Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 9: Elements and Cultivation

Chapter 9: Elements and Cultivation

Staring at the grand door as it closed all on its own, I groaned; making a name for yourself is so annoying. I hate talking to people, but there is always some game to play.

"Young master, if you would please follow me," a soft voice soundly said, giving me a good fright.

Nodding at the kind-looking butler with no discerning features, I followed after him for a few minutes before walking into a magnificent room. My mind blanked as I stared at the room that looked as if it was something from a fantasy game.

"This is your room, young master, should there be anything else, please ask any of our staff. They would be more than happy to assist you." the butler stated before flickering away.

Drool flowed from my mouth as I imaged doing something like that. Smiling brightly, I gave a light tour of my room, looking at all the different sections. My room, or maybe dorm, was brightly light somehow without electricity; there was a massive king-size bed and one of the biggest bathrooms I had ever seen. Which surprised me as this room seemed it would take up a lot of space in this estate. Not letting it bother me, I jumped on the bed before quickly reuniting with an old and dear friend.

I didn\'t know how long I was asleep, but when I opened my eyes, father was standing over me with a kind smile, "Seems someone was tired, I had forgotten that you are only one."

Grinning, revealing my small bright baby teeth, I laughed, "How was your meeting."

Rolling his eyes, father cracked his neck, "annoying as hell; I hate politics. I\'m glad my younger brother took over such roles. He is a real monster when dealing with such things. Anyway, shall we head to the cultivation Hall, its time to determine your Elements and pick your Technique?"

My eyes grew bright as I leaped off the bed and into my spot on my father\'s neck. With sparkling eyes, I patted his head, "LETS GOOOO!!!"

Shaking his head, father grinned before taking me to a massive building away from the estate\'s residential area. The building was tall and majestic but seemingly not guarded by anyone. Recalling how the estate entrance was well guarded, I hopped down from Father\'s back before we both entered.

Rather than what I expected, it looked like a massive library housing an almost infinite amount of books, and standing at the desk was surprisingly the quiet elderly man in the meeting room with father and Grey.

"Father, who is that man," I asked in a hushed tone.

"Hmm, his name is..."

"Its Grant, Protector of the Snow\'s Library. Are you starting is training early, Val." Grant coldly asked, his eyes never leaving the book he was looking at.

Father bowed slightly before nodding, "Yes, Lord Grant, I am here to pick up a Cultivation Manual for him."

Staring at my father\'s respectful manner, I also bowed but didn\'t speak. Grant raised his head and eyed me before nodding, "Noted, bring the manual to me once you are done."

"By your will Lord Grant," Father said, taking me by the hand.

Grabbing my hand sternly, father brought me into the northern section of the library on the first floor, "This is where all of the Realm of Blood Manuals are located. Most of them do the same thing, but some manuals require far more comprehension to understand. Choose wisely, son; I cannot pick for you. "

Nodding impatiently, I stared at the rows of books that seemed to go on forever. Rushing through the region, I started gathering all the books that caught my attention.

Dargon Arts

Great Battle Tactics

Immortal Origin

Iron Blood Lord

Staring at the four books before me, I immediately decided on the immortal Origin Manual. Father was absolutely correct; most of them did the same thing. Some were stronger than others, but the difference was not that great. Not to mention martial arts is not about strength nor speed but rather the technique and how you use it.

Showing father my choice, I saw a small frown appear on his face, "Arsène, are you sure? Immortal Origin is insanely hard to cultivate. Unlike other Manuals, you are opening your 12 Meridians at the very beginning. The amount of pain you will receive is not a joking manner." he warned with a heartfelt warmness.

"And what of burning for a year, or being stuck in a void of darkness. Which do you think is the worse, father." In a decrepit tone, I asked, my eyes slowly losing the last of their light as I eyed my father coldly.

"Take your pills, Arsène," he said softly, trying to mask the anguish as he stared at me with pity.

Nodding, I swallowed a pill before my father brought me back to Grant. Placing the book down, I saw him smile mockingly before handing back the book and a small orb.

"When and only when you are alone will you drop a single drop of blood on this stone. Tell no one unless you trust them with the results." He said with a cold voice turning back to his book.

Smiling, I bowed before leaving; racing back to my room, I leaped on the bed as father stared seriously at me, "the orb will tell us what your element is. Aside from your mother and I, do not tell anyone, including your brother." he urged, placing his hands on my head.

"Yes, father," I said as I placed my finger in my mouth, piercing through the tip of the thumb as I saw in some animes...I call horseshit to this. Damn it, this hurts.

Dropping a single drop of blood on the orb with tears in my eyes, I suddenly saw it begin to change in color. The orb began to grow hot, changing to bright crimson, then shifting to a luminous shade of Azure, causing my hair to stand on end.

Smirking, I looked up at father, "I guess my elements are Fire and Lightning..."

Suddenly the orb began to change as a familiar sensation overtook me. Staring down, I saw a deep shade of Darkness bringing me back to the Void of Darkness.

"Fire, Lightning, and Darkness," Father corrected, taking the orb from my palm before turning it into dust.

"Darkness is a scarce and destructive element. I don\'t think there is anyone else in this kingdom with such an element...Then again, you have resonated with the Dao of Darkness. It would make sense for one of your elements to be darkness."

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