Monster Girl Ranching in Another World

Chapter 416 420-Jutsu

Chapter 416 420-Jutsu

I didn\'t wait more than a moment before my big-titted astral goddess of Balance showed up, looking radiant as always. Before she could speak, I took her into my arms and pulled her in a passionate kiss. This last training session really reminded me of what I had, and how little time and effort I had been putting into all these women. The least I could do was show them just how much they meant to me each time I was with them.

It was hard to keep everyone happy, but I had to at least try.

"Mmm, this is nice. Maybe you might want to have a break before your next training session? I know a place where we can go and relax," Libra said after she rest her head on my shoulder, still in my arms.

"That does sound like fun, but I think that it would be better to have fun after the training," I said with a smile at her, then kiss Libra\'s cheek. "I would like to fully enjoy you, and that will be very hard when I know I have to get back to training after. You can be my reward for finishing, and then after we can go and see the other girls. I would really like to see have Eelyasha is doing. I want to probe that Eel Goddess about her mother. while I know a lot about her mother, Delores. I am sure that she knows something I don\'t. and if I could I would like to get her on our side," I explained, and Libra pulled away, not giving me an overly hopeful look.

"Good luck with her. I think that you are going to have to put your charm on overdrive or give her a love potion before that happens. The only thing that creature does is walk around talking about how she is going to get revenge for burning her alive," Libra explained, and then put a finger to her lips. "I can\'t say that I really blame her for being mad, but I also know that she is a horrible person that looked others up to feed off of," she sighed and then looked me in the eye. "All I know is that you are going to have some trouble with that one."

I rubbed the back of my head, letting out my own sigh. "Yeah, I kind of figured as much, and I should have been in here sooner to deal with her."

"Well, on the other hand, Sarah talks about you non-stop to the point. It really drives Eelyasha crazy, but I restricted her power to be the same as Sarah\'s," Libra giggled, and that made me burst out laughing.

"Did you really lock the two together?" I laughed, and she shrugged.

"They are in a large house confined in a water prison, so I guess you could say that. I thought that she could use the company, and Sarah was the only one that offered, though, this might count as torture for her," Libra giggled.

I had to agree with her but it made me wonder what would happen if Sarah\'s Clamgasm secretions got on the Eel woman. The stuff had made me go sex crazy and fuck Sarah\'s brains out in Eelyasha\'s lair after defeating her, but I wasn\'t sure if it was the same as the love potion that Chana had used. I would have to have Harold look into it. There could be a chance that it just amplified feelings that were already there, rather than overwriting them like a love potion did. If that were the case, it could help turn enemies into friends, if not lovers without turning them into mindless sex dolls.

"Well, I will go deal with them after training is done, and we have had some more time together, okay?" I asked, and Libra smiled at me warmly, giving me a kiss and waving her hand. As she did, Dank, my Dark Elemental appeared.

"I will leave you to your training, but I will be waiting for you when this is all over," Libra said as she faded away to another part of her ring.

"So," I said, turning back to Dank. "we haven\'t really introduced ourselves properly yet. My name is Zack Foreman, and I am a Sage, obviously, or you wouldn\'t be here," I chuckled, and the shaded outline of a man nodded.

"I will start my introduction off with another thank you for freeing me. My name is just Dank, and I have been waiting since creation to find you, or someone with your power. Eelyasha just used me to control her pets, but nothing more, barely ever using our Pact," Dank explained, and I nodded.

"Don\'t worry! I will get you out and about! We have a big fight coming up, and I know that I am going to need all your help, so anything you can train me in now will help me out in this fight and later ones to come," I said, and Dank smiled, though I could barely tell.

"I have no doubt about that, Zack," Dank replied, his voice resonating with a smoothness that softened the intense feeling in the air. "May I offer you something to ease the upcoming training?"

Quirking an amused eyebrow, I curiously awaited his offer, "Sure, what is it?"

Behold, Dank summoned a scroll of paper and a substance which on closer inspection, turned out to be well-crafted herbs. His fingers weaving around swiftly, Dank skillfully crafted an elegantly rolled joint and held it towards me.

"Just something to lighten the mood and the mind," he said, a smirk hidden in his voice as my eyes widened at his unconventional suggestion.

“Is this… weed?” I asked, bemused, holding the joint Dank had passed to me.

“Why, yes. It is a 420-Jitsu Scroll that we will use for today\'s training. It will help attune your mind to the pathways of precognition."

A chuckle escaped my lips, the number 420 making the Earthman in me chuckle, "4...20, huh? Are you aware of the meaning of 420 on Earth?"

Dank looked a bit taken aback, but then he seemed genuinely interested, silently urging me to continue.

"420 is a code word used to refer to the consumption of cannabis. It\'s celebrated annually on April 20th, where folks would light up a joint at 4:20 PM," I explained, receiving a vibrant laugh from Dank.

“Then let’s honor that tradition, shall we?” Dank suggested, offering a black flame from his fingertip to light the joint.

Inhaling the smoke, the world around seemed to shift, morphing into an extraordinary dark realm. Dank, once a shadowy figure, was now a towering figure with rippling muscles clad in dark armor, a fierce warrior from the realm of shadows.

"Woah, you are like some anime character!" I laughed, the warm buzz from the joint making my body tingle pleasantly. Dank merely smirked, his figure sturdy against the void of the dark realm around us.

“Welcome to my realm, Zack. I call this place, The Dark Pages. Let the training begin.” The scenario started shifting, Dank’s voice echoing in the ethereal expanse. I refocused, my mirthful laughter fading, replaced by an exhilarated grin. This was more than I signed up for, but it was a fun twist.

Suddenly, I felt my form begin to flatten, and the color literally drained away from me until I was completely black and white. The world around me started to fill with white and gray, giving detail to what I saw, but there was no mistaking, I was in a comic book or something like it.

"The Dark Pages place you in my repository for Adult Manga that are released to me as my power grows. The stronger I am the more dirty stories that I acquire," Dank explained, and my eyes almost fell out.

"You mean that these worlds are all... Hentia worlds?! Where do they come from?" I demanded... for scientific purposes.

"Umm, To tell you the truth, I only had like three before, but when I moved into your head I got over three hundred more," Dank said, and I looked away.

"Wow, now isn\'t that something. Good enough, no need to look into this problem anymore. What kind of training do you have planned for us today?" I asked, diverting the subject, but it was cool that Dank seemed to be just as degenerate as I was.

"It is simple, but it won\'t be easy," Dank said, somehow managing to smirk in his warrior state. "This training mainly focuses on improving your precognition. You need to anticipate your opponent\'s movements in combat and predict their strategies. The better you are at it, the higher your chance to outmaneuver them... I also added win conditions to make you more eager..."

Dank\'s words trained off, but I didn\'t need a supercomputer, or an IQ of 10,000 to figure out what he meant. If this was a Hentia World, the rewards would be

...more than satisfying. The potential of my training suddenly took on a captivating allure.

"A more... \'personal touch\' to the training, huh?" I chuckled at the slyness of Dank\'s method. It\'s safe to say, precognition had never seemed more interesting.

“That’s one way to put it,” Dank retorted with a hint of mischief in his voice. “Remember your objective here amidst... everything else. You\'re here to improve your anticipatory skills, Zack. Keep your mind sharp, even in the face of distraction... lots and lots of distraction."

“Got it,” I responded, though I couldn’t keep the grin off my face. This was going to be an interesting training session, that\'s for sure.

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