Harem In The Intergalactic Apocalypse

Chapter 244 Arseni Sergey

"Get to the other side with my clone, and I will be there in a bit. Don\'t argue with me or reply; just go," I said calmly as I walked up to the human-shaped shadow.

Mox listened and ran off with my clone still protecting him, and I focused on the dark form in front of me as I raised my hand. Suddenly, the room was filled with a bright glow from my hand, where I created a powerful light.

[What are you trying to do?] Shalgoth asked, annoyed.

"I am trying to give you a choice," I said simply as the light from my hand grew brighter and brighter until it was too much for the creature. It screamed before diving into the human host, and I followed it without hesitation.

Once inside, I looked around and saw the countless shadows of people that this thing had taken over before finally finding its core in the back of its mind. It was struggling against me now as I pushed forward towards it with a determined look on my face, but I was suddenly buffeted by the Shalgoth.

I flew back and hit the wall hard as the Shalgoth began to take control of its host again, but I quickly regained my footing and pushed forward. It was a battle of wills now as we fought for control of the body, but this time I grabbed the host as my Memory Crystal pushed out of my forehead, and I forced a connection.

Time slowed to a stop as I was pulled into the man\'s mind, but there was a massive black shadow waiting for me and blocking my way. Without hesitation, I became light incarnate and pushed the shadow back.

"This is not a fight that you can win! I have already seen that you will never get this body back!" The Shalgoth raged as its shadow pushed back on me, but I gave no ground.

"If you can see that, you must know what is going to happen next? You have already seen your own defeat, haven\'t you?! I always wondered what it would be like to be a 4D being, but even if you see all time, you know that you can\'t win. I will trap you again, and then you will rot there!" I roared and pushed even harder, gaining ground as the shadows fought even harder, but I was the master here, and I controlled this place because it was my memory that I had forced them into.

"You could never comprehend what I am, but it is nice to have an opponent that understands the basics of my being. I have seen my own demise, but with each movement of atoms, the future changes. I might not win this, but I will not give in to you, and I will fight you with every atom of my being! I am The Night! I am Shalgoth!" The shadow screamed, but I just pushed harder and then created a box of pure light and crammed the shadow into it.

Then I sent it to the same dimension I had sent Tiamat, but this time I allowed for all words to be repeated infinitely. This bastard was going to be a headache, but the light seemed to be the answer for dealing with him. For now, I concentrated on the man that was looking at me with a scared and confused look.

"Your name is Arseni? I asked the Russian-looking man, and he nodded slowly and then looked around.

"Where is this place? I was just in a place that was dark and screaming. How did it stop?" The man asked, and I nodded.

"My name is Daniel, and you are in one of my memories right now. I am an alien, but I was born on Earth. I have cleaned things up on Earth for the most part, but I need to get you out of your body, and then I will put you into a new body. Your old one is almost completely consumed, but he needs this part of you to complete himself. If I take you from your body, I think that he will be forced to consume the body and will become weaker," I said, and the man nodded.

"I am Arseni Sergey, but that will not stop this thing. It has to be put back in the special light barrier, but without power, there is no way you can do that," Arseni explained, and I nodded.

"I figured as much, but I have another solution. I am working on getting the special generator back online right now, and I can create light, so it is just a matter of time. I am surprised that you lasted as long as you did trap inside the Shalgoth," I said, but Arseni waved it off like it was nothing.

"I was sent as a spy for the KGB but then was caught by the Americans, so a little bit of screaming is not so bad. Much better than having a cloth put over your face, and then having water poured into your mouth. I have been through enough to just busy myself with the sudoku puzzle in my mind," Arseni explained, and I gave him an impressed nod.

"I could use someone like you with a strong resolve and hard head. Ever thought about piloting a mech?" I asked him with a grin, and the man gave me a strained look.

"Just how long have I been like this?!" Arseni demanded, and I laughed.

"Less than a month, but the world has been making some major changes. I am going to store you in my mind right now, but when I get back, I will put you into a new body," I said, and Arseni gave me a smirk.

"Do I get to pick who I look like?" Arseni asked hopefully, and I nodded, returning the smirk.

"You can edit your body however you want," I said, and his face lit up, and then he looked down at his pants and back at me, and I nodded with a laugh. "That too."

"Woo! I should get eaten more often! That is what my ex-girlfriend used to say!" Arseni laughed, and I nodded with a smile.

"Alright, I am leaving now, but you shouldn\'t have any more run-ins with that crazy bastard," I said, and then pulled myself back into my body.

The shadow-covered human form was quickly consumed, and a scream ripped through the room as every shadow screamed at once.

"YOU!" They all screamed and came at me like never before, but my vines cut through them like paper now.

"Yeah, it is me! Daniel, the Fun Sucker! Enjoy your last bit of freedom until I get the lights back on, but just remember that no matter what you do, I am putting you back in that box, just like the one you were just in!" I laughed as I tore through the shadow like they were butter.

"You will never be able to put us all back! There are too many of us, and we will keep coming for you!" They screamed as I sent them flying back with a wave of my hand.

"Yeah, yeah. I have heard that before, but it doesn\'t matter how many there are of you! I will find a way to get rid of all of you eventually! You might be immortal, but so am I! Even if you do manage to get free, I will always be here to put the baby back in the box!" I laughed as I started to walk to where Mox had headed, the shadows still trying to get me.

"It doesn\'t matter how long it takes or how many times you have to do it! I will always be here to make sure that you don\'t harm anyone ever again!" I shouted as the shadows finally gave up and dissipated into nothing. I knew that it was still going to be hard getting the Shalgoth contained, but I had taken the fire out of the being. It made me wonder what it would be like to see all time at once, but then I tossed the idea aside.

I already had enough trouble with the time I was currently in, and I didn\'t need to know how many more stupid messes I was going to find myself in. No, I was perfectly content with living life in the third dimension.

I walked for a bit, but then I heard Mox\'s voice, but he was arguing about something.

"Give me my damn weapons, or I am going to turn you into a pile of shit, you little Garbax!" Mox said as I turned the corner to find Mox holding his massive pistol at what looked to be an oversized white raccoon. My clone was standing in the corner with a grin, watching the entertainment.

"I am not a Garbax, you idiot Gideon! I am a Gornar, and I am here to help you!" The creature said in what sounded like a very offended tone.

"Yeah, well, I don\'t need your help! Now give me my damn weapons back!" Mox shouted as he waved the gun around. The Gornar just sighed but then started to hand the weapons back slowly. "Hey! Give them to me now!" Mox shouted again, annoyed.

The Gornar sighed again and dumped the pile of weaponry on the ground in front of Mox, who quickly started putting his guns away while grumbling about how ungrateful the creatures were around here. After he was done, he looked up at my clone with an angry look.

"What use is a clone if it just watches and laughs at me?!" Mox demanded as I walked over and absorbed my clone.

"I would have done the same thing," I grinned and walked over to the Gornar and bent down in front of it. "What is a Gornar supposed to be?"

"I am helping you!"

"No, he is a thief. Just kill it so we can move on!" Mox demanded, but I waved him off as I looked at the curious creature.

"If you can help, then what can you do?"

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