Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 36: Oswin Asterion

Chapter 36: Oswin Asterion

With a sneer, I slapped the whore from betwixt my legs away with dissatisfaction. With blood slipping down her sensual lips, she stared down, not daring to gaze towards her king.

"Look at me whore, " I commanded, clenching her cheeks as I gazed into her dreadful eyes. With a light sneer, I ripped the clothing from her body as she laid bare before me, quivering like a newly bought slave.

"Are you still fucking?" A soft scornful voice echoed within my throne room.

With the grace of a dancer and the poised of an amazonian woman, a magnificent Enchantress appeared before me. Her eyes filled with a mocking gaze as she scoffed, pursing her lips in disgust, "Humiliated and toyed like the common whores you fuck. How does it feel Oswin," Isaella demanded in a tone filled with venom.

"Insolent bitch, watch your mouth. You may be the queen but do not push my buttons." I roared, banging my fist upon my golden throne.

"I am not the whores you fuck, Oswin. I will do as I please." She said with a pause, "Leave us, harlot!"

Biting her lips, the whore I ordered covered in her own saliva nodded, never raising her head as she stepped away with fear, bringing a contemptuous smile to the woman before me, "I wonder if this one was clean, we had to call a divine doctor a few years ago just to clean that filthy scum from your cock." Isaella spat in disgust.

Clenching my fist tightly, qi began to pour from my body, "Isaella, what is it you want." I asked in an infuriated fashion, barely holding myself back. Why had I even married this bitch?

"You know why I\'m here...Arsène Snow. The young man that might as well had raped you in front of your council. What are you planning to do in regards to him." She asked with a devious stare twirling her fingers through her silky hair, behaving like a schoolgirl in love.

The very name caused my mind to swell in anger. Feeling like spitting blood, I exploded, "WHAT DOES IT FUCKING MATTER TO YOU."

With an elegant snicker, Isaella eyed me with disappointment and regret, "So unbecoming of a king. Damian to me now," She said aloud as the flash of a young man appeared.

He stood cold as a block of ice, giving me an almost semi bow, "Your Grace," his soft masculine voice sounded,

"I must say out of all the whores you fucked, aside from my baby, he is the greatest bastard you created." Isaella giggled cutely, eyeing the young man with a smirk.

Damian did not show emotion as he awaited his orders, silent as the void. With a lick of her soft lips, Isaella circled around him meticulously, appraising him like a horse was before a race.

"Little Damian, tell this queen what your thoughts regarding this so-called Ashen Prince, Arsène Snow." She asked lustfully, causing me to pulse with ferocity.

"I have had my eye on Arsene for about nine years now, and for the most part, he seems to be a more cruel version of Duke Greyson." He said, astounding both my wife and me. It was well hidden within the Arostorcaty, but Greyson was the most dangerous man in this kingdom. Even I feared him once upon a time. Where it not for \'her\' dying...Maybe...Maybe

"In the beginning, he was an unruly child, but as the years passed, I have not found a more terrifying individual. I had met with this monster a few times over the years, testing him in disguise, and it was one of the most interesting experiences I faced in all my years as The Leader of The Order of Shadows." He lightly said, his eyes never leaving me for a second.

Gripping my chin, I frowned, "You were responsible for that little incident with baron Aytone son, Wynnstan. Correct? " I asked, gradually having a better picture of what was happening around me.

Giving a smile for the first time, Damian nodded, "Yes...It was all me. Arsene and Wynnstan had a little tic in class, so I may have persuaded Baron Aytone into killing him, just to see how the young Ashen One would respond." Damian sinisterly as a dark light flashed from his palms

Eying the queen and me, Damian grinned, similar to a savage beast, "He is poised, cruel, and insanely intelligent. He perceives this world like Sir Selma. Thinking hundreds of moves into the future while also having hundreds of contingencies. Has it not occurred to you, Your Grace, that such a boy was able to take credit for such marvelous armor like the Nexus Suit."

Isaella violet eyes lit up as they use to all those years ago as she laughed with excitement. Damian gave her a nod, "It\'s not that none of the blacksmiths or formation masters fear the House of Snow but rather the contract that they themselves consented to. I lost a few hundred men trying to procure such a contract, and it was horrifying even to comprehend."

"It was not surprising that his majesty was tricked. In fact, it would seem that the entire kingdom was fooled. Arsène leaked his own creation on purpose. He knew how you would respond while having a grasp on how the kingdom citizens would react. He knew everything that was going to happen." Damion explained with a foreboding grimace.

A chill ran through my body, remembering the blood-stoked child deep within the forest, yet Damion was not done as he continued, "It was all an illusion, your grace. His monstrous behavior in the forest, the elegance he displays. To put it into better terms, he is like a crossroads demon. Sweet and graceful on the surface but only before you sign your life away."

With pearly laughter, Isaella howled, "Well, done! Well played! I must have such a man!" She shouted, twirling her hair with a hint of infatuation.

"Isaella! You are my wife, the Queen of Asterion...MY WOMAN!!!" I hollered as a heavy unbecoming feeling in the pit of my stomach began to rise.

Yet it grew worse as Isaella smirked with a disdainful sneer, "You have your whores to fuck, and I will have Arsène to break my pussy off on. It seems fair...doesn\'t it, dear?" she asked with a sweet innocent gaze.

Blood leaked from my mouth as the void around me began to shatter, pealing away as I bellowed, "ISAELLA!!!!!!!!!! YOU DARE!!!"

I was the king of an entire kingdom, while she was merely a woman that was graced to bear my progeny. How dare she, HOW DARE THIS WHORE BETRAY ME!!

Shrugging her arms, Isaella giggled elegantly with a light blush, "...I wonder how big he is, hmmm, this queen will have to teach him." She responded, walking out with grace, ignoring me like air.

Blood soaked my throne as I puked a mouth full of crimson liquid as Damion grinned, giving me a deep bow, "Your Grace, my advice is just to go along with the boy for now. Once we have the Nexus Suit method, killing him will be simple." He said before vanishing like an illusion.

My thoughts were scrambled as I sat back down in my throne room. Where had I gone wrong? Recalling the little bastard\'s words of me being stagnant, I clenched my teeth as the pit of my stomach began to ached.

With my face ruby red from anger, I bellowed in anger, causing a massive explosion within my throne room. Thinking of my queen...with that brat. The sounds of her moans as she lay with that child. Him ramming her thought as she begged...FUCKING HELL...DAMNIT.

Coughing a mouth full of blood up again, my world fell to darkness as I gazed in dismay at my guards rushing in, blacking out completely.

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