Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 296: Prince of Noctem

Chapter 296: Prince of Noctem

"So this was your plan all along?" Andor coldly asked, trying to read into the situation.

"Yes and no, it wasn\'t at first. But Given that you all left me no choice. I figured this was my only option. There are far too many things in play, Nox, Sitri, Giants, Elfs, Rencaarnated beings. Many thought I backed myself into a corner, but I disagree. This was exactly what I wanted. It gave me time to think, time to plan, and time to execute. What Sitri did only accelerated what I needed to happen."

"You have done well, Boy!" Sitri\'s booming voice echoed, "You truly have but do you think they can help during your full trial?"

"Not in the least, but you were never really my enemy, more of a nuisance."

A nuisance," Sitri repeated, unable to comprehend what I just said.

"Indeed. In the grand schemes of things, you are not important. You Princes and Kings of hell are stuck within the nines. Unable to leave unless you join sides with me. While these trials do limit me, by a lot especially with my deal with Asmodeus in effect."

Narrowing his brow, a chill I had not expected tugged at my soul. "What are you talking about?" He demanded.

Oh shit... did I say too much?

"Forget what I said. I think it\'s time for you all to leave, don\'t you think? I am sure whatever you summoned will be coming through." I dismissively said, turning towards the bleeding Heimdall. "I will be seeing you very soon. We have much to discuss."

Creasing his brow Heimdall alongside the unconscious Kain and Andor, vanished, leaving me only with Sitri glaring silently before he disappeared. Sighing in relief, I glanced at Tyr, "Let\'s go; I am sure you have lots to speak about."

"What of the Altor?" He inquired, pointing towards the bloody vortex.

"What about it? I don\'t want to meet any demons. I will have my Faceless handle it. I am sure hell is in chaos right now. It\'s best not to linger when these animals are released." I stated, teleporting back to the top of the mountain beside the Everwood tree.

Stretching my body, I grinned, "Well, everything turned out well, didn\'t it? It\'s only been a few hours since my awakening, and I feel great!" I shouted out loud, stretching my arms with a vibrant grin.

"Arsene, what do you plan on doing to this realm?" Tyr hesitantly asked, materializing in front of me a glimmer of killing intent within his heart.

"Well, Midgard is fucked, but there are still eight other realms and the entire Bed of Chaos. What do you think I should do?"

"Do not ask a question to my Question," Tyr said darkly

"My bad, lol. Force of habit, but it\'s really up to you, Tyr. You had many a chance of killing me, and you still do, but we both know another will simply take my spot. Leaving you in a bleaker situation. I will offer you what you originally wanted, Tyr. You help me, control the NIne realms, and I offer you and your clan penance."

"Penance? We suffer for you only to be punished again?" Tyr barked in disbelief.

"But of course. Do you think a demon wishes to rule over justice and order? You will be in charge of making sure the demons within this realm remain civil. Not to mention you will be a good instructor. Anyway, I need to go. I have other shit to do. Come to my domain when you are ready."

Using the rune of Teleportation to leave before Tyr could say anything, I arrive upon the Throne where Melino? awaited me, holding a severed head.

"Do I even need to ask?"

"A gift from Freya while you were unconscious. "Said Melino? tossing me the severed head.

Watching the being with glowing eyes, I frown, "Sup." I said as it studied my expression.

"Sup?" It repeated, "Is that how the younger generation greet its elders?"

"I am technically older than you, but yes." I childishly replied.

"I am Mimir, a gift from Freya in hopes of having you keep up pretenses with her." He tragically said. Lowering his eyes from mine.

Noticing the shame within his soul, I tossed his head into the air allowing a Faceless to catch it as I made my way to the Throne. Taking my rightful seat, I pressed my knuckles upon my cheek.

"So, Tell me, Mimir, what can you offer me and what do you wish?"

"I am not foolish enough to play with fire. Demon or devil, it is never wise to form a deal with one." Mimir carefully said.

"I will agree, but here we are. A Head and a King. You are without a body, yet you are somehow able to speak and talk. A miracle if I had ever seen one. Let\'s put aside the deal; for now, tell me what you can offer this king?"

"I follow the ways of the world, and I hold wisdom not seen by many since the days of old. Whether it\'s war, strategy, or politics, I would make a perfect advisor." He confidently stated, "Plus, I could tell you about yourself, Oh Prince of Noctem."

Lowering my palm, I glanced at the ashen expression upon Melino?, "What—"

"Impossible, the last Prince died a Long, long time ago! None has ever been able to become her chosen since!" Melino? shouted in disbliief.

"Till now, but he has been touched by her power. Noctem has been without a ruler since its creation. I do not know why she chose Arsene, but a true Monarch is in the makings as we speak." Mimir claimed with a cunning smile.

"You are quite good at manipulating people\'s emotions.\' I coldly said, "Mind telling me what this Noctem is?"

"YOu have been to it many a time." Melino? said fearfully, "it\'s just the true name of the shadow realm."

"Or, to be, more precise, the Shadow realm is only the shadows of Noctem. Created due to its infinite power and size," said Mimir shocking me to my core. "From the great records held by my origin once upon a time, the Shadow Realm was known to be a gate to reach one of the Twelve Planes. Which is called—"

"Noctem, the Land of Darkness," I whispered, hearing the calling from my soul.

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