to cover his tracks. Surely they wouldn\'t do anything against a kid?

"Jun?" Zhang Jun looked towards the West wing to see Li Shiyu coming down the stairs in confusion. "What\'s happening?"

He sent a reassuring smile at the omega and nodded at the policemen. There was no way they found out, this could be something else. It better be something else. "Fine. Let\'s go see what all this is about. I must warn you though, I would never forget this act of disrespect. You would see why the Zhang family should never be crossed."

The men only nodded and walked out of the Zhang mansion with Zhang Jun. Li Shiyu trembled and rushed over to the Zhang madam with teary eyes. "Mother, what\'s wrong?"

The Zhang madam exchanged looks with the family head and the old man rushed upstairs to change his clothes and call his chauffeur. They needed to get to the police station, fast. "I\'m not too sure but we\'re going to find out."

"Can I come with you?"

The Zhang madam shook her head. "What about the kids? It\'s better if you stay. It wouldn\'t look too good if they can\'t find any of their parents."

Li Shiyu shook his head repeatedly and began crying. "The nannies are there to watch after them. At this moment, Zhang Jun needs me more. Please let me come."

The Zhang madam smiled at Li Shiyu warmly. This was truly a great omega, her son was so lucky. Her eyes trailed over to the bottom of the stairs and she found He Yuan leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"You must be feeling quite happy aren\'t you? Seeing Zhang Jun in such a predicament." She said with a scowl.

He Yuan blinked his eyes innocently. "What predicament? You\'re all making it seem like he committed a crime. The policemen only came to take him for questioning, it could be about anything. Is there any need to overreact?"

The Zhang madam choked. Li Yexi was not aware of the source of the Zhang conglomerate\'s comeback funds so of course he would act so carefree. "We\'re not overreacting!" She said quickly. "We only care about Zhang Jun that\'s all."

He Yuan rolled his eyes and walked towards the centre table. "Whatever you say. All this has nothing to do with me anyways, I\'m just here to sign the divorce agreement."

Li Shiyu turned to He Yuan with reddened eyes. "Yexi, don\'t be like that. Something must have gone wrong for those men to come for Zhang Jun at this time. You always claimed to love Zhang Jun very much, how could you be so nonchalant when something like this happened?"

He Yuan smiled at Li Shiyu and then mocked a sorrowful look. "I did love Zhang Jun from the bottom of my heart but he hates me and wants to be divorced so badly. I\'m only granting his wish, after all, there is a saying that if you love something, you let it go."

Before he could reach the table, the Zhang madam rushed over to the divorce agreement and tore it up. She still wasn\'t clear on what was going on but the look of dread on her husband\'s face wasn\'t missed.

If this turned out to be a huge problem then she absolutely must not let Li Yexi leave. He still had the Li family behind him and could come in handy. If the omega decides to go to court, then he would be rejected as there is no valid reason for divorce.

She was well aware of her son\'s intimate relations with Li Shiyu but Li Yexi had no idea. She nodded her head after coming to that conclusion and smiled at He Yuan. "Li Yexi, how about we put this off for now hmm? Your relationship with my son has been rocky but in the end, you both were married for over five years.

-I\'m very sure you still feel something for him and wouldn\'t want to split on such a bad note. Zhang Jun still needs you even if he doesn\'t realize it yet, you just have to remind him about the good times you both had together."

He Yuan nearly threw up at the old woman\'s blatant hypocrisy. This scum woman probably thinks Li Yexi had no way to divorce her son and even had the guts to go as far as using emotional blackmail to tie him down. He Yuan was actually pissed because if it was the leaser Li Yexi, the omega would have decided to stay. That\'s how desperate the omega was for Zhang Jun\'s love.

He looked to Li Shiyu to find the omega staring at the Zhang madam with eyes full of blame and hurt. He Yuan was pretty clear on why the old lady was suddenly trying to be nice but Li Shiyu was a selfish mess who only thought of himself so the omega must be feeling quite betrayed.

He Yuan eyed the Zhang madam. "Your son and I never really had good times together so there is nothing to remember. Tomorrow, I would draft a new divorce agreement. Make sure to have your good son sign it." And then he turned to leave.

"Li Yexi don\'t push your luck! Do you think I would let you leave my son now? Don\'t even dream of it!"

He Yuan scoffed. At this point, the Zhang madam had lost all rationality. As if her threats could hold him back. He ignored the deranged woman and walked up the stairs.

On his way, he ran into the family head who only opened and closed his mouth a few times before moving past him and heading out the door.

Once the house was quiet again, He Yuan ran his hand over his face. He\'d been thinking a lot about this task and something always seemed off to him. It always felt like there was something he was missing.

He hadn\'t failed to notice that all his plans to trap the special ones always left them unscathed. It felt like their luck was boundless and if something was not done, this task could end up as a huge failure.

"888 would you be able to detect abnormalities in a task realm?"

888 materialized against the wall with his arms folded. "It depends on the degree of abnormality."

"You once said something felt off about this realm."

"I did."

"And that was in the presence of the kids?"

"It was."

He Yuan ignored 888\'s quipped answers and stroked his chin. Every time his plans to bring down the special ones failed, the kids had something to do with it. When Zhang Jun was facing crisis at work, the kids had ruined his rivals for him.

When Zhang Jun was faced with bankruptcy and the threat of losing his position, the kids had provided the cash and business acumen.

They paved the way for Zhang Jun\'s takeover of the Li corporation.

And now, He Yuan was quite sure that if this issue with the police dragged on for too long, the kids would once again save the day. Zhang Di and Zhang Ye were like overpowered golden fingers and yet, they weren\'t the special ones, was the realm truly confused?

This wouldn\'t do. He Yuan went out of the room and made his way to the West wing. The kids\' room was in between Li Shiyu\'s and Zhang Jun\'s rooms. It was the size of two master bedrooms combined.

He slowly twisted the door knob and entered the room.

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