Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 292 A Clue

Chapter 292 A Clue

Spiderman, Iron Man, and Deadpool and his girlfriend Vanessa are still waiting for Iceman to return. However, what these people did not notice was that there were two more people standing in the corner on the platform and it turned out to be the sorcerors Rick and David.

“David, it seems they didn’t realize it was us.” Silently watching the reactions of the others, Rick said to David beside him. At this point, the two sorcerers and Tony did not seem to be in the same world. They were watching from the Mirror Dimension, otherwise, either J.A.R.V.I.S or Peter would have detected that two people were hidden in such a close position.

“Well, although these people are good. But not much is known about us and not even Iron Man, Tony Stark knows much about us even if we met last time.” David, who was beside him, answered with a nod

“Fortunately, we made it in time or that person would have been killed immediately.” Hearing Rick’s words, it seems that the bomb in Francis’s body wasn’t faulty, but they diffuse it with their magic.

“Well, we mush do this, after all, Ancient One had asked us to find Mirage Knight. Although I don’t know why he is looking for this Vigilante but we obviously need to help these people find him first.” Nodded, David agreed.

“Now, we have to just wait here until those two people return, I hope they find something. Otherwise, we will be starting our search from scratch.”

“Mr. Stark, can you really think that Professor X can help us find Mirage Knight?” Because Tony knows Peter’s identity, Peter is closest to Iron Man here. So after Iceman left, he murmured beside Tony.

“Maybe, but … just now …” Tony didn’t seem to be paying attention to Peter and instead he was thinking about something.

“What happened just now?” Peter asked curiously looking at Tony.

“It’s nothing, I just think the changes in Francis are strange. He should have exploded with the ice cube.” Tony heard Peter’s words and answered with uncertainty.

“Didn’t the bomb fail? Hasn’t JARVIS scanned it?” Peter was even more puzzled. If the bomb inside Francis hadn’t failed, how would the people behind Francis let him get taken away Iceman?

“Well, maybe. I’m not sure, it doesn’t matter now anyway.” It seemed that he didn’t want to explain anything more to Peter, and Tony simply said.

In fact, J.A.R.V.I.S not only detected the bomb in Francis’ body, but also detected a mysterious wave afterwards. This fluctuation is what Tony has been studying recently, that is, it belongs to magic. The magic wave just now is obviously the reason why the bomb inside Francis failed. It seems that a sorcerer is also helping Mirage Knight secretly. Tony thought to himself.


Tony didn’t wait long on this platform. About ten minutes later, a space door appeared again in front of them, and Iceman walked out with Blink and an unconscious Francis.

“How? Are there any clues?” Peter quickly asked when he saw Iceman.

“Hydra!” Iceman looked at Francis, who was unconscious and said coldly.

Under the powerful mental scan of Professor Charles, he finally found the part of secrets erased from Francis’ memory. It turned out that the Forces behind Francis who were conduct experiments on people and turning them into Mutants and control their minds is one of Hydra’s branches.

“Hydra!?” Peter shouted, seemingly shocked at the word spoken from Iceman’s mouth.

After the last battle at SHIELD headquarters, there are not many people in the whole world who don’t know about Hydra now. Peter certainly knew how strong this power was, and what evil experiments it had done or was doing.

“It turned out to be Hydra. It seems that this was our mistake.” Just after Peter exclaimed, a familiar sound suddenly came from a distance.


Peter turned quickly and looked behind him at the familiar sound. Everyone else looked around weirdly too, except, of course, Tony. Because he already knew who it was.

“Captain America!” When he saw Steve Rogers in the background, Peter let out a cry of excitement.

It turned out that this newcomer was Steve Rogers aka Captain America, who had appeared in the eyes of the public some time ago. Because of SHIELD and the full promotion of the US government, the image of Captain America has already set off an idol wave throughout the United States. It’s not unusual for someone like Peter, who had always admired Captain America, to get excited about seeing the real person. Even Iceman showed some emotion on his face, while Blink around him kept a cool face.

“Hello, Spiderman.” Greeting Spiderman with a smile, Captain Rogers come over where the rest of the people were standing.

Since SHIELD was also involved in the hunt for Mirage Knight, it was only natural that Captain Rogers knew about it. And Rogers was more nervous than anyone else about the kidnapping of Mirage Knight. Because, when he find Bucky, he would require help from Mirage Knight for Bucky to recover his previous memory.

So, after knowing that they might found a clue today, Steve came directly to see if there was anything he could do to help. However, he came over and heard Hydra’s name which means that Mirage Knight was taken by Hydra, which was beyond his expectation.

“Of course this is your mistake! Mirage Knight has already helped you out with the Hydra lurkers inside SHIELD, and now you even let Hydra take him away! If this is not your responsibility and whose is it?” Seeing Rogers smile and say hello, Tony interjected.

Tony had a lot of problems with SHIELD not completly killing Hydra after such a long time. In fact, this cannot be blamed on SHIELD, Fury really wants to use all of his power to fight against Hydra. But after all, SHIELD doesn’t belong to Fury and many other forces watched it. Politicians, in particular, have limited the implementation of some of SHIELD’s decisions.

Moreover, Fury may not want to destroy Hydra any time soon. Hydra is indeed a threat, but it’s a threat that will make people realize that only SHIELD can protect them. So Fury wants both, he wants to reduce the damage to the SHIELD and to keep Hydra in check for a while.

“Tony, I know you are worried about Mirage Knight and I feel the same way as you. Now that it has been determined that Hydra has taken Mirage Knight, then it’s up to SHIELD to help. We just identified a couple of suspicious Hydra sites around New York the other day, and if we go one by one, we’ll find Mirage Knight.” Captain Rogers was not angry when he heard Tony’s sarcasm, and then said seriously.

“Then what are we waiting for? Didn’t you know that even as we speak here, Mirage Knight’s life can be in danger. A single minute we talk is the one more minute being wasted.” After hearing Captain Rogers’s words, Tony has started the ejector at the foot of his Iron suit and he is already up and running with several Iron Men Armors.

SHIELD will, of course, send those Hydra-possible locations to Tony and he is not planning to wait for SHIELD.

“Let’s go. There are three suspicious locations. Mirage Knight must be in one of them!” Watching Tony leave quickly, Captain Rogers looked at the others in front of him and said.

“Yes!” Peter agreed excitedly.

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