Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1648 - As Long As There Are Dreams

Chapter 1648: As Long As There Are Dreams

From that day onwards, the protagonist lived the life of a homeless man, searching in the trash can for food.

Sometimes, his shoes were stolen and he could only walk barefoot on the road. Other times, he would be robbed and he would fight back. No police would take care of the strife between the homeless.

Even so, he kept his mother’s teachings in mind. He had to be a kind person and not hurt others. That way, the good luck stone would always be effective and protect him.

That day, two homeless people mistakenly thought that the stone that the protagonist was wearing was a valuable thing and snatched it away together. The protagonist chased after him all the way to the underground passage and killed two people in the intense battle.

From then on, he joined a gang and tried his best to complete every task. He gradually made a name for himself.

He did not know if the good luck stone would protect him, but he still carried it with him.

After that, the movie explained the protagonist’s activities at different stages in a Meng Taiqi way.

That was to show the behavior of the protagonist in different time periods by putting together a series of related or irrelevant scenes.

The protagonist would receive the task from his contact.

The protagonist was assigning tasks to his new subordinates.

The protagonist was ambushed by other gang members while carrying out his mission and escaped.

The protagonist ambushed and killed the other members of the gang who were carrying out the mission.

The protagonist was suppressed by the powerful firepower of the other gang and could not lift his head. He rolled in the sewer to avoid the bullets like a stray dog.

At the protagonist’s command, his subordinates fired at the scattered enemies. The blood of the escaping gang members flowed down the drainage channel.

The original protagonist saw his partner bleed and die. He was also tortured. His eyes revealed a sad expression.

Subsequently, the protagonist would stand from the perspective of the culprit and watch everything expressionlessly. He would even personally torture the rich businessmen who were kidnapped.

The gang office that was originally used to interview him had also become the protagonist’s private place. The gang leader had been replaced by the protagonist.

However, one day, he made a huge mistake.

One of his underlings had been blinded by money and snatched a batch of goods from Upwind Logistics. In the end, Tengda Corporation’s corporate army came knocking on their door and took out the entire gang.

The protagonist was lucky not to die, but his years of hard work were ruined.

He gathered the few remaining members of the gang and watched Upwind Logistics gradually drive away.

The huge Tengda Corporation logo on it gave off a suffocating pressure.

That made him realize that he was still a rat rolling in the sewers no matter how much effort he had to put in. The occasional drift would not change anything. If he wanted to climb out of the sewer, he had to think of another way.

Late one night after suffering a crushing defeat, he raised his head again and looked at the clouds that were faintly glowing with neon.

The break in the clouds floating in the skyscraper seemed to be a heavenly moat, completely separating the lower level from the upper level.

The reason why this cloud layer existed was very simple. People who lived on the upper level did not want to see it. The bottom level of the city was dirty and chaotic.

They would take roller coasters to travel from the upper floor of one skyscraper to the upper floor of another skyscraper. To them, the entire world was a beautiful world floating above the clouds. They did not want their view of the city to be affected by the ugliness of the people at the bottom.

From that day onwards, the protagonist made up his mind to climb above the clouds at all costs to the top of the skyscrapers to see the real sun.

Immediately after that, the movie took a long time to show the protagonist’s strong personal ability and execution.

The entire gang might have been broken up by Tengda Corporation but the protagonist relied on his outstanding ability to organize the street gangsters again and make a comeback.

This time, he was carefully expanding his business and accumulating the necessary resources while scheming to find suitable candidates.

He had to find a tycoon who was similar in height and appearance to him to execute the plan of changing birds in a cage.

At first, the audience did not know why he was looking for these people. They thought that he wanted to find a protective umbrella among the upper-class businessmen. However, the protagonist thought further.

That was because he would be looking for a protective umbrella in these corporations as the leader of the gang. Perhaps the business would expand quickly in a short period of time, but it would be abandoned immediately once something went wrong.

No matter how big a chess piece was, it was still a chess piece. The protagonist wanted to become a chess player.

Finally, after ample preparation, the protagonist focused on a young tycoon. This tycoon was an up and coming tycoon. He did not have much power. He was energetic, lively, and full of risk.

The protagonist seemed to see his own shadow in this young tycoon.

The protagonist knew very well that it was this adventurous spirit that allowed this young tycoon to win business time and time again. This adventurous spirit would also provide an excellent opportunity for himself.

Making use of the fact that the young tycoon did not have strong sense of security, the protagonist gathered a lot of relevant information, found a plastic surgeon and a volunteer doctor, constantly renovating his body, changing himself closer to the rich businessman.

At the same time, the protagonist imitated the young tycoon’s posture as he walked and spoke through a large number of video and audio clips. He even bought the most advanced sound machine until he became the tycoon completely.

In fact, both of them were played by Lu Zhiyao, but their personalities were completely different.

The young tycoon’s face was always bright and beautiful. His eyes seemed to be filled with tolerance, benevolence, and there was no lack of risk spirit and firm perseverance.

Now, he was the protagonist of the gang leader. He had a vicious image and was a true criminal.

One day, while the tycoon was on his way out, a floating car malfunctioned and caused a car accident. However, he still participated in the meeting unscathed. He spoke confidently at the meeting and successfully facilitated the contract.

However, he sat on the floating car after the meeting and touched his chest lightly.

Immediately after that, the pace of the film became lively. It replaced the protagonist of the tycoon and began to make drastic improvements. On the one hand, it had to continue expanding the company business. On the other hand, it had to continue washing away the black money earned by the gang through the company.

He finally got rid of the sewers as he wished and became the person above the clouds.

The protagonist became less and less like himself. He became more and more like the tycoon. The audience would even think that this was played by two actors.

Not only could the protagonist manage the business left behind by the tycoon well, but he could also propose some new ideas, develop new business, and further develop the company.

The protagonist pretended to be a tycoon and showed his face frequently on various occasions. He seemed to be more and more used to playing this role.

However, he soon encountered new problems. Every time he tried to enter a new field, he would find that Tengda Corporation was already waiting there.

No matter what methods he tried to use, he could not cause any danger to Tengda Corporation’s business.

On the other hand, it would be easy or even natural for Tengda Corporation to snatch the business from him.

In other words, as long as he achieved results in a certain area, Tengda Corporation would immediately rush over to pick fruits. With Tengda Corporation around, he would forever only be able to eat leftovers.

However, no matter how seamless the protagonist’s plan was, his identity would be exposed one day.

The movie did not directly describe the details and process of the protagonist’s revelation. However, it hinted in many aspects, such as the protagonist’s unintentional action of stroking his chest, some mistakes in the protagonist’s etiquette, or the protagonist’s understanding and way of thinking in some problems that were subtle but fatal to other tycoons and the original owner.

No one knew when the protagonist was exposed, and no one knew which partner or competitor had reported him.

All in all, on a rainy night, the protagonist was drinking red wine in his office on the top floor of the skyscraper, looking out of the window at the rain.

All of a sudden, his subordinate called to say that there was a fight between the gangsters. The other party seemed to have come prepared and was besieging a very important warehouse of the protagonist.

The protagonist flew into a rage. He brought his own company’s bodyguards and hired mercenaries with him, boarded an air car, and left the building to rush to the bottom.

The protagonist’s bodyguards were strong and strong with sufficient weapons. It was easy to deal with these gangsters.

After arriving, the other party’s gang collapsed without a fight.

However, just as the protagonist sat in the floating car and sipped his red wine leisurely, thinking that everything was over safely, he suddenly realized that dense law enforcement units had appeared in the skya??Tengda Corporation’s corporate army. They surrounded everyone, and the scene of the gunfight had been recorded throughout.

The evidence was solid. These law enforcement units immediately opened fire on the gang members and bodyguards under the protagonist. The protagonist resisted angrily, but the gap in firepower between the two sides was too obvious.

Obviously, Tengda Corporation wanted to capture all the forces of the protagonist in one fell swoop. They wanted to solve the problem in the most appropriate way and not allow any fish to slip through the net.

In desperation, the protagonist used the hover car to escape. However, Tengda Corporation’s law enforcement unit chased after him. More reinforcements were arriving.

The protagonist returned to his apartment on the top floor and took out his strongest weapon. He put up a resistance. With his clean moves, he defeated a few of Tengda Corporation’s law enforcement units.

However, the follow-up reinforcements soon arrived. The protagonist felt despair facing the overwhelming law enforcement units and drone.

He did not want to die in the hands of these machines, so he fought and retreated until he reached the rooftop of the top floor and jumped in despair.

He took one last look at the rainy night sky and then plummeted. He could clearly see the clouds below approaching.

At that moment, he did not need to play the role of a tycoon anymore. It was as if he had returned to being a homeless man with nothing. In his daze, he still felt like a rat in the sewers. He might have climbed to the clouds by chance but there would be a day when he would return to the sewers and never be able to turn over.

His hand reached out to his chest, wanting to take out the lucky stone and take a last look. However, the overwhelming law enforcement unit had already surrounded him in the air and blasted him into a firework.

On the other hand, the stone passed through the clouds and finally fell to the ground, completely crushed.

A homeless man who was shivering by the side and burning rubbish in an iron bucket was shocked. He stuck his head out of the shack but saw nothing.

That was because the rain had already washed away all the pieces of stone.

He looked up at the sky in confusion, but it was still blocked by the clouds. He could not see what was happening on the top half of the building. He could only see some light.

The homeless man shrank back into the shelter, trembling.

At that moment, he suddenly heard footsteps not far away. He quickly shrank into the trash next to him.

A few young gang members walked past with alcohol in their hands.

“I didn’t expect small fry like us to work for Tengda.”

“That’s right. A few of our brothers died in some risks, but we also obtained business in that area.”

“One day, our brothers will stand out and become true big shots!”

A few young gang members walked past drunk. One of them looked up at the skyscraper next to them.

“I wonder when we will be able to afford the luxury apartments on the top floor?”

Another gang member laughed. “Dreams! As long as we have dreams, we will be able to climb to the top of that building sooner or later!”

The camera climbed up from the bottom, over the chaotic streets and dilapidated buildings, and then through the clouds in the middle of the building. Finally, it reached the sky.

The entire city was brightly lit and looked prosperous.

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