Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 410 Scouting Strategy

Chapter 410 Scouting Strategy

I took a moment to catch my breath after I washed the mess in the room with my Water Force Pact. I stood in the center of the room, soaking wet and naked. The sudden chill of the room brought me back to reality. I quickly got dressed and headed outside the house. I looked around, observing the town. It was time to put my Scouter and strategy to work.

As I sauntered down the town\'s center, my surroundings seemed eerily quiet. The hushed whispers ceased as I passed by and I felt the locals\' eyes drilling into me. The fear was tangible; King James\' dictatorship had instilled an atmosphere of fear deeply in these people.

Remembering Harold\'s advice, I held up the Scouter up to my eye and pointed it at an elderly woman bustling down the lane with a basket full of firewood. It immediately buzzed to life, displaying a series of numbers. "Level 3," it read. I let out a breath I didn\'t know I was holding. Small-town residents, ordinary people who were forced under the tyranny of King James. It was a sight that tugged at my heartstrings.

Next, I pointed it towards a burly fish-faced guard stationed near the town\'s entrance gate. My heart thundered in my chest as the Scouter whizzed for a few seconds before it flashed a bright red "Level 25". So, this was the kind of power that King James had under his rule - a formidable adversary, but I\'d seen and dealt with worse.

I decided to continue exploring, planning to keep my Scouter ready at all times. I was met with a series of different power levels as I ventured the town\'s stone-paved streets, with most of them revealing relatively mundane levels.

However, the Scouter was knocked haywire when I aimlessly pointed it towards the Town Hall at the edge of the island. The Scouter made a cacophony of strange noises before smoking briefly and displaying a level beyond its normal range - a massive "Level 99". My blood turned frigid in my veins.

Was King James that powerful? Or was the Scouter reacting to something else? I couldn\'t fathom fighting someone that strong. I shook my head and decided not to lose my nerve.

While I stood there engrossed in my thoughts, a tap on my shoulder broke my reverie. I turned around to see Gloria approach me with a nervous glance. Her captivating eyes wore a worried look.

"Is something the matter, Gloria?" I asked, seeing her pale and nervous state.

"Zack, they\'re watching you," she whispered, her gaze cautiously scanning the surroundings.

It was apparent that King James\' people were onto me. I had to be careful. But even more so, I realized that my newfound Scouter was a powerful tool, but it also added an unexpected element of risk.

With the information I\'d gathered, I pondered on how to confront King James. Killing him, as Fireden had suggested, didn\'t seem particularly wise, not with the dictator\'s seemingly overwhelming power level. I had to come up with a tactic to outmaneuver him and bring him down without causing unnecessary Bloodshed.

"How did these people end up under such a monster\'s rule?" I mused aloud, unintentionally.

Gloria, who had been silent all this time, spoke up. "King James wasn\'t always like this. Once, he was a benevolent ruler. But, his thirst for power turned him into this ruthless dictator."

That revelation added another facet to the complexity. I knew then that I had to strategize my moves carefully. Confronting King James head-on would be a death sentence. I needed to play smart and be cautious.

I parted ways with Gloria, with the both of us deciding to lay low for a while. I returned to my house, the late afternoon sun casting elongated shadows on the cobblestone streets. The town seemed much grimmer now that I was aware of the dark cloud of fear that hung over it.

When I arrived there, the girls were waiting for me.

"What took you so long?!" Mati demanded as Lillia gave me a warm smile.

Rolling my eyes at Mati, I clutched the Scouter in my hand and sank down onto the couch. "I\'ve been scouting," I grumbled, feeling a weight of tension settle on my shoulders.

Mati snorted. "Scouting? Is that what they call it these days?" She shot me an all-knowing smirk, and I was briefly taken aback by how much she sounded like my best friend, Harold, in that moment.

Before I could respond, Lillia interjected, her soft tone a balm to my nerves. "Let him be, Mati. Look at him - he\'s exhausted. Would you like some tea, Zack?"

"Yeah, real exhausted. What opened their legs to you this time? Was it that Gloria? She is pretty cute, but you have us!" Mati continued grinning devilishly at me while I shot her a disapproving look.

"Girls," I began, rubbing my temples, "King James... he\'s more powerful than we thought. This," I gestured with the Scouter still in my grasp, "lists him as a Level 99."

Both girls fell silent at that. Lillia looked at me worriedly, while Mati was processing this new information.

"What is your power level?" Lillia asked, and I shrugged. I hadn\'t even thought to check.

"I really don\'t know. I just got this thing," I said, and then handed the device over to the snake-like woman.

Jestingly, Mati pointed the Scouter at me after consulting the instructions inscribed on it.

"Seriously Zack, if this thing is correct, then you bloody bastard! You are so freaking powerful!" Mati yelled in her edgy voice while Lillia jerked her head towards me with astonishment.

"You are at Level 70!" Mati squeaked, looking at me as if I were a monster.

"Right arm, but that is still a far cry from level 99. Also, just to be clear, the scouter seemed to bug out when I used it on him, so maybe it can\'t read his level?" I said dubiously, but I didn\'t like that thought.

"Then let\'s hope it was only a bug," Lillia\'s soft voice seemed to echo my dread. "Whatever strategy we come up with, we must account for a Level 99 King James." She paused, looking at each of us, "Even if there is a sliver of a chance that he\'s that powerful."

"That and if he is that strong, then what about his guards?" Mati asked, and then pointed to the Scouter. "What is our power level?! We must be nearly as powerful as you, right?!" Mati declared, pumping her arms, but I lifted an eyebrow as I took the Scouter back from Lillia.

Maybe Lillia might be strong, but I assume Mati has been just avoiding things her entire life with her curse that makes danger avoid her like the plague. Still, I think that Mary, her sister that I missed dearly, was pretty strong when I met her, even with the same condition of danger avoidance.

With Mati’s insisting gaze, I pointed the Scouter at her, the anticipation built up as the Scouter started to whiz. The device showed "Level 35". I looked keenly at Mati and said, “Well, that’s a decent power level.”

Mati seemed disappointed at her power level, but I reassured her, “Mati, remember, what you have is a unique curse, one that most people won\'t have. You’re innately predisposed to staying unscathed. That’s your power.”

Wearing a pleasant smile, Lillia handed me my tea. The warmth of the mug in my hand was comforting after the eventful day. Pouring the remaining courage I had, I pointed the Scouter towards Lillia. An apprehensive look was painted on her beautiful face as she awaited her result.

"Level 60," I read out, stunned. Mati was not.

"What do you mean level 60?! How is she almost as strong as you?!" Mati demanded, grabbing the Scouter from my hands and then pointing it at Lillia. As soon as it registered, Mati screamed, threw the Scouter back at me, and then stormed out of the room.

"Level 60?" Lillia echoed, her voice barely a whisper as we were left alone.

I sighed, looking down at the Scouter in my hand as I tried to piece everything together. Understanding my companions\' power levels was some comfort, but the disparity between us and King James\'s rumored strength was daunting.

“Yes, Lillia, and that is extraordinary. Don\'t let your head hang low. It’s not about power levels. It’s how well you use your abilities to leverage your power,” I consoled her, sipping my tea and feeling the warmth spread through my body.

The commotion of the day had worn me out, so I ended my day right there. As I tucked myself into the bed, I knew the following day would bring its own set of challenges. Of course, none of us mentioned it, but I knew Mati and Lillia were just as worried as I was. We had to stay strong, stick together, and keep pushing forward. There was a lot at stake, and we were the only hope that this oppressed town had. Mastering these power levels and coming up with a strategy seemed like a distant dream, but I knew we had to try.

Tomorrow, I reminded myself, we would figure it all out. For now, sleep.

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