Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 191 [Bonus ] Calm Down, Uncle Ben

While she thought I got to work on healing John, it wasn\'t like I had to put more effort into it. My System could be considered autonomous, but that wasn\'t the whole truth.

I had split my mind in two, and that meant that one half of me was always working and controlling my System. This made it so I could just direct the flow of things with my intentions. Not having to constantly pull up charts and menus when in battle or trying to do complicated things was a beautiful thing.

John\'s injury would have been fatal, even if we got him to a doctor, and there was power. There was more than just a normal infection. As my System healed him, I also took samples of the strange cells that were trying to destroy his body from the inside out. These things were the reason why he would have died, not the severed arm.

[Target: Wargon Blood Leukocytes]

[Information: Responsible for protecting Wargon from infection and disease. They have a special code that registers all known cells in the Wargon\'s body, and anything that is not part of that code is attacked. When introduced to another creature\'s body, they will attack all living cells, devouring them, and reproducing, resulting from the consumption.]

Wow, that was some scary shit. The Wargon\'s white blood cells were amazing and could be useful in the future. If we could integrate them into humans, this would basically stop all organic infections and diseases. It wouldn\'t stop things like metal or radio wave poisonings like lead or radiation, but still incredibly useful.

"So, you came to the base to do what? It is still dark in here, so I can assume the power isn\'t on, right?" Candace asked as I continued to heal John.

The cells were very hard to get out of the body because none of them could be left behind. This made the job a lot more meticulous for my System, but I just had to sit back and watch the loading bar fill up.

"Do some exploring, look for some specific aliens, you know. This is area fifty-one, after all," I chuckled, but she narrowed her eyes on me.

"You didn\'t come to save people?" Candace asked in a pointed tone.

"Nope, this just happened," I replied.

"You are not much of a hero," Candace said, and I placed a hand on my chest to mock being hurt.

"I am going to pretend like that hurts my feelings, but that word has worn out its welcome for me," I sighed.

"But, you have power! You have responsibilities!" Candace demanded, but I put a hand up.

"Calm the fuck down, Uncle Ben. I am not Spiderman, and this is not a movie. You have no idea what has been going on or what has happened. I don\'t owe anyone anything, so keep your opinions to yourself about whether I am a hero or not because I don\'t actually care. I was left as one person out of nine billion with the power to stop what attacked us. I stopped them, and now they are working on cleaning up their mess," I explained, trying to to get upset, but the word Hero grated on me now.

I was no Hero, and I didn\'t plan on becoming one. I was working to protect my people and the others that I chose, nothing more or less. I would do whatever it took to do that. I would become a monster to fight the other monsters that stepped on me. I will become the villain if that is what it takes to remove the great evil that held me back from what I wanted.

I continued to heal John, but Candace stayed quiet.

Not everyone was going to agree with me, and that was fine. I wasn\'t in the business of forcing people to do anything outside of basic things to keep them healthy. I would not stand to have people getting sick and dying because their heads were too hard.

That was going to be one of the biggest hurdles going forward. Even the people that could accept my policy of no human on human aggression, there were going to be those that had trouble with the new concepts. This I could handle, but it was something that I was going to have to figure out how to nip in the bud.

I had to hope that much of this kind of attitude was tied to mental diseases and we could cure them, but that wasn\'t all that caused them. The people of this world had been subjected to nothing but constant lies to keep people in order, or that was what they told themselves. People were going to have a hard time trusting anything, but they were going to have to learn.

The question was, how much time did I have before I needed everyone on the same page? That question brought me back to the one that had started bothering me today.

What happens when I reach that time? Would I actually leave hundreds of millions, possibly billions of people, out to die? If they were left on the surface, all of them would be killed by radiation sickness, and they would be horrible deaths. What about all the kids that weren\'t allowed to make a choice because their hard-headed parents made it for them?

I hated that I was the one holding the ax, but a choice would have to be made. Whatever choice I made was going to be with me for the rest of my life, and that looked to be very long. I had to hope that one day I would be able to look back at all of this and nod to myself for making the right choices.

With great powers come great responsibilities. Yeah, Uncle Ben had it right, but I was starting to feel more like Thanos than any Superhero.

As the big purple man said, "Fun isn\'t something one considers when balancing the universe."

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