To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 387. The Outbreak of War

Since it was probably—no, certainly an incident that could determine the fate of the League, it was necessary to hear everyone’s opinion, and naturally, the meeting was chaotic. A small commotion had occurred in Shalyh when news of the coalition arrived, and this meeting was no different. Rather, since there were so many more participants and a diverse range of opinions, the meeting’s end seemed nowhere in sight. Of course, if one was to categorize the opinions presented in the meeting, it could be roughly divided into two. One side argued that even if they had to face extinction, they must respond to humanity’s call for help and fight alongside them, while the other side argued that they must accept the three factions’ suggestion and step back for now.

“We must immediately order the members of the League residing in Shalyh to withdraw! Before it’s too late!” Simply put, the opposition was arguing that the League should abandon humanity. The Last Dragon, who played the role of chairperson, couldn’t suppress her surprise. She was one of the very few beings who knew about the world before it was modified and after it was modified. And before the world was modified, the Last Dragon had lied to Chi-Woo about one matter. She had told him that the League wouldn’t be able to help if he failed to modify the past, but it wasn’t true.

That had merely been a bluff, and she had planned to help humanity at all cost even if an incident really broke out. No matter how much opposition she faced, she had thought it would all work out if she pushed forward her opinion as the center of the League. Then something unexpected happened while she resolved herself—Chi-Woo had successfully changed the past. As a result, Boboris’ prophecy had changed, and the greatest justification for those who were fiercely opposed to aiding humanity had disappeared. Thus, she had expected that the opposition, which had lost its main argument, would naturally lose strength as well after the modification.

However, the opposition had not become as weak as she thought. Although they had become a little less vocal, it was not by a very noticeable amount. Many were still opposed to helping humanity. It was then the Last Dragon realized that Boboris’ prophecy, which was the main basis used for the opposition before the modification, had merely been an excuse and shield for their argument.

‘This…if this meeting happened before the world was modified, it would have been disastrous.’ Since the opposition was so fierce even now, what would it have been like before the modification? The positions of those opposed and in favor of aiding humanity would have probably been reversed. Just like how the opposition was now fiercely shouting their point to reverse the atmosphere tilting towards helping humanity, the Last Dragon would have had to passionately push her opinion ahead, and she would face strong opposition. The opposition would not even snort with Boboris’ prophecy on their side, since Boboris’ prophecy held such significant influence.

Thus, it was a huge relief that Boboris’ prophecy had changed; the Last Dragon swiped her chest several times. The pivotal change was that although the opposition’s momentum had decreased by only a little bit, those in favor have changed significantly. Before the modification, they were unable to even get a word in properly due to the pushback, but after the modification, their voices became loud enough to pressure the opposing side back. There were also a few who changed sides out of sincere belief and devotion to Boboris’ prophecy, while the majority of those who had taken a neutral stance and withheld their decisions out of cautiousness were now supporting those in favor of helping humanity. Moreover, it was of considerable help that one of the top leader tribes, the Gigas Tribe had initially been skeptical of a war against the three factions, but had changed their opinion and now supported aiding humanity.

The Last Dragon thought it was now well worth trying to push ahead with her original plan. This was all thanks to Chi-Woo. She was able to keep her promise thanks to Chi-Woo successfully accomplishing a ridiculously difficult task. While inwardly expressing her respect for him, the Last Dragon stared at the conference hall where shouting matches were still ongoing. The atmosphere was already fully ripe. At this rate, it didn’t seem like a conclusion would be reached, and letting it go on would only be wasting precious time. The Last Dragon was not the type to just sit back and watch; it was now time for her to keep her promise.

At that moment, her black pupils split vertically, and the whites of her eyes glowed a bright, yellow light. The freckled girl’s innocent and good-natured eyes transformed in an instant and flashed menacingly. “Stop.” With a single word, the conference hall immediately fell silent. Every member shut their mouth and looked back at the Last Dragon with nervous gazes. They all had a hunch that the League’s fate would depend on her following word.

The Last Dragon didn’t immediately speak. She briefly glanced around and suddenly began to recite in a low voice.

[Right before the three moons are about to cover the sun rising from the last stronghold.]

[The sky responds to the wish of the World that has survived a long time ago.]

[The remnants will disappear, and only prayers will remain.]

[Inside a torrent where one cannot even see an inch ahead, a huge mountain range is forced to choose between two options.]

[To come out of the mountain in hopes of sunlight.]

[Or stay deep in the mountain to escape the moonlight coming from three directions.]

[If the mountain range turns a blind eye to the prayer, they’ll all take a set path, and soon after, six or seven out of ten will arrive at a predetermined destination.]

[However, if it answers the prayer, a new path that should have not originally been there will open.]

[But be careful.]

[The new path is extremely narrow, full of sharp thorns that will leave the body covered in blood.]

This was Boboris’ new prophecy. Compared to the original prophecy, there was certainly a big change. In the past, it said that there would only ever be one result no matter what they chose, but now there was room for change depending on their choices and how they acted.

“This is the prophecy of Boboris that you guys have so much faith in.” The Last Dragon rested her chin on the back of her hand and spoke relaxedly, “There’s no guarantee or confirmation. It’s more of an interpretation than a dream, but we can interpret it as our fate depending on what we do in the end. Then, isn’t it right for us to aid the sun and fight the three rising moons?”

A cryptic smile formed on her mouth as she posed this question; it was funny how she was confidently using Boboris’ prophecy to make her point, which was the same tactic the opposition had used before the world was modified.

“…Prophecy is just a prophecy. You always say that like a habit.”

After a while, there was finally a response. Prophecy should always be used as a reference rather than be trusted blindly; this was what the Last Dragon had said many times.

The member from the opposition continued, “If there’s no guarantee or confirmation of the outcome, it means that the situation is so cloudy and uncertain that even Lady Boboris does not know the final results. Is there a reason why we should dip our feet into such murky waters?”

“A reason? Of course there’s a reason.” The Last Dragon smiled widely. “Actually—I’ve forgotten to tell all of you so far, but there’s more to the prophecy.”

It had also been like that before the modification. The Last Dragon couldn’t reveal it because she thought the opposition would gain too much strength if she revealed the latter parts. However, the situation had changed now.

“W-What? What do you mean…”

While everyone was shocked and murmuring amongst themselves, the Last Dragon recited the remaining part of the prophecy.

[The one who hears the prayer takes a step back briefly and watches the stage, wearing a mask.]

[So, if you want to walk the same path, wait silently for the right time.]

[Although you would gain the grace period you sought, everyone would be swallowed by the one that has become complete without exception.]

[But if you risk walking down the thorny path, craving for the sun.]

[When the moon sets and the sun rises, only then will the masked one come up to the stage.]

[And as a result, the current four will become three and soon, become four again.]

“I’m very curious.” The Last Dragon smiled dryly, “Six or seven out of ten will arrive at their predetermined destination. Then it means that three or four may reach another place.” A predetermined destination signified destruction for the League. However, a part of the League won’t share the same fate as the rest of the League.

“If you’re not running away—I wonder which tribe secretly contacted which faction.” She scanned the audience with her sharp eyes. “And was guaranteed a specific future for them to keep repeating ‘no’ like a parrot even after hearing such a clear prophecy.”

A few flinched and shrank back.

“Shall I sit in front of you and read your minds so that you will finally tell me your true feelings?”

The expression of many of those on the opposing side stiffened. They tried to argue by reflex, but hurriedly closed their mouths after looking to their right. All the members in favor were glaring fiercely at them, since the Last Dragon’s words were tantamount to saying that there were traitors who fell for their enemy’s sweet enticement.

“If I could, I’d like to hunt them all down right now but…” The Last Dragon trailed off and sighed. “We need all the help we can get, and above all, you should have heard the prophecy just now and realized the truth if you have a brain.” She clicked her tongue and continued, “Regardless of what you think or do in this important time, Boboris’ prophecy states that the end will be the same for all.”

‘Although you would gain the grace period you sought, in the end, everyone would be swallowed by the one that has become complete without exception’—the Last Dragon was referring to this line. Although they could avoid immediate destruction for now, in the end, they wouldn’t be able to avoid getting devoured by the Sernitas. Those who grasped the meaning of this line became pale. They must help humanity; if they didn’t, they’d end up being swallowed all together. It wasn’t that difficult for them to come to this conclusion. After a brief pause, the Last Dragon looked back at everyone.

“Does anyone have anything else to say?” she clasped her hands together and asked. “If not—let’s conclude this meeting.” Then she spoke like a judge giving the final sentence. “As of this time, the Cassiubia League has resolved to help humanity and defend Shalyh with all their might.” Then she said, “Each tribe should get ready to go to war as soon as they return.”

A stream of light shone on the bleak future of humanity.

* * *

A few days after that, Ismile’s prediction was proven right. The Demon Empire and the Abyss gathered at the point where their paths crossed. As two large armies joined forces, the area became densely packed with troops from both armies. Although it was a historic meeting that would never happen again, neither of the army soldiers gave a shout or cheer. Far from being happy, the different factions looked at each other with intense wariness. They had fought each other to death until just a while ago. Even now, they only joined hands temporarily out of necessity and would soon be at each other’s throats again.

However, at least for the time being, they were allies who shared the same goal, and they weren’t going to raise their swords at each other. Moreover, they could trust the other’s strength. Amidst the dead silence and bone-chilling atmosphere, the heads of the two factions met briefly.

—There are many I’ve only heard the names of.

A murky and dark voice that seemed to have come from a deep, deep hole flowed out.

—The Demon Empire must be really determined this time.

The figure, cladded in iron armor and radiating an ominous darkness all over his body, was the Abyss King. He was talking about the twenty great demons lining up behind Bael. Bael’s eyes narrowed as she watched the Abyss King talk so freely at their first meeting; it sounded like he was mocking them for mobilizing such a large force after not being able to deal with a small fry like humanity.

“The same goes for you,” Bael replied as she scanned the seven beings standing behind the Abyss King. “Today’s my first time seeing the Two Monarchs Three-Six Al—no, Two Monarchs Two-Six Alliance in person.”

—I guess your intel must be lacking.


—The Abyss’ Two Monarchs Two-Six Alliance does not exist anymore.

Bael hadn’t expected the following words at all.

—The Two Monarchs have become One Monarch, and the Two-Six Alliance is now the Seven Chasms.

In other words, the Abyss was now a One Monarch Seven Alliance. Come to think of it, it was strange that Bael didn’t see the queen, who should be leading the Abyss alongside the king. Of course, she may not be participating in this war. Then it would be normal for them to have only six members following the king, though, and Bael counted seven in total. It was unlikely that the queen would’ve sent only one commander in her stead.

‘The Two Monarchs have changed to one?’ Since this was vital information, Bael was about to lower her pride and ask for more information, but someone from the Abyss quickly approached the Abyss King and whispered something to him. Bael was curious about what was said and was soon able to find out when one of her subordinates also quickly rushed up to her and relayed the same news. The Abyss King reacted to the news similarly to Bael.


The Abyss King sighed, and Bael frowned slightly.

—The participation of the League.

The Abyss King’s calm voice rang out.

“I didn’t think they would go out of their way to join the losing team,” Bael murmured to herself too.

—Well…I guess it doesn’t really matter.

The Abyss King spoke in a dismissive tone and looked away.

—Since our last guest has also arrived.

The King tilted his head and looked up into the air. There was a dot in the spotless, clear sky without a cloud in sight. The dot gradually grew bigger and bigger, and before they knew it, it got close enough to cast shadows that covered both armies. It was a huge island floating in the sky. The Abyss King looked up at the Sky Castle and soon turned around. They had met each other in person only out of formality’s sake.

–Then we’ll take charge of the League as planned, and we’ll leave the rest to your masterful expertise.

He left after speaking in a businesslike tone. Rather than keeping him, Bael also turned around without saying a word. And like this, the encounter of the century ended. They only had one goal in mind.

Soon after, the enormous army of joined forces began their journey southward, towards its destination.

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