500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 269 Stupid Idea

"So let me get this straight," I started as I looked at both girls, who were now seated across from me at the table. "You got into a fight with the guard captain and two other guards?"

"It\'s not like that! We didn\'t mean to get into a fight!" Daphne exclaimed, and Velma nodded her head in agreement.

"We were just asking some questions, and then they started insulting us," Velma said, trying to defend their actions.

"And you didn\'t think that maybe you shouldn\'t be asking those kinds of questions in a town we are currently not supposed to be in?" I asked them pointedly, and both girls shrunk back in their seats slightly.

"W-well...no..." Daphne mumbled, looking down at her hands guiltily. "But we didn\'t mean any harm by it!"

"I know you didn\'t mean any harm...but that doesn\'t change the fact that you need to be more careful," I said sternly as I looked at both girls. "If anything happens to either one of you, I would be distraught. I like you girls, and I think that you have the potential to become great detectives that help me sniff out problems, but that can\'t happen if you are both just doing whatever you want."

"But we are used to doing things on our own!" Daphne exclaimed, and I shook my head.

"That\'s not going to work anymore. You need to start working together as a team, and you need to start following orders," I said firmly, and both girls sighed deeply as they looked at each other.

"We understand," Velma finally said after a long silence, and I nodded my head.

"Good...now let\'s move on from that topic," I said as I leaned back in my chair and looked around the room at all the girls watching us intently. " Now, you all know what is happening here, and the demoness masquerading as an old woman. I will deal with her first, but I need you, girls, to get everyone out of the center of the town. We are dealing with a demoness, and she is not like Xieus, so there are only going to be two groups, and that is not up for discussion."

I looked directly at Velma and Daphne, and both nodded, giving me determined looks. I wasn\'t sure if I should be happy or concerned about them nodding, but this needed to be taken care of. If this was happening here, it was happening in the other town and maybe even the city. That bothered me like a festering sliver but still wouldn\'t push itself to the surface.

"So, you just need us to get everyone from the center? Breya asked, and I nodded slowly.

"Mostly, I also want everyone to be on the lookout for Grimora, but I need one person to come with me. Someone that is experienced in disarming traps," I said, and I looked around at all the girls, but none of them volunteered, and I sighed. I was just going to have to set up something to contain the explosions then while I set them off, but it was going to make a mess regardless.

"I know how to disarm traps," Elfinia said from the table she was sitting alone at, and I turned to her with shock. I mean, it shouldn\'t have been a shock, considering she was an elf, but I really had thought that she had done nothing in the way of training. Disarming traps isn\'t something many got taught, and spell trap dismantlers were even rarer.

"Really? Great, you will be with me, and Claire can come. I would prefer to keep the two of you as close to me as I can," I said with a smile, and Claire hopped off her chair beside Breya, who was smiling as she watched Claire come over to stand beside me. Elfinia huffed, threw her hands up, and then rolled her eyes dramatically as she got up and walked over to stand with Claire between us.

"Just to clarify, I think this is a stupid idea. Neither of us has power; if something happens, we will be powerless to help you!" Elfinia snapped, and I rolled my eyes, ignoring her and turning back to the other girls.

"If you can split into two even groups, one with Goldy and the other with Titania. Start getting people out of the center of town, and then we will be right behind you. If you see Grimora before I get out there, send two people back, but one of them has to be Breya. Demons are not to be underestimated, and she might try to use a double to trick you into sending people, only to ambush the runners. I need to follow the rules today, no exception, or I will just lock you in the carriage," I said, looking at everyone. "No one gets hurt today, and everyone comes back here for drinks after, got it?!"

Everyone giggled and smiled, but when I continued to give them a severe look, they all settled down. This was serious, but having the girls all out in the open would be the best idea. If the people found out there were demons here, it would start spreading, making the Cult\'s job immeasurably harder.

"Good. " Let\'s get moving," I said, and the girls all nodded before they started getting up and leaving the room. Claire stayed behind for a moment with Elfinia and me as we waited for everyone to leave so that we could have some privacy.

"So, we will head into the Spatial Lodge, and I will give you both magic. I will not give it back because I don\'t have that right, but because I am Ophiuchus, the Thirteenth Zodiac, I can bestow you with Pure Magic and give you new Goddess powers, but you will be under my sign. I will have to talk to your Signs first, but in time I will return your powers if you want," I explained, and Elfinia scowled at me.

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