Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 49 - Mating, Lesson On Learning

"I was not going to do anything to him, you blind-worm! He is yours, I get it, calm down!" Jilly said as she backed up and scowled at Mary.

I was confused, but I needed to get the food, or the girls were never going to eat, but I didn\'t understand what was up with Mary and her possessiveness. Jilly went over with Nushi, and the two of them stared at me as I placed the steaks and ant sections on the grill. ​​

"What? What do I not know?" I asked as I finished placing the last meat on the grill.

Mary was holding her arms around my neck and resting her head on my back contently now that the other girls were back from me. The Cerberus girls were on the other side of the fire sitting back a bit, and they were all watching the fire.

"You know why she is acting like this, don\'t you?" Jilly asked.

"No, well, I kind of do, but a bit of an explanation would help. I would assume Mary is going into heat or something like that, right?" I asked.

"She has grown attached to you, and now her mating urges are starting to come up from the smell you give off. I am not sure how she will deal with not being able to have children, though," Nushi explained.

"Kazz will givesss me eggsss like Lidy!" Mary hissed softly from behind me and then started to kiss the back of my neck, which was making me far too horny for anyone good right now.

"See? Just go give it to her while you are cooking, and then she will be fine, maybe. Nushi is right, and I hope that you can give her some children, or she will be distraught with you," Jilly said with a tired expression. "On the plus side, it\'s not like she can eat you afterward, so you will live to give me my turn!"

That was food for thought, but the girls were right to be worried about me giving Mary a baby. Who the fuck said I wanted any babies? I didn\'t have time to take care of the children!

<These are not human children; there will be no need for you to have anything to do with them. Monster women care for their own, or they just leave them to fend for themselves.>

That sounds a bit cruel, but it did make sense, but that still left the looming question of how I would get it done anyways. Mary was a snake, and something else, but not a human, even if she did have the same body structure.

<The System will provide you with the skills that you need for copulation. You will need to service the girls from time to time, and some may need it more than others. As you progress through the System, you will be able to increase the duration of the girl\'s satisfaction with your services. This will allow you to travel away from them for an extended period of time.>

I flipped all the meat, and then I turned back to the girls.

"It will be fine, the God Hero said that I should be able to do the job with time, but I am not ready yet. We will need to progress more today, but that also reminds me of something I wanted to talk to you about," I said as I finished flipping the meat by hand and trying not to burn myself.

"Hero? That misbegot that leads the actual heroes to their deaths? Maybe that is a bit harsh; the last couple that I ate never saw it coming. You, on the other hand, knew that I was about to do something to you and jumped back," Jilly said with a smile as she watched me cook.

"What did you want to ask us about?" Nushi asked after Jilly finished.

"I got a notification about me getting to choose between six classes, and I wanted to know what you knew about each of them? I am not really familiar with any of them, other than knowing the basic idea of them," I said, and Nushi nodded her head knowingly, and her horns stood erect as she smiled at me.

"Yes, I know what you are talking about! I have studied the classes, and I am a level two Mage! But I am not very good, and this is the first time my father has let me train outside the castle," Nishi explained, and her Horns started to sink.

"That\'s amazing! You\'re a mage? Like throwing fire and calling lightning? That\'s really interesting! Can you tell me more about the class?" I asked with excitement that I channeled into my speech, and it worked better than I thought it would.

"Yes! Thank you, but I can only use my Lightning Magic when I am in a good mood, Shock!" Nushi said with excitement, and I had to jump back as her horns arc, and then nuked one of the steaks into a black coal brick.

Holy shit, if that would have hit me, it would have been worse than Grogvel\'s laugh! Nushi had just told me that it wasn\'t that strong, but the fossilized steak begged to differ.

"Wow! That was the craziest thing I have seen yet! Do you have any other spells you can use?" I asked with excitement, but Nushi shook her head sadly.

"Sorry about the steak, but no, I can only use Lightning bases magic. This is why I started looking into all the classes after my mistake," Nushi explained.

"Mistake? That power looks pretty good to me! And if I can keep you smiling, then I can keep you charged up!" I said with a smile.

"When you choose Mage, you don\'t get to pick what element you get to use, and you can only use what you are given. Once you reach level ten, you have to retake the Basic Mage class if you wish to use the other elements. The other classes have similar restrictions, but you can also follow a class and become immensely powerful like one of the Emperyal Demon Lords," Nushi explained, and I sighed as I checked the steaks.

I was about to get a lesson on learning, but Nushi was happy, and the girls were content, and the day was still young.

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