Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 68 - Waking Up Earlier, And The Nerve

After drying Mary off and getting the clean pair of shorts that had been left for me, I picked her up. Mary was still not wearing any clothes, but I was no longer concerned by it as she wrapped herself around me.

"Are you ready to go get something to eat now? I will probably have to cook it, but it shouldn\'t take very long," I said to Mary as she slid around to press her soft and smooth breasts into my back. ​​

"Yesss, but I want to go laysss down," Mary hissed into my ear, and I nodded.

"Sure, I will take you up top to my room before I start making food. Then after I am done feeding the rest of the girls, I will come up and feed you before we go to sleep, okay?" I said as I pushed the door open to leave the bathroom.

"Yessss, I would likesss that," Mary said to me, and then she cuddled into my back as I started walking.

The Keep was empty, from what I could tell, but there weren\'t usually people moving around at the same time. So, there wasn\'t really much to compare it to, but something did feel different now.

I left the castle and turned left to head back to the new apartment that Jilly had constructed. It was well into the evening, but I wasn\'t sure what time it was exactly, but it had to be getting late if the moon was already up and it was completely dark.

"So, did you two enjoy your time?"

The sound of Nixi\'s voice coming from behind me almost removed my soul from my body, and I whirled around on the pest.

"What do you want now? Have I not been through enough today with you?" I asked while glaring down at the little old red-skinned woman.

"I would have thought that you would be in a better mood considering…." Nixi trailed off with a knowing smile, but I was not in the mood for this woman right now, so I turned and started walking.

Suddenly, Nixi was standing in front of me, but I just sidestepped her and kept walking to my destination. I could hear a growl coming from the woman, and then she called out a threat.

"If you don\'t stop, I will move into your room so you can\'t," Nixi started to say, but then I felt Mary turn on my back as I walked.

"Ifsss you come in the room, Isss will eatsss you! He is mine tonightsss!" Mary hissed dangerously.

That made me laugh out loud, and I decided to turn and see what the hag wanted. I didn\'t doubt either of the women, so it was probably best to deal with this now rather than fight later.

"Fine, what do you want? I don\'t understand why you couldn\'t wait till the morning!" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"I don\'t have to tell you anything! But, I decided to let you know that it would be best for you to leave early. If you are fast enough, you will be able to sneek past Mex and that flying cat he is screwing to get to Jessabell. I also suggest that you bring sweets and salt, which should help you with getting her home, and then you can go back out to do your training," Nixi explained to me.

Once she had started talking, I took my hands off my hips and actually started to listen to what Nixi had to say. For some reason, the woman was deciding to be helpful, and I wasn\'t about to let free info go, just because I didn\'t like her.

"Thank you for telling me that, but why? I might not have gotten in as easy, but I would have found my way in. So, what is the point of all this? Not that I don\'t appreciate it, I just don\'t understand why you are willing to be helpful all of a sudden?" I questioned Nixi, and she just shrugged at me.

"It is in my best interests like you said. The sooner you can get stronger, the sooner we will leave this island, but if you constantly do things the hard way, we will all be long dead before that happens," Nixi told me, and I narrowed my eyes at her; if it wasn\'t one thing, it was the other.

"What is going to kill us? What new disaster is waiting for us now?" I asked, trying not to roll my eyes, but then Mary started to get restless, and I could tell that she wanted to go. "Wait, you can come and talk to me while I cook food. I need to take Mary upstairs first, and then I will come down and talk to you."

"I don\'t think that is a good idea, Nushi will be in there, and she is terrified of me," Nixi said, but I was already turning around.

"Maybe if you talked to her rather than just hovering like death around her, she might not be so scared of you. Also, if you stopped with the stupid pressure that you like to put everyone under, that might help out as well," I said as I finally made it to the door to my new home and walked inside before Nixi had a chance to give me another excuse.

Inside, the girls were sitting around, and Jilly was relaxing in her oversized cushion. The girls all turned to look at Mary and me, and I smiled at them but didn\'t get any in return.

"About time you two got back here! When are you going to make something to eat?!" Jilly complained, and I smiled at her.

"Sorry, I will get back down here as soon as I get Mary up to bed. We will also be having Nixi join me in the kitchen if she has the nerve to show up," I said, and almost right on cue, Nixi appeared to defend herself.

"I have the nerve! And I will join you, so get back down here!" Nixi Growled, but then Nushi screamed at the top of her lungs in fear.

Oh boy, here we go!

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