500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 292 Chill The Fuck Out

"Come on, you horny bitches!" I shouted as I fought my way through the crowd with Kelly still in my arms. "Is this really what gets you off?!"

Apparently, it was because they were all fighting me tooth and nail to get to us, but I was not going to give in that easily! Finally, after what felt like forever, I made it to the door and kicked it open before quickly making my escape!

The third trial was done, but now Kelly was awake, and she looked pissed. "What the hell did you do to me back there?!"

I ignored her question as we started making our way down the fourth trial, which happened to be a very long hallway with an inscription that read, \'When you lose your way, sometimes the only way out is through.\'

"Ugh... This place just keeps getting better and better," I muttered as we started walking down the hall; Kelly was still trying to pull away from me and hit me simultaneously.

"Let go of me, you asshole!" She shouted as she elbowed me in the gut again. "I\'m not going to let you get away with this!"

I sighed and then finally let her go, which caused her to stumble backward a few steps before regaining her balance. "Fine... Go ahead and try to run, but I promise you that you will not make it very far."

She narrowed her eyes at me for a moment before turning around and starting to run down the hallway, and I just waited and watched as she opened the door to run through it. Then Kelly ran past me as the in front of me opened, and she came through it.

"What the fuck?!" She exclaimed as she looked around before turning to me with a confused look on her face. "How did you get in front of me?"

I just shook my head and then glared at her.

"Listen here, fuck. You are the reason that we are stuck in this shit hole! According to Shelly, you are supposed to be scared and shaking, but you are just a mouthy bitch. I should have just left you in the last room since you fucking around is what got you molested by all of those women in the first place!" I snapped at her, and she just stared at me for a moment before finally looking away.

"Whatever," She muttered before starting to walk back to me, but then she stopped and stared at me with a look of confusion on her face again. "Wait... How do you know my name?"

I slapped my hand to my face and then walked to the door ignoring the airhead. This is what I get for being nice.

"I should have just left you to become one of Bellazibub\'s playthings. That is what Shelly said was going to happen if you failed to kill me, right?" I asked with my hand on the door and turned back to watch all the color drain out of her face. "Or did you already forget why you ran away from the village?"

Kelly just stood there for a long moment before finally shaking her head and looking away again. "No... I remember, but that doesn\'t change the fact that you are an asshole."

"I would watch how you speak to me," I warned her as I opened the door, but instead of walking through it, I just stepped to the side so she could go first. "Remember, I am the only one who knows the way out of here."

She glared at me for a moment before finally walking past me and into what looked like an empty room; there was nothing in it but a single chair that was sitting in the middle.

"What is this?" She asked as she turned to look at me, and I just shrugged as I walked in and then closed the door behind us.

"I have no idea," I admitted as I walked over to take a seat in the chair, but Kelly just stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, looking annoyed. "You can stand there all you want, but we are not going anywhere until we figure out what this room wants from us."

The woman didn\'t respond and just stood there staring at me as I started to walk around the chair. The inscription for the room had been, \'When you lose your way, sometimes the only way out is through,\' but that didn\'t really make sense with nothing more than a single chair. Unless...

"I think we have to sit in the chair," I said after a moment, but Kelly just scoffed and shook her head.

"No fucking way," She muttered as she took a step back from the chair. "I\'m not sitting in that thing."

"Are you really going to be a bitch this entire time? What is your problem? Did the girls back there only get you half of it, and now you are in a pissy mood because of that?" I demanded as I rounded on her. "Do you have any idea what I am going through right now?"

"Oh, please," She scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "You are not the one who just got groped by a bunch of horny women. You actually enjoyed it!"

"No, I fucking didn\'t!" I snapped at her, but I did, but that was not the point! "I was trying to keep us both alive! Do you really think that I wanted to be manhandled by all those women?!" Could have enjoyed it more if this fun sucker wasn\'t with me!

She just stared at me for a moment before finally shaking her head and looking away again. "Whatever... Just do whatever you want, but I\'m not sitting in that chair." With that, she turned and started walking towards the door on the other side of the room, leaving me standing there with my jaw hanging open in disbelief!

Kelly leaned on the door to the next room in a huff and then promptly fell over as the door swung open. I guess that was one way to go through. The chair must just be here to help make you overthink what it was supposed to be, but seeing that cunt fall over was the best part of it all.

​ "See? That wasn\'t so bad," I said as I walked over to the door and then paused when Kelly started to get up. "Are you going to be a problem in the next room too?"

She glared at me for a moment before finally shaking her head, but she still refused to look at me. "No... Just hurry up and get us out of here." With that, she turned and walked to the next room without waiting for me.

The fourth trial had been easy enough, but Kelly\'s attitude was really starting to grate on my nerves. Maybe it was just because we were both stuck in this place together with no way out, or maybe it was because I found her annoying, but either way, she needed to chill the fuck out!

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