500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 294 No Idea, But I Am Going To Kill It

When the room stopped spinning, I found myself in what looked like a gigantic wedding chapel; It was pretty big, with enough room for about over 500 people, but it was gorgeous! The walls were all covered in white lilies, and there was even a small stage at the front of the room. This is the type of place to bring my goddesses, but it was all some grand illusion, so there was a fat chance for that to happen.

"What is this place?" Kelly asked as she looked around with wide eyes before turning to me. "And why are we here?"

"It\'s a church. Have you not seen one before?" I asked, but Kelly just shook her head. "I am not sure why we were brought here," I admitted as I started to walk down the aisle, and then something started to happen.

​ The massive room was bright when we arrived, but everything started to get darker as I walked forward. The flowers on the walls died, and then the roots grew thorns that scraped against the stone walls. The carpet we were walking on turned red like blood, and the glass windows shattered. It was like we were walking through some sort of twisted nightmare!

I heard Kelly gasp from behind me as something big dropped from a hole in the broken-down ceiling. It was a nightmare lizard creature with red eyes that snapped at us with its razor-sharp teeth!

"What the fuck is that?!" Kelly shouted as she stumbled backward in fear, but I just stepped in front of her.

"I have no idea," I muttered as the creature slithered closer to us, "but I am going to kill it. I suggest that you find someplace to hide!"

Kelly just stared at me for a moment before finally nodding her head and then running off to the side as I started to run toward the creature. It was huge, but thankfully it was slow, so I had no problem avoiding its attacks as I closed in on it. When I was close enough, I leaped into the air and did a front flip to bring my fluffy white tail down on the creature\'s head.

The creature let out a painful screech as it reared back and then started to thrash around wildly. I rolled out of the way just in time to avoid being crushed and then quickly got back onto my feet. The creature was obviously hurt, but it was far from dead; I needed to end this now before it had a chance to recover!

I ran at the creature again, and this time, I leaped up onto its back. It thrashed around, trying to reach me with its teeth, but I held on tight as I started driving my fist into the back of the creature\'s head until it stopped moving.

The moment that it seemed to die, two more creatures dropped down from the roof. The time it was a pair of nightmare geese that were seven feet tall but had bodies like raptors. Their heads had hoods like cobras, their bodies black and red, blades on their wings, and just for kicks, three rattling tails on each of them.

"Who is thinking up these things?" I asked as the creatures hissed and charged towards me, but they were much faster, and the first spit a stream of green at me that burned the floor and pews as it narrowly missed me.

I leaped out of the way and then slid under the second one as it tried to slash at me with its wing blades, but I quickly came up behind it and jabbed it in the back of the leg, which made it stumble forward. The first creature turned to attack again, but I was already moving; I ran towards its partner and leaped into the air before kicking its head and flipping over onto the back of the first creature. It thrashed around trying to reach me but couldn\'t quite manage it, so instead, It started flying erratically around the room, smashing into everything!

The second creature was not happy about this turn of events and decided to take matters into its own hands by flying at us full force; Unfortunately for it, this just caused its partner to lose control and slam into the wall hard enough to kill it instantly. The second creature screeched in frustration as it watched its mate die, but I used that opportunity to rip off one of the wing blades. I stabbed it in the creature\'s neck, and it plummeted to the ground.

Almost instantly, four more creatures dropped down. This time it was a pair of nightmare dogs with six legs each and three eyes in their heads that stared at me menacingly.

"This is getting ridiculous," I muttered before running towards them and leaping into the air to bring my tail down on one of their heads. The creature yelped in pain as it was knocked to the ground, and its partner turned to snap at me with its teeth.

I quickly rolled out of harm\'s way and then leaped up onto its back before driving my fist into its spine repeatedly until it stopped moving; Then I quickly jumped off just in time to avoid being crushed by the other creature that had gotten back up.

The fight went on like this for what felt like hours; More and more creatures kept dropping down from holes in the ceiling, but thankfully, none of them were too difficult to defeat, thanks to my speed and agility. After a while, though, I was getting tired; My arms felt like lead weights, and my breathing was coming out in ragged gasps... But still, more creatures kept coming! Just when I thought that there couldn\'t possibly be any more left, one final creature dropped down from the ceiling.

This one was different, though; It looked like some sort of nightmare horse with black fur and red eyes, but it was also on fire! The moment that it hit the ground, the entire room went up in flames, and I could feel the heat searing my skin.

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