Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 430 - Lu Zhiyao’s Interview, Help from an Eminent Person

Chapter 430 Lu Zhiyao’s Interview, Help from an Eminent Person

Pei Qian finally decided on two directions after a friendly and harmonious communication with the system.

Housing and fitness...

In fact, Tengda had corresponding benefits for these two projects already. There were subsidies for renting a house and also reimbursements for the membership and a certain number of private training sessions.

The current amount of welfare seemed to be unable to meet Boss Pei’s needs anymore.

Pei Qian only had one feeling now: he made mountains of money but could only trickle the spending away!

Of course, it seemed to be a good idea for all the employees to share this pain together, but this sort of burden-sharing was obviously limited. Pei Qian wanted to buy a huge building to house all his employees. Obviously, that could not pass through the system.

Therefore, Pei Qian could only replace it with housing subsidies previously.

The system’s restrictions on employee welfare had gradually relaxed as Tengda Corporation became larger and was making more money.

He still could not give each employee a good lodging, but it seemed like he could use other ways to achieve this means.

Pei Qian had realized that the system had different restrictions on the method of spending money.

‘Charity’ was the most restrictive and only had a small quota every cycle.

‘Company benefits’ was slightly looser. The standards would continue to rise as the company expanded to cover all the employees.

‘Reimbursement’ was even laxer... even though an appropriate reason had to be found and must appear to be connected to the needs of the job.

‘Investment’ was the most relaxed. There seemed to be no upper limit on the investment funds. The most important restriction was to leave some room for profits so that the project had the possibility of making money in theory.

In some very special circumstances, the system would allow the investment even if there was a limited possibility of making profits; it was permitted as long as they could obtain an excellent reputation and social influence. For example, the documentary filmed previously by Huang Sibo and the loss-making Upwind Logistics. Therefore, there were a lot of restrictions when it came to welfare or reimbursement for housing benefits. It would be a four-person or two-person room at best. The standards were set up too high. However, if one changed their way of thinking and used the ‘investment’ approach, the requirements by the system were much looser.

For example, if Pei Qian were to use this money to invest in an apartment project, use the money to renovate it, and then set a price to rent out.

The system would not be too strict about it if he were to use some rooms as the staff dormitory.

It was just like the Fish-Catching Take-Out, which was a little more troublesome. He first had to make a take-out and then let the take-out provide his employees with work meals and then obtain reimbursement from the company.

It was even better if he could not rent the apartment out. Boss Pei could even make some money.

As to why he chose housing and gym...

That was because both projects had a physical existence, which required repair fees and rents. The maintenance and operating fees were much higher. It might even increase the chances of making losses.

Moreover, Pei Qian could also change his place of residence reasonably!

His current place of residence was alright, but it was just an ordinary two-bedroom apartment. Pei Qian also hoped that his place of residence could become bigger and better as a hermit.

It seemed like he was rather far away from fulfilling his dream of making enough losses until he could buy a mansion.

Moreover, Pei Qian felt that he did not need to worry about buying a house with his own money. It wouldn’t matter if it’s his or not if he could live in it forever, wasn’t it? So what if it belonged to the company? Pei Qian added the two projects ‘apartment’ and ‘gym’ to the planning cycle of the settlement after some thoughts.

It was definitely not in time for this cycle.

On the one hand, there was only one month more to the settlement. It was too late to start these projects. The Thriller Hostel would not be able to be completed within this cycle. It would affect the settlement if he were to add more projects that couldn’t be completed.

On the other hand, it was because the payment of the movie was not so soon.

Generally, movies were released for one month before the box office could be determined. The box office revenue would then be settled from theater to theater. It would take anywhere from three to six months to complete the whole process.

However, there were ‘fast settlement and collection’ companies in the film industry. They were similar to the bank factoring businesses. They would assess the company in accordance with the box office and charge a percentage as the handling fee. It was similar to the ‘fast refund’ of many shopping websites to put it bluntly.

However, even so, he would only be able to obtain this money during the next cycle. It was actually good news for Pei Qian because this cycle would not need to bear such heavy pressure. It would cost tens of millions in less than a month...

However, the pressure would be great for the next cycle.

Therefore, Pei Qian planned to spend the ‘accidental fortune’ he made from the movie to the apartment and gym projects.

As for the other industries that earned more money because of the movie’s influence...

It seemed like he could only splash out on the Thriller Hostel project in addition to regular expenses. He had to use as many excess funds as possible so that the Thriller Hostel would be completed and opened normally for the next settlement cycle.

Pei Qian through his little notebook aside with no love lost.

February 25th, Friday... The fourth day he had decided to disappear. Pei Qian refreshed the webpages and felt that the situation was a gone case.

The activities of the fake reviewers had obviously begun to decline. Not only had they failed to achieve the desired effect, but they had made Tomorrow is Beautifuleven more popular now!

It seemed as though the fake reviewers retreated seeing that the situation was no longer in their favor. They did not want to spend money down the drain.

Pei Qian glanced at the Gou Yan application. It seemed... that the film schedules had increased again!

What a tragic story.

The feeling that Pei Qian was feeling now should be the same as his competitors.

Pei Qian uninstalled the Gou Yan application with the mentality that he would not be able to get upset if he did not see it.

In short, the box office does not exist as long as I don’t see it!

Pei Qian had been cooped up in his rented apartment for the past few days. He was getting a little bored so he subconsciously opened Weibo, wanting to look at the latest news to see if there was any fresh stuff to adjust his depressed mood a little.

However, there were only three hot searches on Weibo.


#LuZhiyao’sacting# #TomorrowisBeautifulRealBrands#

Once again, Pei Qian was speechless.

You’ve been haunting me persistently!

The last two were not hot searches yesterday! He picked a random #LuZhiyao’sacting# thread and saw a draft interview.

‘Interview with Lu Zhiyao: Breakthrough in acting is all because of an eminent person’

“Tomorrow is Beautiful was released on February 22nd. A futuristic satirical story about science fiction broke the audience’s stereotype of domestic science fiction movies. The box office broke 80 million yuan in four days after the release, and it sparked heated discussions across the Internet.

“Lu Zhiyao has shown his brilliant acting skills in the film and vividly interprets the various emotions of a future person. The rivalry with the veteran actor Zhang Zuting is even more enjoyable for the audience.

“During the roadshow, he heard comments from the audience. The highest praise he received so far was ‘an audience that completely forgot that the person on the screen is Lu Zhiyao’.”

A poster of Lu Zhiyao from Tomorrow is Beautiful was included.

“Lu Zhiyao’s toxicity for the box office had always been a topic of discussion. The audience summed it all up to various curses. It would seem that the box office of the movies he participated in, be it shot by a famous director or a big production, would never be able to escape its ill fate.

“If this statement seemed to hold some ridiculous meaning, then the audience’s discussion of ‘whether Lu Zhiyao has acting skills’ in the end would appear sharper and harsher.

“Evaluations such as ‘excessive performance’, ‘everyone he played were like himself’, ‘make one unable to focus on his character’ had been troubling Lu Zhiyao all the time. It tortured him after every movie.

“However, Tomorrow is Beautiful is a huge success which triumphantly washed away Lu Zhiyao’s toxic image and the bad luck he brings to the box office!”

A clip of Lu Zhiyao’s beer-drinking scene was posted.

“With regard to this, Lu Zhiyao feels that at many stages in his life, actors will encounter roles that are extremely important to them, and they will also encounter eminent people who are of great help to their career.

“Lu Zhiyao benefited a lot from his rivalry with the veteran actor Zhang Zuting during the filming of Tomorrow is Beautiful. He also learned how to figure out the psychology of the character and how to substitute for the role.

“More importantly, there was an eminent person on the set who hit the nail on the spot and pointed out the problems in Lu Zhiyao’s performance. It made him realize that actors should not work hard to play roles but should let themselves become the roles.

“Lu Zhiyao said that this eminent person had not only brought him an epiphany in acting but also gave him a new understanding of life planning and even in the philosophy of life.

“The transition from an idol star to a mature and powerful actor is not easy, but he has been working hard. Lu Zhiyao now said that he prefers complex and humanistic roles, and he interprets the weaknesses of the roles more. His performance style has also changed from being exaggerated to introverted. “In terms of life planning, Lu Zhiyao said that he should slow down and take every step steadily. As the eminent person said, ‘acting normal is the most difficult; just act whatever the role is’.

“Extending to the philosophy of life and focusing on the actor’s own job, he should constantly temper his acting skills instead of focusing on those that have nothing to do with his job. “Lu Zhiyao, who was guided by the eminent person, finally found his own style of acting.”

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