500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 667 New Home and Upcoming Challenges

Chapter 667 New Home and Upcoming Challenges

Breya nodded, eagerly following me. As we entered the house, Diablo, who had been kind enough to act as a torch till now, returned to my shadow. She could rest for the rest of today, but I would be putting her to work tomorrow.

"To go up, you just channel magic into this," I explained as I put my hand over the device.

"Anyone can use it?" Breya asked, but I shook my head.

"No, I made it so it would only respond to those that have my crest on their breast. I will have to mark Diablo and Xena, but Grace is of my blood, so she can use it... I mean, even if I made it so she specifically couldn\'t, she would probably be able to override it," I sighed, and my daughter winked at me with a little grin, making me shake my head.

As we ascended, my mind drifted back to the party. I had made a point to stay out of sight for most of the night to keep everyone focusing on me. This was also part of the reason why I had decided to head out of the city with my girls. Senna and I spent some time in the morning going over some plans with a few trusted individuals suggested to me. Those plans would take effect all through this week to get a better feel for the people who are participating in the games.

The plan was to cull half the group from 144 down to 72 before the games even started, but I had to keep everything secret. The people hired to help with this were some very eccentric people, and some could be considered dangerous. I had marked each of them and warned them all that killing and senseless destruction would not be tolerated. However, I did tell them to put everyone through the ringer.

I would be watching remotely on occasion, so I was interested to see what would happen. No matter how bad I wanted to take a break, I was still the god of this world, and I had a sneaking suspicion that a Blood Witch would show up. Regardless, I was keeping watch over everything in the back of my head, and it looked like one of them was already getting started.

Velma and Daphne should have had a hard time with this one, but the person leading them on this chase was the second-best of the group. A person that was a master of puppets of all kinds, but also had some hedonistic tendencies. Their eccentric personality and flair for dramatic presentation should definitely serve to add a certain amount of mystery and thrill to Velma and Daphne\'s chase after the thief. I just hoped she would be enough to keep them distracted so the other contestants could have a chance to be tested.

"We\'re here," I said as we reached the topmost living area. Stepping out of the lift, I waved my arms and walked through the doors that opened out into the main living room. A whole glass ceiling provided us with majestic views of the night sky while the tree\'s branches intertwined with one another creating a sense of natural privacy.

The furniture, made from the same sturdy material as the tree, was accented with softer fabrics and cushions for added comfort. There was an open kitchen to the side, complete with modern-grade equipment. Various sections had been carved into the giant trunk to act as rooms - bedrooms, a study, a play area for Grace, and a magic-safe room for practice.

Soft, warm light emanated from several glowing orbs hanging from different branches around the living space, adding a touch of warmth and homeliness to the place. Vines crisscrossed along the walls, blooming with flowers of different colors and spreading a pleasant fragrance around.

"Is this to your liking, my fair Breya?" I asked her, steering her forward into the room.

"It\'s absolutely... spectacular," she managed to say, still looking around in awe. "Far beyond anything I could\'ve imagined."

I laughed at her quote and gently kissed her forehead. "This is just the start, Breya. We have an eternity to build the world of our dreams."

She leaned against me, snuggling closer as we took in the breathtaking view. Just as I looked up at the star-studded sky, I caught sight of a shooting star, its brilliant tail cascading across the sky. Hurriedly, I nudged Breya and pointed it out. She gave a surprised gasp and quickly closed her eyes to make a wish, as was the human custom.

The peaceful moment was disrupted by the soft cry of our daughter. Grace was tugging at her mother\'s hand, pointing at the space far away from the room where I planned to create a garden.

"Dada, mama, stars!" Grace exclaimed excitedly, and we both laughed. Even though I knew she could talk just as well as me, it was nice that she acted like a child every once in a while.

."Yes, darling, stars," Breya repeated with a soft sigh, cuddling Grace closer.

I pulled both of them closer and closed my eyes, closing off the rest of the world, even if just for a moment.


"So, you have already started causing mayhem?!" Evil Goddess number 3 asked, but 2 only shrugged, holding her hands out to the sides, panties dangling from her fingers.

"I would hardly call this mayhem, but I suppose it is a start, those fangless vampires are annoyingly smart! They have already figured out that I am controlling the dolls and went to Amanda, but she just played along with them!" Number 2 laughed, but then sighed, retracting her panty collection. "I was hoping that I would be able to steal most of Northwall\'s knickers before they figured that much, but I have to give them credit where it is due. Looks like I am going to have to switch things up to keep them guessing!"

"What about the rest of you?" Number 3 asked, looking at the other three, and then narrowed eyes at Number 4. "I am surprised that you have yet to do anything? You were all, I am going to make all of those little goddesses beg for mercy, right?"

The hooded figure that was Number 4 crossed her arms. "I am listening to what our god told me! Since my abilities work in larger areas, he told me to wait until tomorrow after he had changed the city. Not all of us are as impatient and impulsive as you," she finished, staring back at Number 3.

The tension in the room thickened as the two figures glared at each other until Number 1 started to chuckle.

"You are really claiming to be patient after practically begging our god to let you take action?" she said, aiming her words at Number 4.

Number 4 responded by jutting her hip out to the side, turning away, and crossing her arms tightly, a huff escaping her lips. Number 1\'s chuckles turned into hearty laughter.

With the tension in the room broken, Number 2 also piped up, "Oh, and here I thought you all were going to wait until the Goddess Games officially started before stepping into the picture. Playing with the participants beforehand is our job."

Number 2 eyed Number 4 momentarily before rolling her eyes and sighing.

"True. Regardless of how eager we are to join the thick of things, we should keep in mind Galio\'s instructions and the importance of timing," Number 5 said, pushing up her glasses, "After all, we don\'t want to risk angering him? And remember what we get if we do a good job?"

"That is the only reason why I would lower myself to work with all of you," Number 1 said, and then stood up. "Unlike the rest of you, I am not a reject or an outcast, but if this is what it takes to be able to personally serve my god, then so be it! I shall play the villain as my god asks!"

"Yeah, totally not an outcast," Number 2 groaned, and Number 3 giggled.

"I am sure you have lots of friends waiting for you in your lab, right, Mystic, Grand Chemist of Fae High Court! Don\'t you work personally for Titania herself?" Number 5 asked, and Number 1 threw back her hood, revealing her face. She had short pixie cut hair, her sparkling glasses resting high up on her nose bright, multifaceted eyes of a thousand colors - a trait only the highest fairies bore.

"I am certain my standing is higher than the likes of you!" she hissed, her eyes flickering with annoyance.

Number 2 patted her on the shoulder, not even flinching at the icy glare thrown her way. "There\'s no need to get angry, miss high-and-mighty. We\'re just pulling your wing! We should be focusing on the upcoming Goddess Games and how we are going to cause some fun chaos."

"Yeah, no need to take it so personally, madam elite," Number 4 added, smirking beneath their hood. The rest of them joined in the laughter, causing Number 1, the elite Fae, to storm off, cheeks red with embarrassment.

After Number 1 had stormed off, the rest of them settled down and started talking about their plans for the Goddess Games, each of them eager to put their devious plans into action. As they continued bantering, it was clear that this was only the beginning of the chaos they planned to unleash. The Goddess Games were about to become a lot more exciting.

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