World Online

Chapter 292 Sacrifice

Chapter 292 Sacrifice

The beautiful woman who sat next to Jake stood up.

Her thin, alluring armor shone with a pink shade as she walked around the round table.

"You… bastards…" she spat out with a venomous tongue. Her words were forceful, and her contempt was all too clear.

"We swore. Honor bound to protect Melody. And you greedy fools decided to bring destruction to our home." Her voice rose slowly.

"Shut up, Melody. If we won, then Melody could have been-" Envy stood up in response, but before he could complete his sentence, Jake heard a sharp sound in front of him.

Before he knew it, there was a thin blade right in front of Envy\'s neck, and Jake could see a thin stream of blood flow down his throat.

"So they do bleed red." Jake made a quick note.

"Shut up. All of you here lost the right to speak the moment you went off parading into your war. Look around, you fools. Here we are. An entire kingdom, ruined, and this is the only building that still stands." She shouted.

"If it weren\'t for you.." Her voice suddenly broke and Jake could hear the sadness in her words.

"Screw this. We stop here. I brought this meeting here, because I am binding you by honor. We swore that we would protect this kingdom. And now, we have to honor that oath." She said, with a strengthened voice.

"I will be laying down the Eight Point Diagram across the city. At least, what is left of it. Pride will be joining me." She said, looking down.

"What!!?" Suddenly, Sloth stood up with shock.

"I don\'t expect you guys to join me. I just brought the meeting up to tell you guys. If you want to help me, then the barrier will be strong enough to hold it when we submerge it all." Lust said.

"And the people? You don\'t expect them to starve underground, do you?" Envy said with a grim voice.

"Evacuating as we speak. Everyone is. No one in a thousand mile radius from the center of the fight stayed. We are among the last to leave." Pride spoke.

"What about the Royal Family. Who will ensure their safe departure?" Wrath finally said after a deep breath.

"We have plans to send them to a Kingdom in the west. Starlight Kingdom. The Queen\'s family are nobles of the kingdom, and they would be happy to accommodate the illustrious royal family of Melody." Lust said.

"The starlight kingdom… where have I heard that?" Jake paused for a second, trying to recollect his memory.

Suddenly, it hit him.

"The Starlight kingdom! Thats the kingdom where I had that mission to get the class! That\'s where I met the Queen!" He suddenly realized.

"Then all that remains is setting the array." Wrath glanced at Envy.

"I am sorry Lust. I want to help you, I do. But I am honor bound toward neutrality just as I am to Melody. Unless they all lay down the sword, I can\'t." He said with a sigh.

Lust clenched her teeth.

"Don\'t worry. I knew you two would take this fight to the death. If it were that simple to stop you guys from fighting, then I would have done that long ago." She shook her head.

"When are you laying down the array? The least that we could do is to take the fight elsewhere for a few days." Envy said.

"Go. Just go now." Lust sighed and her voice got fainter and fainter.

She turned her back and started walking away.

Jake could see that around him, everyone had gotten up and started walking away from their seats.

"We made a mistake that day. If we had all realized just how stupid we were, how stupid this war was, all of this wouldn\'t have happened." The voice said.

"But Envy and Wrath were hell bent on fighting this war. This god forsaken war."

Once again, the scene changed and they were back in the skies, looking down on Melody.

"Lust and Pride sealed away the city. But there was a price to pay. To lay down a shield strong enough to defend against divinity, of course a price was to be paid."

Jake saw an eight pointed star appearing over the city, encompassing most of it. There was a stream of people leaving the city to the side, and it appeared that they were the last to leave.

"Lust made a sacrifice. She laid down her life, while Pride sacrificed half of his strength to lay down one of the strongest seals known to man. To this day, it is probably the strongest seal placed by a human." The voice said.

The star lit up and decended onto the city.

Jake could hear the ground rumble. The buildings that still stood tall started to crumble down to the ground.

He could see that everywhere the star bordered, the land was sinking.

"That was how there was such a large place underground." Jake made a note to himself.

"Melody was sealed away, waiting for someone to return and break it." The voice said.

"Is that what I must do? Break this seal?" Jake shouted out.

"Haha!" The voice laughed.

"If we had to rely on you to break this seal, then truly, all hell has rained upon us. No, there were hundreds of generations of Knights before you, boy. There was even a time when all seven came together under one banner. But even then, we didn\'t release the seal."

"The seal can only be broken once the war truly ends. And if you haven\'t noticed, there still exists an Evil Land bordering Melody."

Jake nodded.

"But as a Knight of Sin, you are honor bound to protect Melody\'s legacy. And while you are not expected to win us the war, there is another task waiting for you."



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