Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 233 Deadpool Strikes!

Chapter 233 Deadpool Strikes!

It has been more than a day since Peter disappeared, and Lin Rui and the League of Defender and Tony did not find Peter’s whereabouts, it seems as if he evaporated in New York. However, this is obviously impossible, so Peter must be hiding in a hidden place that cannot be reached by their surveillance.

Lin Rui also had to continue to lie to Aunt May, saying that he and Peter will be working on a project, so Peter would stay in his home for a few days. Although Aunt May expressed some concern about this, Lin Rui was also a trustworthy person, so she didn’t worry about it anymore.

But this was only a temporary excuse, and if Peter did not appear, it would sooner or later be known to all and bring disaster. After all, the destructive power of an out-of-control Spiderman is impossible to gauge.

Lin Rui, who is so worried about Peter, has no idea that something more than he had expected is happening on Harry’s side, and the whole thing is going in a very bad direction. When these different storylines come together, it will cause a big explosion and Lin Rui will be right in the middle of it.

“Huh! I’m so tired!” Lin Rui shouted helplessly as he searched for Peter without any success and he was exhausted. He had just scoured New York’s remote surveillance areas, but there was still no sign of Peter. The physical exhaustion is not serious, but the constant worry about Peter makes Lin Rui tired.

“Peter, where are you hiding?” Lin Rui, lying on the bed, looked up at the ceiling and muttered.

Buzz ~

Just then, Mirage Knight’s phone vibrated. Lin Rui picked it up quickly as it may contain some news about Peter.

“Hey, Mirage Knight, a bank robbery is happening over Central Avenue, are you nearby?” Sky’s Eye’s voice came quickly from the other side of the phone and it wasn’t about Spiderman, but a bank robbery. This kind of things are something that Lin Rui and others usually do.

“Uh … I’m not nearby, let Deadpool go. Hasn’t he been trying to boost his popularity lately? I’m sure he’d like to help in that.” Hearing what Sky’s Eye says, Lin Rui thinks and answers.

Sky’s Eye set up Deadpool’s fans website the day after he joined the League of Defender, but the number of fans that joined his site were few, so now is the time for Deadpool to earn more fans. Deadpool won’t let go of this chance to show himself up as a hero in public.

“Well, I see. Deadpool has been notified.” After receiving a reply from Mirage Knight, Sky’s Eye quickly notified Deadpool.

“No word from Spiderman yet?” Lin Rui asks again, despite the “irrelevant” matter of the bank robbery.

“Well, not yet. But we’ve got the whole of New York under surveillance, and if Spiderman comes out, he’ll be found.” Hearing Lin Rui’s words, Sky’s Eye answers earnestly, apparently aware that there seems to be something wrong with Spiderman.

“Okay, Sky’s Eye, you did a good job, you worked hard.”

“Haha! This is what I should do!”

Lin Rui hangs up after encouraging Sky’s Eye. He really needs a break now. Jerry, who is flattered by Lin Rui’s casual compliment, is very happy and continues to stare at the computer monitor carefully.

When Lin Rui hung up on the phone to take a break, Deadpool was rushing towards the bank in Central Avenue under the direction of Sky’s Eye. As Lin Rui puts it, he really does need a popularity boost right now, and he’ll take his chance on bank robbers. What’s more, there are a lot of people on the central avenue, and the Deadpool can place a few cool poss, which will be posted on the website of fans, he will definitely become an extremely popular Vigilante!

Zizi ~

“There is a bank robbery on central avenue. Police officers in the vicinity please rush to support as soon as possible.”

“Roger 135, on its way to the scene.”

Just as Deadpool was making his way towards the Central avenue, a police channel blared from a church attic in a remote downtown neighborhood of New York City. A closer look reveals a scattered backpack on the floor of the church attic and it looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a long time. A modified radio is lying there.


Just as the radio started to sound, a hand suddenly grabbed the radio from a dark corner. There was hardly any light, and the only thing one could see was the shape of a figure.

“Robbery? It seems like something I should do.” Holding the modified radio, the shadow said in a slightly hoarse tone.

Then the figure came out of the corner. If Lin Rui or anyone else were here, they’d recognize him as Spiderman, who’s been missing for more than a day. But the Spiderman suit he was wearing had gone completely dark, and it looked as if Venom had swallowed the Spiderman suit Tony had made for Peter.


Picking up the backpack on the ground, Peter glanced up at the moonlight outside, then jumped out of the attic directly from the window of his attic, his spider’s silk was shot and he disappeared into the distance.


“Don’t move! Lie down!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up! We’re running out of time! F ~ ~ k! Are you trying to get us arrested?! “

“I got it! Give me another ten seconds!”

In the lobby of the national bank on central avenue, several masked robbers were working in an orderly fashion. Some kept watch on doorways, others kept watch on unrelated people and hostages, and the rest of the robbers quickly filled bags with cash. As long as they leave within a minute, it will be difficult for the police to catch them.

“Good! Go!” The ten seconds were over quickly, and the two men in charge of this little operation did not hesitate a moment. They held the bag filled with cash tightly, shouted, and then ran out.

“Pack up!

“All right! Don’t move!”

The robbers’ plan went so smoothly that they could escape before the police arrived. However, their luck today isn’t really that good. No one knew when but the two gang members responsible for keeping watch fell silently to the ground.

“Jess! What’s wrong with you?” The robbers who had run to the door shouted in astonishment, but the two people on the ground still did not respond.

“Hey! Of course, they were knocked unconscious by the famous Deadpool!” As the robbers rushed up to the fallen gang member for a closer look, a voice came from their side


Hearing that voice, several robbers turned quickly and nervously, and their guns had been pointed there and they could fire at any time.

“Oh! This is not a good baby!” Deadpool leaning lazily next to the bank door and said softly, then he moved towards them.


Da da da!

Facing the sudden attacks from Deadpool, the robbers fired without hesitation. While firing, they also moved towards the car parked on the side of the road. As for the two gang members who had fainted, no one was going to help them out at this time.

However, despite their decisive shooting, how can they hit Deadpool? Wade simply squirmed a few times before dodging the bullets and hurtling toward them.

“Deadpool strikes!”


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