To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

1. Name & Rank: Emmanuel Luciano Eustitia (☆☆☆)

2. Sex & Age: Male & 21

3. Height & Weight: 177.8 & 70.2kg

4. Denomination: One of the ‘Five Heavenly Kings’ who serves the Jade Emperor and dispels evil: the White Horse General

5. Tier: Gold IV

6.Class: Infantry → Infantry Officer → Major→[Commander]

7. Heavenly Title: Lightning that Failed to Strike

8. Disposition: Lawful Neutral

[Strength B]

[Durability C]

[Agility B]

[Stamina C]

[Mental Fortitude C]

[Mana B]

1. [Eustitia’s 12 Special Arts B+]

2. [Proper Breathing A]

1. [Speech that Wards Off Evil Spirits C]

2. [Resistance Against External Magic C]

3. [Divine Soldier D]

1. [Lightning Fire F] [1] Ability to conjure thunder and lightning. The Heavenly Drum artificially creates and utilizes electrostatic discharge, but this ability causes lightning by itself. This is an extremely rare ability, born among those from a powerful bloodline with electric energy. Considering its devastating force, users with this ability must go through two awakenings instead of one as with the Heavenly Drum.

However, after the first awakening during the adjustment period, several wrong procedures and methods had a negative effect on the user. As a result, growth has completely stopped, and the ability’s potential has been significantly reduced.

[Emmanuel Luciano Eustitia - Page(1/1)]

1. ‘7 Ways to Become a Great and Respected Parent’: Reach at least 80% trust (Incomplete)

2. Become acknowledged by ‘Byeok Ran-Eum’, the Celestial Realm’s examiner, and become her disciple (Incomplete)

3. Awaken ‘Incomplete Lightning Fire’ above F rank (Incomplete)

4. Use at least 4 and at most 6 points of ‘Blessed Luck’ (Incomplete)

Chi-Woo became briefly speechless after seeing Emmanuel’s user information and the conditions to use his Power to Rule the World. First of all, there was a reason why his Spirit Eye and power hadn’t worked. Lightning was one of the most common powers used to fight against evil or spiritual power since ancient times. In other words, Emmanuel was able to resist at least a little bit of his power using his innate ability. This was shocking considering that Chi-Woo’s Spirit Eye was S rank, and it was pointless to mention the strength of the Power to Rule the World. The fact that Emmanuel could even put up a struggle against the two abilities was proof that Lightning Fire was just that strong.

‘I hit the jackpot.’ Chi-Woo struggled to close his mouth even after re-reading the description many times. Lighting Fire was an ability that progressed one level higher than the Heavenly Drum ability that enabled the Eustitias to reach their current level of status. It was an extremely rare ability that very few were born with. Emmanuel was not a defective product; rather, he was a gemstone that could shine brighter than anyone else. However, his value had been greatly damaged by the hasty actions of careless adults.

‘Wait. So no one knew about this? Not even Emmanuel?’ The information that Chi-Woo saw clearly indicated the name of the ability and the reason for Emmanuel’s current state in plain writing. However, Emmanuel hadn’t revealed the reason why he couldn’t properly use his power, and in the first place, he had explained his power to Chi-Woo as Heavenly Drum instead of Lightning Fire. Perhaps the reason why it had taken a longer time to bring up Emmanuel’s information than usual was that it had taken time to organize the correct information, which was incongruent to what was written in Emmanuel’s user information. Either Emmanuel wasn’t revealing everything about himself, or he really didn’t know.

“Mr. Emmanuel.” Thus, Chi-Woo decided to check. “Would you mind sharing your user information about that Heavenly Drum ability?” There was nothing more certain than seeing the other person’s user information.

Emmanuel hesitated for a moment at Chi-Woo’s request, but he eventually revealed it out of pure desperation. After seeing Emmanuel’s user information, it became clear to Chi-Woo that the quantity and quality of the user information provided by the Celestial Realm’s device was lesser and lower than that of the information he could see with his Spirit Eye. On second thought, this was reasonable, as being able to see through the truth with spiritual eyes was leaps above the output calculated based merely on input data.

On the other hand, this also meant that Lightning Fire was a power that the Celestial Realm and even the Eustitias hadn’t been able to identify yet. This completely confirmed the superiority of information on Chi-Woo’s side, and considering that he had more information and knowledge, he needed to use it properly. Chi-Woo focused on the part that said the potential of Emmanuel’s ability had been greatly reduced. As was the case with Eshnunna, if everything went well, he could expect the birth of a four-star hero for the first time since Ru Amuh. If that really happened, he needed to make Emmanuel one of his stars at all costs.

Of course, it wouldn’t be easy. Just using his Power to Rule the World wouldn\'t solve everything. Besides the second and fourth condition, there was nothing Chi-Woo could do about the first and third condition. However, he couldn’t just let it go like this. ‘Lightning that failed to strike… Awakening, adjustment…’

Chi-Woo, who had been organizing his thoughts for a while, finally opened his mouth. “It’s hard. It won’t be easy.” Chi-Woo saw Emmanuel’s face turn into despair and continued, “There is a way…but…”

Emmanuel quickly raised his head.

“It’s too dangerous.”

“That’s alright with me,” Emmanuel answered, as if it didn’t matter at all to him.

Chi-Woo shook his head. “I’m not joking. You really could die, or end up worse than dead. It might be better to stay as you are.”

“Teacher.” Emmanuel straightened his posture. “After entering and leaving the Hala Forest, I realized that I would die soon anyway at this rate.” He wasn’t wrong. On Liber, what should be considered final bosses from other worlds appeared as mid-level bosses or even lower-level bosses.

“If I’m going to die either way…I would rather grasp at a low possibility at least.”

“Hmm…” Chi-Woo could tell Emmanuel was resolute in his decision and assured of his choice. ‘If that’s the case.’

“…When seeds develop, sprout, and grow into plants, we call this process germination.” Chi-Woo continued with a slightly reluctant expression. “But not all plants germinate only once. Although rare, there are plants that go through two or more germination processes.”

Even though he said that apropos of nothing, Emmanuel intently hung onto every word as if he was listening to the greatest lesson on martial arts

Chi-Woo continued, “If you don’t know that and mess with the plant’s germination process…that plant will die. Before it can even bloom and bear fruit.” Chi-Woo tilted his chin slightly and looked at Emmanuel. “Mr. Emmanuel, your situation is exactly like that from my point of view.”

Emmanuel’s eyes widened. “Sir, are you saying that there is still…room for me to grow?” He asked again in disbelief, “Me?”

Chi-Woo nodded and continued, “Yes, but in order to do so, you must first complete the germination that has stunted. In whatever way we can.”

“How can I…”

“Well, that’s also something I can’t do anything about. It’s entirely up to you, Mr. Emmanuel.” Of course, since Emmanuel hadn’t been able to fix his situation so far, Chi-Woo didn’t think he would suddenly be able to accomplish this feat. However, the situation might change if a specialist in this field took him under her wing and helped him out. “My master might be able to help, but…”

“Perhaps… Are you talking about Miss Byeok?” Emmanuel hesitated and continued, “To be truthful, I have already asked her for help once before. As soon as I heard she’d arrived at Liber…” Given the way he trailed off, Chi-Woo didn’t have to listen to the results to know what happened.

Byeok Ran-Eum’s personality—no, philosophy of education was famous, as was her statement that she wouldn’t teach someone who couldn’t make it to the end. It was no wonder that receiving her education alone would be treated as a type of certificate.

However, Chi-Woo thought he could at least do this much. “Mr. Emmanuel, I’ll ask her in your stead.”

“Really?” Emmanuel was delighted. Getting the help of a Celestial Realm certified examiner who had nurtured many celebrated heroes, including the legend, was the same as gaining thousands of troops and horses in a war.

Chi-Woo asked, “If I obtain her permission, when would you be able to start?”

“I can start right away.”

“That’s great,” Chi-Woo stood up and said. “I don’t know if you’ve heard the news, but the tenth reinforcements were found in the Hala Forest today.” Judging by Emmanuel’s reaction, it seemed that he hadn’t heard the news. Chi-Woo continued, “The Cassiubia League will guarantee their safety and send them safely to Shalyh. I heard that it’s going to take about three or four weeks…” Chi-Woo said with a slight smile, “Let’s finish this matter within that time frame.”

“…Yes, sir!” Emmanuel shouted in a voice stronger than ever. “Thank you!” He also didn’t forget to bow at a right angle.

* * *

After asking Emmanuel to wait for a while, Chi-Woo looked for his master. As always, she was lying on the verandah while puffing her pipe.

“What’s going on? You’ve been looking busy lately. Did you get stuck in the middle of your training or something?” Byeok asked with curiosity at his sudden visit. After hearing his explanation, she said bluntly, “No. I already turned him down twice.”

Chi-Woo had expected her refusal, but he was surprised to hear that she had already done so twice. “Master, have you been asked to train him before?”

“When he was young, the Eustitias begged me so much that I went and checked on him briefly. But…” Byeok was about to say something, but suddenly paused, since personal family matters should not be talked about carelessly. “It might have been different if they came to me earlier, but when I went to see him, it was all way too twisted up.”

Chi-Woo, who had heard Emmanuel’s personal circumstances, understood what she was talking about to a certain extent.

“I thought it might have gotten better over time, but when I saw him again, it only got worse than before. I doubt it would have gotten any better in that short time.” Byeok pulled the pipe from her mouth and let out a puff of hazy smoke.

Chi-Woo waved off the smoke coming up to him and asked, “Is it really not possible? Is there not even the slightest possibility?”

“Well, that’s something you never know, since there’s no such thing as never in this world…but, my answer is still no.” Byeok shook her head. “I have some connections with the Eustitia family, and using my experience teaching a few of them, I was certain that he would never be able to revive his Heavenly Drum.”

“But it’s something you won’t know without trying.”

“Even if that’s the case, no. He shouldn’t do it.” Her tone was firm. “I remember that those damn Eustitias interfered with his energy way too clumsily. He barely managed to keep his life, but if even one thing goes wrong now, I really can’t guarantee he will survive.” It was a matter of probability, and not whether or not fixing Emmanuel’s was possible. If there was a 1% chance that it might succeed, there was a 99% chance that it might fail.

Chi-Woo looked taken aback. If things went wrong, Emmanuel might really die or become disabled. Chi-Woo had warned Emmanuel earlier as a bluff and hadn’t known that Emmanuel’s state really was so dire. “But master, even then…”

“Hmm. It’s not like you.” Byeok looked back at Chi-Woo as if she thought it was unexpected. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you implore someone so desperately. Did something happen?”

Chi-Woo hesitated for a moment and made up his mind. “…Is it not possible even if it’s an incomplete awakening?”

“Wait, what?” Byeok looked visibly baffled.

“I understand that Mr. Emmanuel’s Heavenly Drum has stopped growing.” Chi-Woo continued with a slightly nervous expression. “Master, I would like to ask you to solve this problem. All you have to do is help him finish his growth, whatever the outcome may be.”

“You punk!” Byeok jumped up and lifted her pipe as if to strike him, but stopped at the last second. Then she stared at him for a long time. Her eyes narrowed a little, and she looked a bit angry. “…Chi-Woo.” Then she spoke in a tone as if she was suppressing her anger. “I’ll look over this once because you might not know better, but if you knew what you were saying and still said that…I would have crushed your head just now.”


“What you just told me is not much different from telling me to kill him.”


“You have just told a master to kill her own disciple.” Byeok took a deep breath and calmed herself. “Once I teach someone, they will always be my disciple no matter what happens. It’s the same for you.” She pointed at Chi-Woo and continued, “Have I ever wanted you to die? Did I ever push you to your death?”

Chi-Woo shook his head. She had never told him to die. Instead, Byeok had repeatedly told him to take care of himself and not to hesitate to break his promise with her if his life was in danger.

“And yet you are still asking me to teach him? When it’s obvious what’s going to happen?” Byeok’s voice went beyond disappointment and sounded betrayed.

Chi-Woo’s heart became weak, but he clenched his teeth. He respected Byeok’s principles, but if he stepped back, the situation would be over like this. He didn’t want that—it was for Emmanuel’s sake, but also for himself. Thus, he said, “Then we’ll have to kill him.”

“What, what did you say?”

“Only then can we make it right.” Byeok’s eyes widened, and she stared at Chi-Woo with disbelief. Chi-Woo cleared his throat and continued, “Master, I’m not trying to kill him. Rather, I’m trying to save him.”

Byeok became silent, made even more confused by his explanation. Since she had said this much, he should have understood her point by now. However, he wasn’t backing down today and was stubborn as an ox. Why was he acting like this? She asked, “…Are you serious?”

“I swear on the name of La Bella.”

Come to think of it, Chi-Woo had signed a contract with La Bella, the goddess of balance. Although Byeok didn’t know what type of oath he had made, she could make a rough guess based on the kind of god La Bella was. It was probably a mission to correct the balance of Liber, and this applied to a vast range of matters, including not only planetary affairs, but trivial matters as well. In other words, Chi-Woo only brought this up after thinking carefully about all sides.

‘Well, it’s like him…’ Byeok roughly knew what type of person Chi-Woo was by teaching him so far. Although people saw him as a problem-solver who could overturn impossible situations, Byeok saw him differently. Using the military as an analogy, he was not the type of general to show off his bravery and rush recklessly into battle. He was more like a general who only went to the battlefield when it was unavoidable and if they had a clear chance of winning in his perspective. Since someone like that was asking her with such conviction, he must have his own reasons.

After organizing her thoughts, Byeok let out a long sigh and said, “When I talked to that guy before, he asked me where I was going to stay. Was his name Eva Seba or something?”

“It’s Eval Sevaru.”

“Anyway, I told him I’d stay here, and that means I have an obligation to obey you.” The fact that she was staying in Seven Stars meant that she acknowledged Chi-Woo as the leader. Thus, as long as she stayed here, she also had an obligation to comply with the orders of the leader. Byeok continued, “But as your subordinate, I’ve given you a clear warning. There lies a problem we should never meddle with, but even then, you’re telling me to go on and push ahead with it.”

“Yes, you’re right.”

“You’re confident about this, aren’t you?” She was asking if he had the capability to solve the problems that were expected to arise as a result of this event.

“Yes,” Chi-Woo replied without hesitation.

Although Byeok still felt unsure, she had to accept his request if he used his authority as the head of Seven Stars. No one knew what the result may be, but if Chi-Woo failed to keep his promise, Byeok would be greatly disappointed in him and leave his group. But if Chi-Woo was willing to risk even this and go ahead with his idea, Byeok was going to comply.

“…I got it, sir.” Byeok changed her manner of speech. “I’ll give it a try.” She straightened her posture and bowed. Then Chi-Woo immediately called in Emmanuel. Byeok formally accepted him as her disciple and began teaching him on that very day.

Three weeks passed, and the day the tenth reinforcements arrived at Shalyh was dawning.

1. The ability’s name is fire caused by lightning in Korean ?

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