500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 631 The Awakening of Hidden Memories

Chapter 631 The Awakening of Hidden Memories

"Get out of my way," I growled at the massive figure before me, my wrath targeted at Kadeon rather than the lion man that I called my brother blocking me.

My words hung heavy in the air, causing tension to ripple around the room. But the figure, shrouded in darkness, merely laughed. A deep, bellowing laughter echoed throughout the room and sent an uncomfortable shiver down my spine.

"I see you haven\'t lost your arrogance, Galio," The voice boomed, carrying a mocking undertone that filled me with gritting resentment. The figure stepped out from the shadows, his form more visible now.

Instead of his typical human form, I was met with the sight of a monstrous lion demi-god. His form was bulkier, shrouded in eerie, mysterious darkness infused with Chaotic magic. The detail that put me on edge was the familiar face framed by the mane - Leo.

"But this time, you are not getting in his way," Leo stated, his eyes flaring with a frightening determination. "This is my fight."

I scoffed, my anger simmering below the surface. "\'Your fight,\' you say? You are a pawn of Kadeon, Leo. This is not your fight. You\'re being used yet again. It\'s pathetic."

Leo growled, his fingers curling into fists. The flames of anger in his eyes were quickly replaced with something more potent - an indomitable resolve. "I chose this fight, Galio. This is the path I have chosen."

"No, Leo," I counteracted, my gaze filled with cold clarity. "This path was chosen for you. By Kadeon. You are nothing more than a puppet, a pawn in his twisted games."

He was silent for a long moment before a low chuckle rumbled in his chest. "I\'ve been called many things, Galio... But never a puppet."

Surging forward, I met Leo with equally blazing fury, my divine energy colliding with his chaotic essence. The impact was met with a resounding boom that shook the very foundation of the room.

"You\'re a fool if you think this was your choice, Leo!" I snarled through gritted teeth, but Leo merely grinned.

"I didn\'t expect you to understand."

"Enough of this useless banter!" I bellowed, a fiery intensity burning in my eyes. With my arms outstretched divine energy surged from me in shimmering waves, causing the space around us to ripple. I refused to waste any more time. I had my people to save and a traitor to punish.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself thrust into merciless combat with Leo, our powers clashing in a deadly ballet of destruction. But even through the booming thunder of our battle, I could hear Kadeon\'s mirthful laughter echo in the background.

A surge of anger gripped me. I needed to end this quickly. I needed to save my girls and rid of this imposter god once and for all. Raising my hand, I summoned a beam of concentrated divine energy and shot at Leo. It hit him square in the chest and sent him flying back. But before I could seize the opportunity and press forward, he got back up with a pained grin.

"You\'re going to have to do more than that to take me down, brother."

I clenched my jaw, matching his determined glare. "Very well," I said, my gaze hardening. "If it\'s a fight you want, it\'s a fight you\'ll get."

With that, I rushed forward again, my wrath burning hotter than before, my mind firm on the goal. This was it. The battle to reclaim what was mine had just begun, and nothing was going to stand in my way.


"Look how hard he fights for you, and yet, even now, Galio has no idea what you really are! It almost feels like a waste to just eat you!" Kadeon cackled as his once divine androgynous body grew into a sinister-looking monster that was too hideous to be even called an ugly demon. "I think that I will let him see you for what you really are, The Dark Empress of Selvack! Slayer of thousands, and enslaver of millions! Even you make me look like a saint! I am going to give him a good final shock of despair before crushing his spirit."

Xieus tried to protest, her eyes wide with terror as Kadeon moved closer. She was bound by some force, her actions retrained as she could only watch in horror. Both Xieus and Rem futilely attempted to break free, agony and rage twisted on her face, but neither of them could force Kadeon away from Xeius.

"You are nothing but a parasite, Kadeon!" Rem spat out, her eyes flashing with hatred. "You may control us now, but Galio will defeat you. He will save us."

Kadeon laughed, a sickening sound that echoed around the room. "Such big words from a small creature. Surely, you\'re not in a position to make such claims, are you?"

But Rem only glared at him, her eyes filled with intense loathing and a burning resolve. She remained silent, her lips set in a tight line.

Watching them, Kadeon\'s malicious laughter slowly died down, replaced with an ugly snarl. "I\'m tired of this game. It\'s time to end this."

He reached out for Rem, but before he could touch her, a booming sound echoed through the room, followed by a bright surge of light that filled the space. All eyes turned in time to see Galio, his eyes ablaze, a defeated Leo on the ground. A strange cosmic energy radiated around his form in violent surges as he walked forward.


"Stop! This ends now, Kadeon!" I roared, but Kadeon put his monstrous form between me and the girls.

"Stop? Now? Don\'t you think that is a little late for such talk?" Kadeon asked but then tapped his disgusting lip. "I think that you are still missing something, right? There are still some holes in that stupid head of yours, so I think that it is time that we filled them!"

I tried to rush forward, but the air around me became thick. I tried to disperse the effect with my own True Magic, but nothing was happening.

"While you might have your memories back about your power, you are still in my realm. Call yourself what you want, but I am the True God here, not you! Now! Back to your precious Xieus! The hole in your mind! But not for much longer!" Kadeon cackled a sudden surge of chaotic magic emanating from him. Before I could utter a retort, his attention swiftly turned towards Xieus.

"I think it\'s time for our little secret to be revealed, don\'t you think?" Kadeon taunted, inching towards her with a menacing smirk.

Xieus trembled, her eyes wide with terror, and it was at that moment that I felt a sudden cold dread wash over me. Instinctively, I charged forward, but an invisible force stopped me. I pushed against the force barrier with all my might, but it was proving more difficult than expected.

"What are you trying to pull, Kadeon?" I growled through gritted teeth. In response, Kadeon threw back his head and laughed a grotesque and chilling sound.

"Xieus!" I shouted, but my voice was drowned in the rambunctious laughter of Kadeon.

Suddenly, the room plunged into complete darkness. A deathly silence descended, the only sound echoing was the erratic heartbeat thrumming in my own chest.

"Reveal your true form, Xieus!" Kadeon commanded, his voice booming through the darkness. "Let the Great Traitor God see who you really are!"

A shrill, bone-chilling scream pierced through the darkness followed by a luminescent glow that slowly began to illuminate the room. A grotesque figure stood where Xieus once did, monstrous and terrifying. Amidst the dread and confusion, realization began to dawn on me. This was the dark secret Xieus had been hiding.

This was why she had severed her past with me and chose to forget everything... to protect me. Betrayal, confusion, and a deep bitterness seeped into my veins. Kadeon\'s malicious laughter echoed in the room, further amplifying my rising fury.

Unhindered by the revelation, I charged forward, pushing through the invisible force with every ounce of my energy. "Xieus!!!" I howled, my voice brimming with raw determination, but my mind started to reel, and the world around me went back as my mind was sucked into a memory that had been sealed away.

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