To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 235. Two

“A request to look for a missing hero?”

“Uh, yes.” The man’s hair was neatly tied into a top knot in the front, revealing his big eyes and a look that gave a cheerful first impression. He responded to Chi-Woo’s question with a nod.

“One team went for an adventure not long ago, and it seems nobody has heard from them ever since. An investigation team is thus being gathered, and Abis happened to hear the news and got the request.” Jin-Cheon looked behind him, and Abis nodded with a smile. Chi-Woo still looked puzzled.

“Couldn’t it be that they are just unreachable? They could’ve just gone beyond the area where they could receive messages.”

“Hm. We considered the possibility, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.” Jin-Cheon then proceeded to explain that a total of four people went on an adventure not long ago, and the client making this request was close to one of them. The two usually moved together, but this time, they acted separately because of personal issues. Before that, they made a promise to each other for the sake of survival—they were to continually contact each other when they were apart. They would exchange three greetings every day, and if one of them went beyond the range in which contact was possible, they would warn the other beforehand. And by keeping this promise, they would be able to ensure each other’s safety.

The two always kept their promise when they separated without fail. Thus, it seemed reasonable to think that the other person was in trouble with the break of this promise.

“The client said it has already been four days since they lost contact. They tried to message their friend dozens of times, but there has been no reply.”

“We were planning to go with just us three…but the more we thought about it, the more worried we became. Though they are low tiers, they are still heroes. It’s weird that a team made up of four heroes would disappear just like that.” Jin-Cheon continued, “That’s why I am shamelessly seeking your help again, Teacher—plus the help of the gold tier warrior and the most beautiful and capable saintess. If only the three of you would agree to participate in this mission, I’m sure we won’t have any more worries.”

Evelyn smiled benevolently at Jin-Cheon’s flattery. But unlike her, Chi-Woo’s expression turned serious. Thinking that Chi-Woo was considering the issue, Jin-Cheon volunteered more information to convince him, “Though this is a request coming from a hero like us, the conditions are great. They said if all six of us participate, they will give us 3,000 royals each.”

“3,000 royals each?” Chi-Woo’s eyes widened. “That means the total reward is 18,000 royals.”

“Yes! Does that convince you?”

“Are they even able to pay the sum?”

“Yes, I’m almost certain our client has the money. They said they will give us 100% of the reward as an advance the moment we accept the request.”

“No…Where did they get that much money…? I thought they were low tier.”

“…It seems our client sold themself.” Jin-Cheon’s voice lowered. “They talked to the Cassiubia League and basically made a slave contract.”

“Then the reward is…”

“It’s basically the price of our client,” Jin-Cheon said bitterly, but Chi-Woo still looked like he didn’t get it.

“They went that far without even knowing if their friend is dead or alive?”

“Well…apparently, they knew each other from their days in the Celestial Realm—way before coming to Liber,” Jin-Cheon said. “I understand why they did it. Honestly, if it wasn’t for you, Teacher, I might’ve done the same thing. Though these two here aren’t related to me by blood, they are more precious to me than my family.”

The situation sounded more believable after hearing what Jin-Cheon had said, but this was a request Chi-Woo couldn’t accept in the first place. Thus, Chi-Woo asked another question for confirmation.

“Could I perhaps ask about the identities of the team members who went missing?”

“Their identities? Yeah, that’s reasonable. Let me see.” Jin-Cheon glanced behind him, and Abis spoke up to give him the answer. Ru Hiana blanched when she heard who they were—the people she had promised to go on an adventure with a couple of days ago. If she had gone with them at that time, her name might’ve been part of the missing person list. Chi-Woo bit his lip. If he didn’t know the future, he would’ve accepted the request since he could help Jin-Cheon and earn a good amount of money and merits while he was at it.

‘Then…’ Chi-Woo shivered thinking about what his brother had told him not so long ago. After organizing his thoughts, he said, “I’m sorry, Mr. Jin-Cheon, but I can’t accept this request.”

“Huh?” Jin-Cheon’s eyes turned round. “Uh…why? We don’t even necessarily have to save them; we just need to check whether they are alive. If that’s not possible, we can simply find their tracks.” Jin-Cheon was surprised to hear Chi-Woo refuse a request with such favorable conditions. “I’m not trying to pressure you. If you really don’t want to do it, we can look for other people. But—”

“It’s a request I can’t accept,” Chi-Woo said firmly. Jin-Cheon’s expression stiffened, and Chi-Woo continued, “And I implore you to turn it down as well, Mr. Jin-Cheon.”

Jin-Cheon simply stared at Chi-Woo silently rather than responding. He wasn’t Chi-Woo’s subordinate even though they were on friendly terms. He had no reason to follow Chi-Woo’s advice. Chi-Woo felt conflicted about whether he should explain the situation to Jin-Cheon, but then he wondered if Jin-Cheon would be able to accept his explanation and above all, be able to keep his mouth sealed about it. He was able to talk to Ru Amuh and Ru Hiana since they had built a close relationship, but that wasn’t the case with Jin-Cheon.

This matter had to be kept secret at all costs at the present time. The fewer people knew about it, the better it was. If word got out that Chi-Woo and his brother foresee Shalyh’s fall, and the news eventually reached the Demon Empire, the demons would react accordingly. The future that was already difficult to change would become even more difficult.

“A request I shouldn’t accept…” Jin-Cheon murmured. “If you’re saying that because of the money involved, I will give you more myself. So—”

“No, it’s not about the money. We already have enough for one more month.”

Jin-Cheon shook his head and said, “Then I suppose we should look for something else.”

“Mr. Jin-Cheon—hm?” Chi-Woo was getting ready to argue for his position when Jin-Cheon responded. He didn’t expect Jin-Cheon to relent so easily.

“You seemed surprised, Teacher,” Jin-Cheon said cheerfully, “But I know you must have your reason for telling me not to do this.”


“You risked your life to help us without expecting any rewards. Thus, it takes me aback that a person like that is refusing compensation and going as far as to stop me.” Jin-Cheon crossed his fingers and said, “You must have your reasons. Though you can’t explain it to us right now, it must be so important that we can’t even imagine it. Isn’t that right?”

Though it was just a feeling, Chi-Woo felt that Jin-Cheon was no ordinary hero at that moment, and Chi-Woo was sure that he would become a strong pillar in saving Liber one day.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but good luck. The only thing we can help you with right now is to not take this request as you told us.”

“Will you really…be fine with that?”

“Of course! We are already indebted to you with our lives. Do I look like someone who will lie?” Jin-Cheon said and shouted to the people behind him, “Does anyone have differing opinions!?”

The man and woman behind him shook their heads simultaneously.

“See?” Jin-Cheon smiled and got up. “Give me a call if there’s anything you need our help with. We will run to where you need us immediately.”


The range that the godly territory’s influence reached wasn’t infinite. To be specific, it’s the size of a district in radius. But the range of the Celestial Realm’s device was a couple of times wider. This was a huge improvement compared to the time when the heroes lived in the ex-Salem capital; they used to lose connection after marching for only a quarter of a day.

After flying at incredible speed past the holy city, Shalyh, Chi-Hyun discovered an anomaly right at the edge where the connection would be cut off. Beyond a plateau that was about 600m in altitude, there was an area that was especially dark. Chi-Hyun landed and was surprised to see what was there. It was a black flower. Its leaves and stem were all completely black.

‘Why is there a demon flower at this place…?’ A demon flower was grown by the Demon Empire. Wherever its seeds scattered, the land lost its vitality. It sucked up all the nutrients in the earth and greedily absorbed all life. Then it generated evil energy as it sprouted and eventually bloomed. With all the life force it sucked up from its surroundings, it began to corrode the land the way a flower’s scent spread. And when the ground became fully corrupted, its flowers bloomed. In other words, the place where a demon flower bloomed had already gone through a significant portion of the corrupting process.

The earth was similar to a human in that it could die if its life force was taken away. A ground that died and revived again with a demon flower’s power became a form of godly territory—not for humanity of course, but for the Demon Empire. And be it land or body of water, once a place was corrupted by evil energy, it became a playground for the Demon Empire to run wild in. They could do anything. The great demons could easily establish their territories there too.

‘I thought perhaps…’ Chi-Hyun had thought of the demon flower when he heard Chi-Woo’s description of the future. If even the sky had become dark in addition to the land, the pollution must have reached its peak and progressed to the next stage. Chi-Hyun first destroyed the colony of demon flowers and quickly got on the move. He passed the connection range where he could be reached by message and turned around. On that day alone, he found dozens of demon flower colonies.

Though Chi-Hyun destroyed the flowers as soon as he saw them, he knew there was no way he had gotten all of them. There must be more. It seemed the Demon Empire’s plan was also in its beginning stage, and they hid all colonies of demon flowers in very secretive places. In the process of locating and destroying these colonies of flowers for several days, Chi-Hyun was able to discern a crucial fact.

Though the colonies of flowers were located a considerable distance away, they formed a circle to surround the city. This certainly meant that the Demon Empire was trying to isolate Shalyh from the outside. Though the preparation took a long time, if they succeeded, the Demon Empire would finally be able to do something rather than sitting around sucking their thumbs.

A great number of great demons would probably be dispatched, and they would instantly create territories with the colonies of demon flowers in the center. Eventually, they would be able to expand their territories and pressure Shalyh. Of course, all this would take a lot of time, but in the end, even a holy territory would yield facing such great numbers. After all, an army of 5,000 strong would be trampled by a million soldiers no matter how elite and skilled they were. Chi-Hyun clicked his tongue. This was beyond his expectations; he didn’t think the Demon Empire would set up such a wide area as a strategic point.

The holy city, Shalyh’s current geographical location was both an advantage and a disadvantage. Similar to the later stage of the Three Kingdoms, the city was ideal for aiming for the Demon Empire’s back, but not for receiving quick support. If the holy territory clashed against the great demons’ territories, the holy territory would be pushed back. The Demon Empire would suffer considerable damage, but while scouting around the past few days, Chi-Hyun realized how strong the Demon Empire’s will and passion was to stomp down the holy territory no matter how much time and troops they would lose.

Chi-Hyun couldn’t stand by and do nothing. His eyes glinted sharply.


Demon Empire territory.

—What happened?

A meeting was ongoing in a place filled with darkness. It was a secret gathering with only the highest-ranking demons.

—Didn’t you assure us that we will get our hands on an enormous fortune if we progress with this plan?

A voice said accusingly.

—You said it was a fortune big enough to easily crush the holy city, Shalyh. Why don’t you start opening that tightly-sealed mouth of yours?

—It disappeared…

An empty and very thin voice said.

—The future…has changed…

It wavered violently like it would die down any moment.

—What? How could that—!


Before the accuser’s voice exploded like an active volcano, another demon interjected calmly.

—It’s simply a prophecy. Calm down.

Yet the enraged voice didn’t settle down easily.

—Damn it! Do you know how many demon flower seeds we’ve wasted until now?

—He must have moved.

—Are we screwed then?

The angry voice heaved.

—We’ve basically advertised to everyone that we are aiming for that city. Has everything we’ve done until now gone to waste?

—It’s not a waste. That man knows we are aiming for Shalyh already.

The calm voice responded.

—But that’s not the important point. We need to figure out how we can counter that.

—…Makes sense. But with the way things are, it seems we have no choice but to go according to plan…

The angry voice seemed to calm slightly then.

—I agree!

A cheerful voice suddenly piped up from one side.

—Yeah! What’s the point of making it through? We have to eat and swallow them whole.

It was a high-spirited, lecherous voice that sounded mean.

—The best part of war is the pillaging. Slaves! Play-things! Shouldn’t we get more to comfort our already weary and drained soldiers? Hehehehe!

A burst of excited laughter rang across the darkness. Then the calm voice asked when the laughter died down.

—So, how is it? Although our great fortune is gone, is the future we are seeking still there? Or did it change?

Silence returned to the darkness again, but soon afterward, a faint voice like that of a sick girl murmured in response.

—The…future is…


Chi-Woo called his brother immediately after talking to Jin-Cheon, but the many attempts ended up futile. Chi-Woo thus sent a message. For several days, Chi-Hyun didn’t respond. Chi-Woo worried that something might have happened to his brother, but he waited patiently. His brother had warned him to not leave the city no matter what happened. Fortunately, Chi-Woo was able to enjoy the reward for his patience in the end, and Chi-Hyun called him late in the night several days after.

“Chi-Hyun! What were you doing—!”

As soon as their call connected, Chi-Hyun said something unexpected.

—Let’s try throwing it again.

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