Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 744 Lilith Snow - Child

"Mama," Arkanos whispered, resting upon my lap. " Are you feeling ok?"

Struggling to pull in a simple breath of air that felt so heavy, the lids of my eyes trembled to remain open. Against all my will, they slowly began to close while I slowly began to sink into the palanquin. Craving sleep that seemed to wash over every fiber of my being, the taste of blood spilled down my lips, and a shooting pain jolted me awake.

​ No! For my baby! I need to be awake! I need answers.

"Izavith," I uttered, piercing my teeth down into my lips.

"I\'m here, my lady," She said at once.

"Get me, Zariel… I don\'t care what you have to do. At this point, you can take Arsene\'s blood right now to bridge yourself to the One\'s World, but get me him. Now. Damn the consequences." I sharply said through clenched teeth stained with my blood.

"My lady—"

"I want answers!" I snapped, unable to help my body, which slowly waned against my will. Flushing my pores with Soulforce to remain awake, I glared and an abyssal qi whipped over the horizon.


Thunder crackled, bellowing with almighty rage; I felt every one of the Fourteen Abyssal Lords shoot to their feet as the True Abyss responded to my anger and desperation.

My fingers clung to my stomach, and tears that felt hotter than the deepest torment fell from my eyes, trailing down my cheeks.

"We will not allow any to have my baby! Even if it means war, with The One."

Struggling to breathe, I gasped, hyperventilating as my chest hammered up and down in an erratic manner. Vision burling, I bit down harder.

"Izavith, Talon, Zyphir—"

"We are all here, my lady," Izavith said, her tone so soft, so gentle I felt a warm arms wrap around me. "If it is your wish, then it shall be war. No more playing by the One\'s terms. Just give us your permission, and we will shatter the Covenant of God."

"Y-Y-Y\' Gasping through the words, my bury eyes suddenly saw the silver eyes of Zariel appear.

"Calm yourself, Lilith," He softly said, feeling the palanquin come to a halt. And the seven-woman dropped without fault. I lifted my gaze to Izavith, whose arms were wrapped around me, and Arkanos shedding endless tears.

" Take a deep breath, in and out." Zariel comforted, drawing a bit close, "you are having a panic attack. In and out."

"Listen to him, Master," Izavith softly whispered, stroking my head.

Struggling to follow their words, I sniffled, wiping my tears. Taking a few moments to gather myself, I shook my head when thoughts whipped across my mind.

How could I be calm? How could I just remain calm when my child—

"Calm, Lilith," Zariel whispered, his lips curling into a smile. " I swear you woman, like to panic. Aurelia was the same. No one is going to take away your child. You have my word."

"You\'re just saying that!"

"Darling, if this war were to start, I would be on your side. You\'re in the big leagues now, Lilith. Your status makes you a target from major forces, not just from Heaven or Hell but all that lay in between." He said, and I nodded. " Now, let me lay out some of the facts and all you have to worry about, ok."

"Tell me," I desperately said, longing for answers.

Zariel smiled. "High above this realm, there exist what I like to call the Wheel of Order and Chaos. On the side of Order, you will find the Angels, and on Chaos, the Fallen. However, these are but only the two extreme sides. Between these two extremes, you will find those that lean toward order and chaos.

"Like Humans?" I interjected.

"Yes, just like that. Due to my position, I stand above these three sides. However, this Council is meant to bring balance, and I ensure such things happen, making sure no sides have too much power. Right now, with my absence, there are a few powers out there wishing to expedite your child, and—


Covering my mouth. Zariel rolled his eyes, " let me finish." He sternly said. " it\'s not just your child, but my own. Everyone that carries the blood of us, Snow\'s, will be targeted." he relayed with a cold grin, his eyes lingering upon me, and then Izavith, " But you have nothing to worry about."

"Why? Why do you say that?" I remarked, unable to understand why he was so confident.

"Because Lucifer\'s grandchildren will be affected, the Seven Archangels nieces. While The mother of Demons is against me, as are the other \'humans.\' I have the votes, and I have the power and the authority to abuse my position if I need to. The only problem I have is probably Mephisto, who loves to make my life hell."

"So we kill him." I coldly said. And Zariel laughed.

"Please. Mephisto, that damn trickster is too tricky to deal with; if you think Lucifer is a snake, then you would be mistaken. Unless all fourteen of your Abyssal Lords strike, I\'m afraid killing him will be impossible."

"Aren\'t you overestimating—"

"Lilith, you and your people are young, having just gained sentience. Even if time works differently here, Mephisto is a being of unfathomable depth. Not to mention he is harmless, especially since we are family. He may torment family, but he will never harm them. "

"So nothing is going to happen? What about Arsene\'s visions." I uttered.

"Nothing to do with Mephisto, nor anyone else from outside. Your child will be the Actual Child of the Abyss instead of a creature created by his majesty like yourself." He answered, placing his hands over my forehead. He frowned, " She has a fever."

"Wait, who caused the visions then?"

"You already know the answer to that. Only three beings in all creation can show the future of beings like us. And I am one of them." He said in a somewhat bragging tone, "Get yourself some rest. I can\'t be coming back and forth like this so often. And get rid of that fever. If something happens to that baby, his majesty will definitely kill me. He is quite excited to hold his nephew or niece."

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