500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 415 Little Tyrant

"I am not cold!" Tallia snapped but then sighed, looking at Breya. "This little girl will test you, I am sure, but I can promise you that you will never love anything in this world more. This little person is going to become your everything. If you think differently, then you aren\'t ready for this, but this world is full of women who can help you, just like me. Considering that the egg is already showing the picture, the total time might only be a month. This means I could have a child with Galio right after your birth, and we could raise them together!"

"That sounds like it might be good! I was kind of scared since I would have to be doing things all alone!" Breya said with relief, but I put up my hand.

"Hold on, first, I will help you as much as I can, and it is great that you will have Tallia, but what about goddess duties?" I asked, and Tallia frowned and then tapped her chin.

"You are just going to have to find a replacement for me! I have done it for long enough, and I am tired of trying to make everyone else happy!" Tallia snapped, and I flinched back.

"You think people that are goddess material just pop up everywhere?!" I demanded, and Tallia gave me a look.

"Do I really look like I am goddess material, Galio? Look at Torrain! Bramma? The South Wall? I am only in Bramma now because Melrose won\'t stop crying for me!" Tallia retorted, and I sighed.

This was true; I had been overlooking those things because I loved her. I was responsible for putting goddesses in place that would benefit the island and the people.

"Okay, I will start looking and thinking about people that would be a good replacement for you," I said, and Tallia kissed me.

"Good, but I think we should lay some ground rules," Tallia said after pulling back, and I gave her a questioning look.

"What do you mean?" I asked. Now there are rules?

"First, all goddesses get a chance to have a baby before you have any others, except with Eliza," Tallia said, and I nodded.

"That is fair, but not that I am arguing, but why are you including Eliza?" I asked curiously, and Tallia crossed her arms.

"You two will make an adorable child, and she will make an amazing mother. I also don\'t think she will leave Breya\'s side or mine once we have these kids. There is no reason to torture the poor girl, and she is special to you," Tallia said, but the last part came out more softly, and I kissed her, pulling back with a warm smile.

I rested the Golden Egg in my lap, and then I pulled both women into a hug. This was going to just add more to the crazy, but I wasn\'t opposed to it. When Breya had been given the egg, I had thought at first that it might limit me. Now that I had all my memories back, this was a good thing, and I was kind of excited.

Tallia, Breya, and I had a family beginning to form already, but I knew that the future would be even more exciting. The three of us talked for a few hours, and I portalled to get us all food.

Finally, I had to tell the girls that I had to get going, and I reminded Tallia not to stay too long since she was still the goddess of this island.

"Yes, Great Cat God!" Tallia said, giving me a salute, and I laughed.

Both these women looked excited about the kids, and I was happy, but I think Breya was still a little bit on the fence about them. She still found it hard to believe that a small thing like a baby could turn into someone like herself. I knew she would love the little girl, but I was almost afraid to see what little tyrant popped out of that egg!

"That is Mr. Cat God to you, little missy!" I growled and then attacked her neck, making Tallia giggle, and she tried to push me away, but then I quickly kissed both women. "Okay, I am off to fix the world\'s problems; try not to get into too much trouble while I am gone!"

"You are the one we should be telling that to!" Breya giggled, and I rolled my eyes as I gestured to the side.

I made a portal back to the cabin, and Hilda was sitting on the couch we had been on, but she had a blanket over her lap. She had fruit on it, and she looked up at me after taking a bite from a strawberry, smiling as the portal closed.

"Before you ask, I did get some sleep here on the couch, but I just woke up a little while ago!" Hilda said after she cleared her mouth, and I grinned as I walked over to join her on the loveseat.

"I am glad; you are going to need your strength for the day," I said, and Hilda nodded as she pulled off her blanket. She scooted closer, so our legs touched on the loveseat, and I looked at her with a grin.

"You seem really excited," Hilda said as she grabbed my hand, holding it on her lap.

I smiled at that before giving it a squeeze back and nodding. "It has been an interesting day so far, but let\'s talk about you. Are you ready to go back and take your place as Torrain\'s ruler?"

Hilda nodded eagerly and stood up, looking at me with a renewed look of determination in her eyes. "Yes! I am ready to do this; we are going to make Torrain great again!"

I smiled wider as I stood up, offering my arm out for Hilda to link hers through it. "Then let\'s get going, shall we? Torrain is waiting for you."

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