Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 705 Zanris - Her Name Is Avar

Master\'s expression was icy, peering out at the barrier of darkness. It was rare to see him this serious, but here he was. Arms crossed behind his back, jaw locked shut, pacing back and forth.

Unsure what to say, I paused to gather my courage, to face that look I was sure he would send me. " Master, what\'s wrong?"

Turning to face me, I peered down and away from the demonic glint in his eye that made me wanna take him here and now. " I don\'t know, but something is wrong. Let\'s get out of here." He said, patting Freya\'s shoulders, who shuttered, " Freya," He called once, patting her shoulder again, "Freya\' he said harder this time, stirring her wake.

"Master!" She shouted, blushing deeply.

"Is there another exit?" He asked, glancing back at the barrier he created out of the blue.

"I\'m not too sure, Master," Freya finally answered, " I only checked to see if there were powerful beasts. We were not on the run, so I did not think it was necessary. Did you sense something?"

"I did," Master informed, crossing his arms. His voice strained with worry. " I felt a powerful gaze. No ill intent, but powerful nonetheless."

"If you have sensed them, they will have sensed you," Ezra firmly said. "There is no point in fleeing. If this entity is so powerful, it will do little good to run. You know that." Glancing down at the two from the Astral Sea, she narrowed her eyes, "Let\'s just see what they have to say; they might know these two."

"So you aren\'t just a pretty face," I remarked.

"Better than a walking fuck sleave."

"But aren\'t you the daughter of the biggest slut? Asmodeus is a God of Lust. I\'m surprised you arent popping that pussy."

"I took after my mother."

"Enough," Master shouted, rubbing his temple, obviously annoyed. "Ezra is right. Let\'s just see what they want." He said, dismissing his barrier. "Till they show up, let\'s head back to the village. We have a week; let\'s go."

"And what about us," Rey Nala interjected, staggering to stand. She held onto the stone walls, carrying the scent of moss.

"Your almost dead. Are you sure you want us to leave you and you\'re husband—"

"He isn\'t my husband,"

"You\'re whatever, alone." Said master flatly, " You are most welcome to stay and die, to whatever may fly by. It\'s your choice, stay and die, or follow us to a place where we can help mend those injuries."

Rey Nala, disfigured, still red and charred, grew downcasted. "You will not kill us?"

"I will if you don\'t shut your trap. Accept the help!" I snapped, lifting her off her feet. I shot her a smile and bore down at the ugly little duck, "I wonder if you\'re cute. I never met someone from the Astral Sea."

Amused by the confusion written over Rey Nala, Freya lifted the man with her divinity while Ezra handled Ren.

Sort of missing my old life on Midgard, where everything was less tense, I chose to lead the way before my master tried to. A gleeful smile branded my lips, and I skipped ahead.

Skipping breakfast, we traveled a bit slower than before towards the village. Master had seemed to relax as he fooled around, with Freya seemingly not caring. I would watch as he would constantly grab her bosom or run his hands down into her robes, making her squirm throughout the day.

Freya, that lucky bitch, was being tortured by Master. Puffing my cheeks, I grumbled, annoyed by my master\'s indifference toward me. Zan was just as good, just as tight, if not more. Listening to Freya\'s stifling moans as she tried to hold it in all afternoon was torture. Master was a big meanie. A big bully!

Traveling a few days back to camp under the blaring heat of the twin suns. The one called Cenric had awoken and was forced to walk, while Arsene and Freya would often sneak away to screw. Many of Rey Nala\'s injuries had healed, but she was still dangerously weak like Cenric. Nevertheless, her face was healing quite well, the same for Ren, whose legs had grown back; unfortunately, he was still unconscious.

"Dear Lucifer!" Ezra prayed mindlessly, under the coming of evening, as the hoarse moans of Freya continued to erupt in our ears each day, " Why must I suffer like so? From morning to dusk, all they do is fuck!"

"Agreed, I want to join," I added alongside her prayer, annoyed by what I was hearing. That envious bitch can starve. Zan is not making her breakfast!

"Quite a man, your master is. I have not seen such a shameless man before," Rey Nala said, peering up near the crackles of firewood. Her dim silver eyes were weak with wonder and embarrassment as she lay near a tree stump.

Bitting my lips, I crossed my legs, trying to calm the bubbling sensation in my stomach that called for master. That is till something caught my ear, and I stood up, peering at the faint buzzing rippling through the air.

"Ezra," I coldly said, sending my master a soul whisper of warning.

Whipping through the forest at a great speed, a lime green-headed woman in a white snow uniform resting upon a strange contraption humming with a peculiar noise approached, coming to a safe halt just a little ways away from us. Hopping off her contraptions, the machine beneath her feet turned into a sliver of streaking light that vanished within the tattoo below her left eye, that sparkled a rich blue.

"I\'m looking for Arsene Snow," She said flat out. When Arsene came racing out fully dressed. I could not help but notice the missing Norse God.

"I\'m here!" He naturally said, raising his hand like a child. "Who might you be."

"Avar Limm," She curtly said, approaching on foot.

Master\'s expression slowly turned indifferent under the serene gaze of this strange woman. She glanced around at the others, skimming her gaze over Ren and Cenric, who were heavily injured, and rested her gaze over Arsene.

"I apologize for harming your people."

"More like acquaintances," Arsene corrected with a smile,

"Then forget my apology.\' She curtly said, almost like a robot, " But I am here because your Wife, Lilith Snow, recommended I come and find you."

"Son of a bitch! Of course, she is involved" Master cursed.

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