500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 53 I Wish It Was That Easy!

As Listenia fixed her shop, I rubbed my hand. The woman had an incredibly solid face, and my hand hurt like I had punched a rock that didn\'t break.

The Elf hadn\'t looked at me since I hit her, but I swear I saw her smile as she regrew the counter and shelves her body had destroyed. I had no clue how the women in this world worked, but I knew that I wasn\'t going to be pushed around by them.

"So, how long are you two going to be gone?" Breya asked as she patted Claire\'s eye stalks.

Claire didn\'t seem to like it, but she wasn\'t really in a position to complain at the moment. I was curious how this one was going to act in the future, considering that her position as Holy Beholder was on the line.

"How long do you want to go out?" Listenia asked, turning to me.

Her beautiful face didn\'t even have a mark on it, which was unbelievable. I had felt my hand contact her skin when I hit her; I would have to ask her about it after.

"Are there a lot of monsters in the forest near Temni village?" I asked, and Listenia shrugged.

"Not enough to cause trouble often. Why do you ask?" Listenia asked.

"Well, we could go thin them out, but maybe we should go and set some wards. Do you know how to do that?" I asked, already drawing the glyphs in my mind to show her if she didn\'t, but Listenia nodded.

"You mean to put Light wards, I assume? That will notify us and also damage and slow down, if not kill and undead. These are great, but the number we would have to place would take far too long and too much Mana. I know you are special, but I can only do sixty at best," Listenia said, and I almost shit my pants.

"Seriously? Sixty? With just your personal Mana? That is more than impressive! You must have a Mana Pool the size of a lake! You could cast Meteor like fifteen times with that much!" I laughed, and Listenia blushed.

"How can you just know that? Even if you know how much Mana it takes for a spell, you can\'t know how much I will use! Yes, I could cast Meteor that many times, exactly! I have tried, yet you just guessed from my comment about how many Wards I could make!" Listenia said, getting a bit excited.

"Hold on! I didn\'t guess; I watched you just fix that counter and shelf with Regrowth wordlessly, which is also impressive. I can tell that you are extremely skilled in your control, which would give you at least a twenty percent reduction in your Mana cost. With that, I figured out that if you maxed out at sixty, Meteor takes four times as much Mana. When you get to your level, you will have spells that you have mastered. Regrowth isn\'t one of them, or you won\'t need to create a circle to cast, right?"

"Unbelievable. You make it sound like it is something everyone should know at a glance, yet you are not boasting. I can\'t wrap my head around you!" Listenia said, letting out a long sigh.

"You have it easy, Listenia. At least you can doubt what you hear or try to tell yourself that there is no way that it could be true. I do not have that luxury because all I can do is see the truth in his words!" Breya complained, and I looked over at her and frowned.

She had a white plate with a piece of cake on it that she was eating and sharing with Claire. It wasn\'t that I disapproved of her giving Claire any, but the real question is, where the hell did it come from?!

"Where did you get that cake from?" I asked, and Breya pulled one of her wings around to hide it.

"I am not sharing with you! I am already sharing with Claire because I feel sorry for her. It would also be like torturing her by eating it in front of her! It is from my bag!" Breya said from behind her wing shielding her face, so only her eyes and top of her head showed.

"Don\'t worry, I am not going to take your cake. You girls can have it; I was just curious to know where you got it from," I chuckled.

"I have a magical bag in which I can store items, and they stay fresh. I am also not too poor to buy my own cake, but I won\'t say no if you make me some! You are going to make me some, right?" Breya asked, lowering her wing cautiously.

"I am going to teach you how to make many different… You know, let\'s just say yes. Probably better for your panties this way!" I laughed, and Breya smirked.

"You\'re right, and I don\'t think Listenia would let me take you up to the clouds right now. Considering what has already transpired, instead, we should talk about you milking some of that golden nectar that you wanted," Breya chuckled, but I shook my head as she pulled her wing back from a confused-looking Claire.

"No, we should not. Come on, Listenia. We have monsters to kill, and you girls have cake to eat and a shop to look after!" I declared and walked out of the shop before Breya could open her mouth.

That was going to make for an awkward walk back home with Claire later. I am going to have to learn to keep my derogatory comments to myself when I am around Breya.

She was not the type of Angel that sprung into my mind at the mention of the name, even if she looked the same. When I thought of an Angel, I thought of a pure and holy winged maiden, not whatever the hell this creature was!

She was more of a Demon than Xieus! Speaking of that Demon, I hadn\'t talked to her much today.

\'How are you doing? You can come out if you want,\'

\'I am perfectly fine here. I can listen to your heartbeat and am lying in a bed of your emotions for me. While not overly strong, they are a comfort I have never known. I also do not like to walk or hunt, so you have no need of me,\' Xieus replied, and I chuckled.

\'Suit yourself, but I thought that I would offer.\'

\'Kind of you, but you don\'t need to offer. If you just think of me, I will feel it, which is enough. That is unless you want my help with some release,\' Xieus said, and I could almost feel her coquettish smile in my mind.

Just then, the door to the Listenia\'s shop opened, and she walked out, wearing some light armor that she hadn\'t worn before. As I turned to face her, Listenia tossed a pouch I caught, nodding in thanks.

"Thank you. I had meant to ask you about that, but that damn Angel made me rush out of the shop. She is not the woman that I thought she would be!" I laughed as I tied the magical pouch to my belt that my sword sheath was hooked to.

"Really? All Angels are like that, and she is one of the better ones. The others below Claire might talk poorly about her and how she does things, but they are no better. I am interested to see how you deal with other Elves. Just to forewarn you, none of them could survive what you just did to me, so you might want to think of a different method," Listenia explained, and I smirked.

"Don\'t worry, I only hit you as hard as you could take, but I never expected you to have such an incredibly hard face! I bet I could use your nose as a chisel to carve a marble statue!" I laughed, but Listenia didn\'t look impressed.

"Is this how you get all the women into the bed with you?" Listenia asked, crossing her arms and giving me a look.

"Pft! I wish it was that easy! Look at you acting all cute and shit when we are alone. The next day, you turn into a bear and try to hit me! With full force, you savage," I retorted, and Listenia blushed, making me toss my arms up.

"Maybe save the name calling for when we are alone. I think we might make a scene if you keep this up right here," Listenia warned but didn\'t seem opposed to it.

p "Lead the way, your highness," I gestured, and Listenia took in a deep breath and then took off running, even faster than O\'lee.

I stared at the trail of dust in the street and groaned, shaking my head. From what I knew about women, they were all crazy, but this magnitude was starting to get out of control!

Still, I kind of liked it!

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