QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 180 Little Mandron Soldier 3.0

Yang Xue was very persistent, always going over to the protected room to gape at Ding Weimin or deliver the wounded general\'s meals and soon, Ding Weimin began to react to the idiot that treated him as if he was more magnificent that the entire Plexar system.

Ding Weimin had constantly wondered if Yang Xue was blind. He was covered in deep, horrifying cuts yet the young boy stared at him as if he was still the magnificent general at the top.

These cuts were nothing for the technology available but the chaotic magnetic energy within him made it impossible for the machines to function properly and treat his wounds. Even when Ding Weimin endured the pain and tended to the cuts, new wounds formed as the chaotic energy tried to get out through his skin.

Yang Xue continued to pester Ding Weimin until Ding Weimin relented and began to give him short, one word answers. The young boy was elated. And that elation got to his head that he did something stupid one night.

He snuck into Ding Weimin\'s protection room.

Ding Weiming had opened his eyes to see Yang Xue looking down on him with stars in his eyes and he had been given the shock of his life.

He had wondered how Yang Xue was still alive when he was in so much pain from restraining the energy within him. The Ding parents were quickly notified.

After a series of tests were run, it was discovered that Yang Xue had a mutated gene from the cross between his human father and mandron mother that made him capable of absorbing the magnetic energy. That was why he hadn\'t blown up when he went close to Ding Weimin.

The Ding family was elated. Their Ding Weimin had a chance of survival. Marshal Ding had been so moved that he pulled strings and promoted Yang Zhi from Major to Lieutenant Colonel and bestowed the Yang family with all kinds of precious items. Although, Yang Xue and Ding Weimin\'s issue was kept a secret.

It took five years for Yang Xue to completely absorb the magnetic energy and during those five years, Ding Weimin had spent all his time with Yang Xue. The young mandron had left a deep impression on him. Choosing to stay by his side even when everybody else rejected him.

Yang Xue, on the other hand, had hopelessly fallen in love with Ding Weimin. He had confessed his dream to Ding Weimin and instead of laughing like others did, his idol had encouraged him and promised to nurture him.

That wasn\'t the only promise Ding Weimin had made. Seeing as Yang Xue was in love with him, Ding Weimin\'s heart had been moved and after making love a couple of times, he had promised to marry Yang Xue once Yang Xue achieved his dream of becoming a high ranking general.

Yang Xue was over the moon and strove to work hard.

The announcement was finally made that Ding Weimin, whom everyone had thought was dead, was finally healed. His scars were all gone due to top notch technology and he was the darling of everyone once more.

Ding Weimin had let Yang Xue into the Fifth Division but since the mandron had no qualifications, he had to start from the scratch like every other new recruit -as a Private. Yang Xue didn\'t complain. He was very excited to be given a chance to achieve his dream. He knew the shortcoming of every mandron. Since they couldn\'t process complex thoughts, it was quite difficult to plan out battle strategies and taken instant action during crucial times.

So Yang Xue settled instead for memorizing every battle tactics to ever exist. Just because he couldn\'t think complexly did not mean that he was incapable of memorization. For every drill battle that was difficult for him, he looked for a battle tactic within the ones he had memorized.

If he couldn\'t find one that was suitable, he literally drew out different battle tactics superimposed them on each other to form a new one.

This way, he didn\'t have to stress his brain and it was also difficult for others to catch him off guard because they were thousands of different combination methods.

People soon began to take note of Yang Xue when he solved a key problem of the location of a small troop of Xor and was promoted to Private First Class by the government. His fellow mandrons had been proud and had used Yang Xue to brag.

The humans and andronians, on the other hand, all drowned him in spittle for using his connection as Ding Weimin\'s companion to enter through the back door. Some even cursed at him for still shamelessly clinging onto Ding Weimin\'s thighs even after the man had been taken elsewhere to get treated.

Yang Xue had been dumbfounded. How did he use the back door? If he didn\'t ask for Ding Weimin\'s help then he never would\'ve been given the chance to prove himself at all. He also started from the bottom like the humans and andronians so how did he carry out foul play?

Yang Xue ignored them. His goal was Ding Weimin. He wanted to work very hard to achieve his dream so he could stand side by side with his future husband with his head held high.

He was soon given a tough blow when he suddenly received news of Ding Weimin going on numerous dates with Jin Qi. A human female, who happened to also be the second special one of this realm. She was a lieutenant general and was part of Ding Weimin\'s special forces team. She was also the daughter of one of the six human Marshals but had joined the Third army because she admired Ding Weimin.

In his shock, Yang Xue had straightforwardly rushed over to inform Ding Weimin and that was when the entire Ding family had found out about Ding Weimin\'s promise. The Marshal and the Ding parents were furious.

Due to the constant rise and fall of the human population and adding the fact that the andronians strictly adhered to a \'No same sex coupling\' policy, the humans had everted to the past when homosexuality was not looked on so kindly.

This was especially problematic for the Ding parents as Ding Weimin was their only child. They desperately needed a pure heir to carry on the family line. How were two males going to produce one?

In the heat of the moment, Ding Weimin had panicked and denied ever making such a promise to Yang Xue and made the male mandron face the anger of the Ding family alone, with them accusing him of asking for too much just because he unintentionally helped Ding Weimin a bit.

They had finally decided on sending Yang Xue back to his family.

Yang Xue was confused and heartbroken. Him and Ding Weimin were clearly together so why had the man denied him? What had happened?

He soon returned to the Yang mansion but was left even more confused when faced with the inexplicable scorn of his father and siblings -as he was suddenly sent back with no explanation whatsoever- so he returned to the Fifth Division stronghold.

Ding Weimin avoided Yang Xue like a plague and treated the mandron like air.

He had been making plans to move Yang Xue out of his Fifth division and into the general army when the news of the main Xor queen appearing put a hold to his plans.

Being the hero of the Plexar system, Ding Weimin was of course at the forefront once more. Only this time, Ding Weimin, Yang Xue and Jin Qi had ended up getting trapped in the underground hive of the queen.

In order to escape, Jin Qi had pushed Yang Xue behind to serve as bait and had ran away holding hands with Ding Weimin.

Yang Xue had fought with all his might to survive and had managed to single handedly kill the Xor queen but had ended up losing one of his legs -from the knee downwards- in the battle.

He had tied up his wound and leaped out of the cave hanging on a single thread of determination to survive. After walking for hours, he finally ran into the paramedics team that had been part of the rescue team for the soldiers. He lost consciousness right at their feet.

The next time Yang Xue woke up, he was in a military hospital. The suspended TV was on and Ding Weimin was being praised by the three planets once more. He thought nothing of it until he realized that Ding Weimin had claimed his glory of killing the main Xor queen and had taken his medal, promotion, rewards and recognition.

Yang Xue broke down.

Whilst he was deep in anguish, Ding Weimin had walked into the room and had said all manner of trash about how he was meant to kill the Xor queen and all that. He had been out of the system for five years and most of his mates had gone ahead of him so he needed a resounding achievement in order to get himself back on the right track in his career.

After all of Ding Weimin\'s ramblings, Yang Xue had looked at the man with tears streaming down his cheeks and asked him why he ran away with Jin Qi if needed the achievement so bad.

Ding Weimin remained silent and walked away.

As soon as Yang Xue got out of the military hospital, he spent months trying to gather funds for a prosthetic limb since he still wanted to achieve his dream regardless of Ding Weimin\'s betrayal. His father and siblings had long abandoned him so no help came from there.

His rewards had been given to his father back then and Yang Zhi, being the benefit bitch that he was, had refused to give it back.

Some more months passed by and Yang Xue finally swallowed his pride to beg the Ding family for help. His dream was more important.

What faced him at the Ding family was looks of disgust and rejection. He was also given his dismissal letter there and then.

A week later, Ding Weimin and Jin Qi had their engagement party.

Yang Xue was tired.

He killed himself.

As soon as He Yuan opened his eyes, he took another look at the leaser Yang Xue. The guy was quite pitiful. It was no wonder he refused to sit even when the chair had been offered. He had spent the last months of his life handicapped. Being able to stand on his two feet, even as a soul, must feel surreal to him.

Now that he\'d received the realm information, the points that He Yuan had missed earlier became glaring. Yang Xue\'s ears were pointy at the tip and a closer look revealed brown eyes that had two red rings circling around the pupils in each eye.

"Here," He Yuan said and handed over the contract for Yang Xue to look over. "What is your request."

Yang Xue looked down at the contract briefly. He\'d already been given a summary of things when he suddenly woke up at that strange Contract space. "I want to achieve my dreams."

He Yuan and 888 both raised their brows at the same time. "That\'s it?"

Yang Xue nodded. "I\'ll offer 60% of my soul energy."

"What about Ding Weimin? JinQi? The Ding family? Your family?"

Yang Xue\'s eyes turned sad. "I don\'t know..."

The leaser looked so beaten down He Yuan had nothing to say so he slowly nodded. "Fine." Immediately, the agreed terms of the contract burned itself onto the appropriate spaces and Yang Xue left the system space.

"You know," He Yuan started with an absentminded look in his eyes. "I had thought that meeting the leaser would make my counterattack task much clearer. Right now, I\'m a little stumped."

888 shook his head. "It\'s not all that bad. At least you have a clear goal to walk towards."

"En," He Yuan answered as a prompt appeared before him.

[Begin Task, Yes/No]


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