500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 341 From The Underworld

The new beasts were tricky, and their numbers seemed to be endless, but I was finally able to start wearing them down after a while. I had killed dozens of them and drained them of blood as more kept coming. The ground was slick with blood which only made it easier for me to take them down since they would slip in it when they tried to dodge my attacks.

I allowed myself to get hit more often than not on purpose, but the creatures couldn\'t pierce my thick Panther hide with their teeth or claws, which meant I was safe from that, but their strength was still there. My body was sent flying into trees or tossed around like a rag doll, but it didn\'t matter because I could take the hits.

The only issue was that they were also trying to tire me out so I wouldn\'t be able to fight as long, but I just kept draining blood from them. I felt like my body was starting to reach a critical point from all the blood, and then I suddenly started to swell as my body became covered in black spikes.

An aura of dark Mana surrounded me as black flames danced around me. My eyes glowed brightly as I looked at the fear in their eyes, and then with a bestial roar, I charged forward once again.

They tried to run, but it was pointless. I caught up to them quickly and started tearing them apart with my powerful claws and teeth. Their screams echoed in my ears as their blood coated my fur, but I didn\'t care. All I cared about was the power flowing through me as their reserves were slowly depleted.

Then I felt the ground tremble under me as my Mana Runes picked up five massive signatures that popped up in front of each of the cultists, and then there were five screams. I watched as each of the red Mana targets was devoured by the massive humanoid blue Mana shapes.

The creatures were each about fifteen feet tall, with three eyes and six arms. Their mouth was filled with sharp teeth, and their body was covered in spikes. They were wearing black armor that left their chest and stomach open which showed off their large muscles, but I didn\'t have time to look at them as they rushed toward me.

I started to back away as they came closer because even though I had killed a lot of these things before, I had never fought more than one at the same time. There was also the fact that these five looked different from all the others that I had fought so far, which meant they were even stronger.

Unfortunately for me, it seems like they knew this, too, because they didn\'t give me any time to think or plan as they just rushed forward and started attacking me all at once. Their strength was incredible as each hit sent me flying through the air or crashing into trees which caused them to snap like matchsticks.

Their claws tore through my flesh easily as blood flowed out of my many new wounds, but I healed almost instantly and just became more enraged, hurtling Siphon Spikes at them. The needles were meant to drain blood, but they just bounced off their thick hide as if they were nothing.

The only thing that I could do was dodge their attacks and try to find an opening, but it was hard because even when I would hit them, it didn\'t seem to faze them in the slightest. They showed no pain or emotion as they just kept attacking me relentlessly, but I wasn\'t going down without a fight.

They had finally managed to back me into a corner with nowhere else to go as two of them grabbed me by the arms while one grabbed my tail which caused me to let out a pained yelp. The other two then started punching me over and over in the stomach, causing me to throw up blood with each hit, but I just healed and kept fighting.

They then lifted me off my feet before slamming me back down onto the ground so hard that it caused the earth to shake around us. Then they each grabbed one of my limbs and started tearing my body apart, but I nearly laughed at the creatures as my body contracted.

My fur receded into my skin as my muscles grew, and then I tore out of their grip before quickly leaping up and spinning in the air. My long black Panther tail lashed out at each of them with super speed as they tried to dodge, but they weren\'t fast enough.

I cut through their thick hide like it was butter which caused them to roar in pain as blue blood oozed out of their wounds, but I didn\'t give them time to recover as I landed on one of them before biting down hard on its throat.

It tried to shake me off, but I just tightened my grip until I felt the creature\'s windpipe crush under the pressure, draining the creature dry as its energy flowed into me. I then leaped off as it died and landed on another one.

My long Panther claws dug through its hide as I rode it like a bull, but eventually, I was able to make my way to its neck and snapped it with ease which caused the creature to stop moving as more blue blood oozed out of the wound. swirling into my mouth, but I stabbed spikes into the wound and looked up at the last three six-armed creatures.

This time when I leaped off, I didn\'t land on another one of them but instead retreated a few steps away before looking at the creatures. Blood was draining into me as I stared at the other three monsters that were glaring at me with hatred in their three eyes. They rushed towards me with their claws extended, but I didn\'t move.

They each grabbed one of my arms as they tried to pull me apart, but I just grinned at them as black Mana swirled around me. My body started to swell as my eyes glowed brightly, and then with a mighty roar, I exploded outwards.

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