500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 679 The Hard Truth of the Games

Chapter 679 The Hard Truth of the Games

"Don\'t you think that this is going too far?" Breya asked from my lap, but Grace shook her head from where she was sitting on my shoulders.

"Dad is right to let them do as they like. This is the only way that you will really find out who is qualified for the job," Grace explained, still looking like she was less than a month old.

Breya winced and sighed, looking back at the crystal screen. While it was her idea to let Grace talk with us, it still seemed to shake her each time our little girl talked.

"Grace is right," I smiled and then pointed to all the people in the rubble. "While Eliza might be shitting whole rectangular-shaped blocks of shit because of the way her city is being torn up, all will be fixed. I also privately spoke with all the residents of Felidae and our guests. I made them an offer that most of them couldn\'t refuse," I said with a chuckle, making Breya turn in my lap and look up at me confused with her solid gold eyes.

"A deal? What kind would be one that most wouldn\'t be able to resist?"

"Anyone that participates in the events at least once will be rewarded 20 gold. That alone is about the average person\'s wage here in the city for a month according to Senna. After that, each person can participate up to five more times. Each time the reward gets progressively bigger, ending with a house," I explained, and Breya\'s eyes went big.

"A house?! Just for helping out 6 times?!" Breya demanded, making me laugh, but then she thumbed her bottom lip thoughtfully. "...Maybe I should join?"

"I don\'t think it is worth it, Mom. The reason why Dad made such an extravagant offer was to make sure we had people to play their part. The offer sounds good, but I am sure Dad already knows that most of them will not continue on past the first time. Even though Dad shields and heals them, they will always get hit with the initial blast. On top of that, many will end up buried in the rubble, hoping that one of the participants will rescue them," Grace explained, making Breya narrow her eyes on me.

I smiled and then kissed her forehead. "I explained the danger to everyone, and when the "Evil" goddesses are about to act, they have to send me a signal. From there I send a signal to everyone in the area, and the others around the city that want to help," I explained, and Breya relaxed and leaned into me as Grace patted her head.

"Well, I guess that it is alright as long as everyone knows what they\'re getting into," Breya conceded.

"Sadly, not everyone is going to make it, but I designed the games this way. I wanted to get a lot of people out here, but I knew that many would not be up to the task. One of the cold hard truths about the contestants is that most refuse to let go of past grievances. On top of that," I said and then waved to the screen where the girls were fighting. "Hardly any of them are taking this seriously. All they seemed to be concerned about is proving who is the strongest, even after my speech," I explained with a sign and Grace patted my head.

"The women of this world have been living this way for so long, and they also have a history with one another. Most of the races have at least one reason or another not to like another race. That is going to make it hard for any of them to work together. Part of being a goddess of this world will be working with the others to deal with problems so Dad doesn\'t have to," Grace explained, a wise and mature glint in her tiny eyes that belied her short time in existence.

"It sounds to me," she continued, "that many of the girls are still thinking only of the glory and the title of \'Goddess\'. They think it\'s just about power, about being able to claim that they\'re the strongest. They\'re not thinking about the responsibilities that come with the title."

Breya gave a hum of agreement. "And I suppose that\'s where Galio\'s plan for the Games comes in. By forcing them into situations where they have to work together and help others, he\'s showing them what the role of a Goddess is truly about."

I nodded, feeling a strange mix of pride and sadness well up in my chest. Pride for my daughter, who had grasped my intentions with such clarity. And sadness, because I knew despite all my hopes, much of what I was doing might still not be enough. Many of the contestants would not learn the lessons I was trying to impart.

"Some will learn. Some will not," I stated simply. "But regardless, the Goddess Games will serve as a purification process. They will weed out those who are unfit for the roles of the Goddesses, and hopefully, they will make those who remain better prepared to take on their duties."

As we sat there, watching the spectacle in the streets of Felidae continue to unfold, I couldn\'t help but wonder whether this battle, this ordeal, would truly be enough or whether it would only just be the beginning.


"She is too powerful!" Virdis complained as she tried to create a barrier of vines.

"Hold on," Glacia called out, her voice firm amidst the chaos. The icy surface of her shield shimmered in response to her will, expanding to cover Virdis alongside herself.

Cherry roared, launching herself into the air with a surge of fire beneath her feet. She twisted to avoid a blast from Pyrrah than half transformed into a red dragon. Cherry\'s size didn\'t change, but scales layered over her skin, her nails and teeth sharpening into claws and fangs, and wings sprouting from her back. With a deafening roar, she swooped down on Pyrrah, either not seeing her raise her hand, or ignoring it together.

Just as she was about to reach her, everyone in the area was blown back with Pyrrah\'s fire magic, incinerating an entire block of buildings. Protected by the building they were behind, Goldenia watched O\'Lee try to brace against the shockwave but was blown back, landing in a pile of debris some distance away. Me\'Tal was smacked out of the sky, and Cherry was sent flying into another block of buildings even further away.

Everyone that was watching through the screen at a safe distance, or through Eliza\'s own personal screen in her office, winced as they heard the sounds of the buildings falling.

"GALIO!" Eliza screamed as she had a fit.

"It seems that Pyrrah might be taking her job a little bit too seriously," Senna said with a sigh and then shook her head. "It would be nice if the girls took their roles just as seriously."

Eliza stopped throwing her arms in the air and then looked at Senna with a pleading expression. "Can\'t you do anything about this?!"

Senna just shook her head. "According to Galio, everything is in place. I have more important things to worry about currently," Senna said and then narrowed her eyes at the ex-countess. "Thanks to someone, I was put in charge of this new city! Do you even know how much work goes into reorganizing an entire city that quadruples in size?"

Eliza put up her hands in surrender, but then slouched down onto her desk with her head turned to the side. "If something doesn\'t change, most of the people in the city are going to be too mentally scarred from all the conflict to go back to a normal life after this," she groaned, but Senna shook her head.

"Galio said that any contestant or group that meets requirements set by him during the pregame will temporarily receive a goddess-level boost to help them overcome the Evil Goddess. Unfortunately, so far no one has gotten that close," Senna explained, turning back to the screen. "They need to not only work together. A single lone contestant could receive his blessing, but I would be surprised to see that happen. Galio designed everything to force the women to not only work together to defeat their enemy but also to protect the people and surrounds."

"Seems harsh," Eliza muttered, running her fingers through her hair.

"But necessary." Senna retorted, now standing at her side, staring at the screen. "Harsh conditions breed strong leaders, and that is what our world needs."

The room fell silent again. Eliza felt her heart thud heavily in her chest, the severity of their situation sinking in. On the screen, Cherry was pulling herself out of the rubble, her clothes singed but her spirit still burning as she prepared to rejoin the fight.

A pang of admiration surged through Eliza. These girls, despite everything, were still standing. Shaking, bruised, and battered, but standing nonetheless. Each of them was struggling to obtain a position of greatness, but the question was if any of them knew exactly what that meant.

Were these trials too harsh? Perhaps. Yet, Eliza had to agree with Senna, it was necessary. It was important to remember what they were fighting for, and why they were subjecting themselves to these trials. It wasn\'t merely for a title, for power, or for prestige. It was for the responsibility that came with it, the burden they were willing to bear for the betterment of their world.

"Let\'s see how they fare." Senna\'s voice cut through Eliza\'s thoughts, her eyes still locked on the screen.

A collective gasp filled the room as Pyrrah once again let out an earth-shaking roar, sending an expanding flame ring through the city. Despite the heated situation, there was a subtle change in the atmosphere. Unknown to the spectators, a particular set of guidelines was close to being reached.

"Not again!" Me\'Tal grunted from where she threw up a wall of air to protect two other Orc contestants who were digging the shielded people out of the collapsed buildings.

"Ha!" O\'Lee shouted as both of her hands came together, causing water to burst out in a shielding fan to stop the flames from causing any further destruction. The spectators erupted into cheers, amazed by the quick response and teamwork the Orc women exhibited.

"Your tactics are getting old, Pyrrah!" Cherry yelled over the roar of the crowd, cracking her knuckles as her scales glimmered and the fire in her eyes flared. Despite the hardships, Cherry was exhibiting more courage and resilience than she ever had before.

Glacia and Virdis regrouped, their determination fueling their spirits. Much to their surprise, instead of launching another attack, Pyrrah allowed them some breathing space.

"Let\'s see how well you girls can handle the next wave of \'evil\'," Pyrrah called out mockingly, her eyes flashing with mischief as several shadows descended from above, revealing themselves to be the other \'Evil Goddesses\' Galio had arranged.

"Are you still playing with your food?" Whispera, The Goddess of Distortion asked as she looked around at the decimated part of the city.

"I\'ve trained them a bit. But I\'m only here to weed out those who are unfit for their roles, you know how it is, right?" Pyrrah smirked at her.

"Indeed, I do." Whispera\'s voice was chillingly pleasant as she drew a spatial distortion between her fingers. With a wicked smile, she tossed it towards the contestants.

"This is nothing more than the Pre-Games!" Pyrrah shouted, throwing her hands in the air. "If you thought that things were getting hot for you, then you have better prepare yourselves!"

The crowd erupted in anticipation as the contestants stood their ground, their faces set in determination for what came next.

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