500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 421 Is This Magic Anymore?!

Tallia headed out to let the rest of the Mothers know to meet at City Hall at dark, and I stayed behind to do some repairs. I had already looked from above with my Cat-Robin and surveyed all the damage. It wasn\'t that bad, considering the fight that had taken place.

I gathered magic and stomped out multiple spells, creating layers of massive magical circles that spread out around me until they were all in place. I was trying to figure out how to do this all at once, but I was more than waving my hand. I couldn\'t just cast a bunch of spells at once; that wouldn\'t do it this time like with the towns. They all had basic shapes, usually one of each thing in most cases, but these were buildings with multiple rooms. I could make them all the same, but I wanted everyone to feel unique.

That just wasn\'t as easy as I made it seem, so I had to layer on the spells and then connect them in certain places, so they reactivated when needed. Then I had to create shifting spells to create variety, but this wasn\'t normal magic, and it took much longer than I had planned. When I could finally activate the complicated string of spells that were all connected strangely, I let out a long sigh. There was no way this would be possible for the entire city. Even just these ten apartment buildings were pushing me to my limits, trying to do everything at once. It would take a month for me to do the entire city, considering just how small of an area this was.

I snapped my fingers, and the spell circles rose up into a twelve-layer pillar that was held together with strings of Mana. Tallia opened a portal beside me and walked out but then gasped when she saw the crazy-looking magic I was about to cast.

"What is this?! Is this even magic anymore?!" Tallia exclaimed, and I grinned as I scooped her up into my arms.

"Oh, it is magic, just not the type that the average goddess could even do!" I laughed and then used a hand to gesture for a big portal under us that we fell through.

"What are you doing?!" Tallia screamed as she clutched me, but my wings burst from my back and spread out as I created an updraft.

Down below us, the spells were almost ready, and this would be the perfect view.

"Been a few days since we really spent any time together, and I thought that this might look nice from up above," I laughed and then kissed her before pulling back with a grin. "I saw your dismount before, and it was pretty rough when you left me. Are you feeling okay?"

"I don\'t want to talk about it, and neither do you!" Tallia growled, and I kissed her again as the spell finally stopped.

"Okay, Okay! It was pretty funny, though," I said, and Tallia bit me, making me laugh. "Now stop being so rambunctious; the show is about to start."

Tallia looked at me and then at the spell tower. "How is that even possible?!"

"Magic," I said and snapped my fingers, and the reconstruction and renovation of the ten apartments began.

The first spell dropped down, and the ground started to churn, swallowing all the wreckage, smoothing the entire section out, and then pushing the new apartments up into place. This continued all around us in a complexly beautiful pattern until all ten apartments were standing tall and proud. As the last spell dropped down, I snapped my fingers again and, this time, conjured up lights that lit up the entire area with a warm orange glow.

"Wow," Tallia said, wide-eyed as she looked at me before wrapping her arms around me tightly. "This is amazing! You are so talented!"

I laughed again before pressing my forehead against hers. "It\'s nothing without you," I said, and we kissed again before I opened the portal back to City Hall.

​ "Come on; let\'s go see if everyone else is done with their tasks," I said, and I pushed us into a large meeting room as the sun set behind the portal.

Everyone else had made it in the room, and they all watched as Tallia, and I came skidding in, and the portal closed behind us. This was a bit of a grand entrance, but we were a pair of Astral Beings, so we should be allowed to have a bit of flair!

"Sorry if you were all waiting, and to Willow for leaving with very little warning. I cleaned up the problem, but I had to toss a few women across the city, so they are probably going to be confused. All in all, the northeast got a facelift, and as soon as we can decide on some things, I will get to the rest of the city," I said as I set Tallia down. All the women were looking at her and not me, but I expected this since she probably hadn\'t been around very much.

"Thank you for defending our city, Galio. All the mothers and their closest helper are here as you requested," Hilda said with a smile after standing up and then bowed to Tallia. "Thank you also for gracing us with your presence, Goddess Tallia!"

"I am glad to be here, but just so we are all clear, I get my power from Galio, not the other way around. The person that has been helping you is just what he says, the Cat God, and he works very hard to make sure that you all get to live peacefully. I think that you should all consider that after you hear him speak. You might pray to me for help, but I prayed that he would come to help me," Tallia said and then pulled me down for a kiss before gesturing for a portal. "Try to get along. One more thing before I go. I will be stepping down as the goddess of this island, so if there is anyone that is seriously interested, they can ask Galio. I have to go deal with Melrose, so there is that, and I will talk to you all later!"

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