Limitless Evolution: The Path To Immortality

Chapter 22 Killing Intent [3] - Neglect

"What do you think?" The woman looked over to the burly man, yet due to the way he was sitting, she couldn\'t see the expression he had on his face. The only thing she knew for sure was that his gaze followed Silas the entire time, showing his clear interest in the boy.

"He\'s a monster..." The burly man replied with a flat tone that the woman could not decipher even if she tried.

"Hehe... Wait, you don\'t actually believe that, right? Sure, his killing intent is insane for his age, but he isn\'t nearly as strong as Nymira. She could have had that guy on the floor in less than 5 seconds.

The boy took over a minute to beat him! I can\'t think of a scenario where that boy beats my disciple. Even if he uses his killing intent, she\'s been trained-" However, before she could go on, the man raised his hand and stopped her.

"I don\'t mean he\'s an actual monster. I mean that, when it comes to fighting, that boy is a monster among monsters." He paused, but this time the woman didn\'t interrupt him.

"Did you not see something weird about that fight?" He asked while turning to her, allowing her to finally see his expression.

It was one of curiosity, thrill, and vigor.

"Not really? The boy\'s attacks are quite strong for his age, but Nymira could do much more when she was his age. I just don\'t understand what she saw in him." The woman sighed while scrunching her nose up in annoyance.

"I\'m disappointed in you, Gina. Even your disciple saw in him what you weren\'t capable of comprehending, but that is to be expected. She has a very sharp nose." The man rubbed the bridge of his nose while Gina lowered her head and bit her lip.

"He may seem ordinary on the surface, but everything he did had a purpose. I could see the cogs in his brain spinning every time he did something. Every single one of his movements was calculated, and the battle from the start of the fight had been planned in his head." The man began to explain.

"Everything from where he hit, the movement behind the hit, and the placement of his feet before and after the hit... It was as if he could see in the future." The man covered his mouth with his hand to hide his grin.

"If he\'s so calculating, why did he throw that sword at his opponent?" The woman sneered. She thought she had found a hole in the story and was trying her best to undermine Silas, but her question only excited her teacher more.

"Did you not see the fight? He\'s not a swordsman! He dodges like an assassin, and attacks like a martial artist. The sword was just a cover-up. No matter how out of their mind his opponent was, it gave them a sense of security.

Plus, it slowed them down. This is what I mean, Gina! He\'s a genius! His level of talent could even rival Nymira\'s. Maybe I should train him? What do you think." His words quickly turned into mumbles, and before Gina knew it, he was talking to himself.

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed the collar of her teacher and quickly began jumping roof to roof toward the center of the town.


"What was that..." Syra finally asked after they had begun walking for a few minutes.

Silas didn\'t feel comfortable talking to his sister, but he also knew that not telling her anything would only raise suspicions out of proportion.

"I did what had to be done. He attacked me, so I attacked back."

Silas smiled.

"But you were so strong... Stronger than when you fight with papa." She scowled.

"That\'s called sparring. In spars, we don\'t fight with all our strength." Silas replied with a nonchalant attitude.

"Oh really?" Syra\'s frown deepened before she pulled her hand away from Silas\'. Seeing this, Silas paused before sighing. Somehow, he knew that today would be a long day for him, filled with the questions of a ruthless 9-year-old.

\'How do I politely tell her that I don\'t like speaking to her?\' Silas thought, but when he couldn\'t come to an answer, he sighed and looked into his sister\'s eyes.

"How come you barely speak at home. Why do you always insist on being left alone? You only speak to our parents and grandma, and even then, you don\'t speak about anything other than books and fighting. Books this, fighting that. Dad, can you help me with this. Grandma, what does this mean." Syra clenched her fist, and for the first time since his birth, she actually looked infuriated at him. No... She wasn\'t just infuriated; she looked sad.

"Why do you never play with me. Why do you never talk to me? Why do you always want to be alone when I want to have fun with you? Do you hate me? Am I not your sister!?" She gritted her teeth while tears streamed down her eyes. Yet, throughout it all, Silas remained silent.

"I barely know anything about you. I don\'t even know why you challenged that girl. Do you like her or something?" She stopped speaking, causing an awkward silence to fall upon them both.

\'I guess my actions are catching up to me... Or, in better words, my lack of action has taken a toll on the people around me.\' Silas looked down.

What was this feeling? Was it shame? Who knew? Well, he didn\'t know... It had been a long time since he actually felt shame for something he did.

He didn\'t know why he didn\'t like speaking to Syra. Sure, he was socially awkward to a certain extent, but he pushed himself to speak to everyone, from his own family members to Nymira and other strangers.

\'Maybe, I\'m scared? Or maybe, I just don\'t want to taint her...\' Silas thought back to everything he had ever done. Syra was pure. She was his sister that put her life on the line to save his one. He was the furthest thing from pure. He had the blood of billions on his hands, but he didn\'t avoid touching her, no...

He avoided talking to her, because in a way, his mouth was the only thing that brandished his most deadly weapon...

His mind.

"Syra, I\'m-"

"I know you go out every night." Syra spoke, making a shudder go through Silas\' spine.

How much did she know? How much did she find out? He was careful... How did she find out? Those were all questions running through his mind, but Syra continued while looking at the floor the entire time.

"I didn\'t tell mom or dad. I didn\'t even tell grandma. But I know you\'ve been leaving every night and coming back bloodied. You\'re my baby brother... I don\'t get it, and I know you don\'t trust me, but-" Syra\'s voice cut off as a pair of hands wrapped around her before pulling her into a soft hug.

"You\'re right... I\'m sorry." Silas hugged her, his lips pursed into a line, as hints of gilt flickered in his eyes...

\'What am I doing?\'

"Syra, you can\'t tell our parents." Silas spoke, his voice a little more distant than before.

Pushing him away with anger, Syra shouted.

"Why! You know it\'s dangerous, right?! Grandma told me monsters live in there..." She balled her hand into a fist again.

"People die... My friend\'s mom went in there alone once. She never came out. I don\'t want that to happen to you. You\'re not as-"

\'She followed me?\' Silas assumed.

"You can\'t tell anyone... Okay?" Silas glared at her, making her shudder slightly before looking at the floor.

"Plus, you have nothing to worry about. I\'m safe. I have a friend who helps me out." Silas grinned, lying through his teeth.

A complicated expression appeared on his sister\'s face, but before she could say anything else, Silas simply wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pressed her head against his shoulder.

"So don\'t worry. Your brother is going to be fine. What you should be worrying about is how I\'m going to surpass you soon." Silas teased, making her complicated expression disappear as she pushed herself away and placed her fists on her hips.

"You? Surpass me? Heh. In your dreams." She harrumphed.

\'That\'s more like it.\' Silas genuinely smiled.

They continued to walk toward the town hall that was a block or two away from the church.

Silas did talk a little more, but not nearly as much as in their argument. Syra continued to ask him questions about what he did in the forest, but he kept insisting that it was a secret and that anyone who found out would be eaten by wolves or something along those lines.

*Knock Knock*

Passing through the town hall and the many people in it, Silas knocked on the door of the chief\'s office.

The door slowly opened as a woman with long black hair stepped into view, raising a brow when she saw the two at the door.

From Silas\' perspective, she was quite tall, but despite what his vision told him, he knew that she must have been barely above average.

Nevertheless, the same could not be said about her beauty. Her porcelain skin reflected under the shine of the chandeliers in the room. Her dark eyes, they could have been mistaken for black, shone with a vigor that was weirdly attractive.

\'Oh crap... Have I developed a crush? This quickly! Damnit! I haven\'t even gotten to the hormonal years yet!\' Silas inwardly cursed. Sure, Silas didn\'t chase women the same way other men with no self-control did; however, he was still human.

He knew what an attractive woman was; the difference was that he didn\'t act on those feelings of attraction. Plus, going after women for only their looks was pretty stupid. Silas has a long list of things they had to check out before he could accept them as a loyal and worthy allies in his journey of life.

\'Maybe that\'s why I died alone...\' Silas nodded to himself.

The woman had a sheathed rapier tied to her belt that was mostly covered by her black robes that covered most of her body. She was clearly someone who crawled in the shadows; however, since they were in the town hall, she had her hood down the entire time.

"Chief. Keira\'s kin are here to collect her prize." The woman spoke with a flat tone.

As the door opened, the view of a large man sitting at a desk and glaring at the pile of paperwork appeared. The man was burly. Calling him burly would have been an understatement. He was giant, standing 7ft tall with bulging muscles from every limb in his body.

To the side, Silas saw a concrete pillar leaning on the wall beside it.

"We\'ve come for the booty!" Silas wanted to shout, but he quickly stopped himself. He didn\'t want to sound like a pirate in front of the chief, after all.

"Uhh... Give thing?" Silas asked, making everyone raise a brow.

"You mean your grandmother\'s reward? Sure, here." Walking to one side of the office, he slammed his foot onto the ground, opened up a floorboard, and took out a slightly thin tree branch with the top of it covered with some kind of cloth.

"This is your grandmother\'s share of the prizes she earned over the years for protecting the town." He placed that staff in Silas\' hands instead of Syra\'s, confusing the two of them.

"Alright, get out of here. I need to do a lot of paperwork." He sighed while waving them off. Despite this, he quickly whipped his head up from the paperwork he was about to start and looked at his assistant.

"Gina will take you home, okay?" He asked, making Gina\'s eye twitch before she reluctantly nodded.

"Yes, sir..."


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