The Primal Hunter

Chapter 497 - \\U0022So, You Want To Join The Order Of The Malefic Viper?\\U0022

Some lessons in the Order of the Malefic were limited to certain members. This was one such lesson, limited to individuals who had been in the Order for less than a year. The lessons were also held once a year, making it one you could only attend once. Jake heard that the Hall Master had missed some lessons in recent times due to being away training, but it didn’t have that huge of an impact who taught it. Rather than teaching much, it was an orientation of sorts, and Jake honestly only attended because it would be suspicious if he didn’t. Well, that, and one kind of ulterior motive.

As for the topic of the lesson? How to become a true member of the Order of the Malefic Viper. Currently, they were all members of the Academy, but they were not truly members of the Order. One had to remember that many who attended the Academy came from different factions from all across the multiverse. Risen, who were loyal to the Blightfather and the undead faction, people from the Altmar Empire, or even the Endless Empire of insect-like creatures. That wasn’t counting all those from minor factions.

Reika was still a member of the Noboru Clan and was loyal to Earth with no real sense of loyalty to the Order as far as Jake knew. Jake didn’t really know if he would consider himself a true member of the Order, even if everyone else would, for one simple reason: he had a Blessing. That was, to many, a clear indication he was a true member. Even if no such rule existed, those blessed just tended to be. Jake was sure it would be touched upon how easy those like him had it with Blessings from the Viper.

With plenty of knowledge of what he was about to experience, Jake walked through the portal to the lesson hall, and to call this one huge was an understatement. But it was more than that. It was not one of the regular lesson halls but was clearly one specialized for this kind of thing. Carvings of the Viper lined the walls, and at the podium in the center was a massive statue of the Malefic Viper. It was a huge coiling snake wrapped around a dragon and sinking its teeth into the neck of the larger beast, with the aura given off by the snake far more profound than the dragon. It was almost a statement that the Viper as a snake was superior to dragons.

On the ceiling was an equally impressive mural depicting the founding of the Order. At least, that is what he assumed it was about. It showed the Viper in human form followed by a huge swathe of people in robes as he demolished an army of beasts and, with a wave of his hand, created a massive hole in the ground to begin building the mostly underground headquarter of the Order of the Malefic Viper.

The entire hall was pretty much an advertisement for how awesome the Malefic Viper and the Order were. As mentioned, then Jake didn’t feel like he would get much out of this lesson, but he did also go for one other reason: to see familiar faces.

Being the hunter he was, he used his tracking skill to find the aura signatures of those he was seeking. He quickly spotted Reika with the other alchemists from the Noboru Clan, sitting with a bunch of other people and chatting away already. Jake had to admit that the other alchemists looked a bit haggard, but Reika looked full of positivity as she chatted with a female beastfolk Jake didn’t recognize.

Seeing as Reika looked a-okay, he left them alone. Jake scanned the room a bit more and spotted Draskil by himself, as always. By choice, mind you, as there were many who wanted to get close and talk to him. His Divine Blessing was just too effective at making people want to suck up to him and make him an ally or even friend.

Jake looked around and spotted a few more people he had seen or met before, including quite a few with whom he shared lessons. Ultimately, he decided to just go over to Draskil and sit with him.

One had to remember that Draskil had a standing higher than pretty much anyone there. He was no-doubt known as a loner who was too haughty to bat an eye when anyone approached, and those he would bat an eye at wouldn’t approach him.

So Jake got quite a few stares as he casually walked over and took a seat next to Draskil. It was naturally unoccupied as no one had dared sit and risk angering him. The Malefic Dragonkin regarded Jake as he sat down, with Jake taking the lead.


“What?” Draskil asked, confused, before his eye widened in realization. “Was it a weak one? Barely evolved?”

Jake shook his head and grinned beneath his mask. “It was pretty newly evolved, yeah, but not on the weaker side at all. Wielded both dark and space magic, with the ability to clone itself and a bunch of other tools. Definitely not weak.”

He was naturally talking about his successful C-grade hunt. The last time he and Draskil spoke, they had discussed Draskil killing a C-grade while still in D-grade, and Jake had now managed to kill one while a few levels lower. He had to brag about it, and the Dragonkin seemed more than interested in engaging him in conversation. Much to the dismay of many of the observers who probably wondered how the guy with a lesser Blessing managed to get so friendly with Draskil.

“Good!” Draskil grinned as she patted Jake on the back, clearly elated at his kill. With great interest, he leaned a bit closer. “How was the fight?”

“Damn good,” Jake also grinned. “Man, it had this one attack…”

The two of them kept discussing as the stares of dozens inspected Jake carefully. Not many of those in this lesson were aware of who Jake or even Draskil was before attending. All the get-togethers so far had consisted only of those from the ninety-third universe, and that was certainly not the case for the lesson hall they were in now.

Jake even felt several C-grades present within the hall. Considering the Order recruited and allowed entry of people of all grades, Jake assumed there were separate lessons for them. It usually wouldn’t end well to mix B-grades with those significantly weaker as their auras alone would crush those present. E-grades – which there were a few of – already felt the pressure from the C-grades and stronger D-grades, making them all congregate at one end of the hall.

Soon enough, about fifteen minutes had passed, and it was time for the lesson to begin. Everyone had taken their seats and the gates on all the walls closed. Down on the podium, in front of the statue of the Viper, a green portal opened as a green-haired human-looking woman stepped out. Her aura instantly blanketed the entire lesson hall, making everyone know she was firmly in the S-grade. But there was more mixed in. It was like her aura carried a concept of authority, more than just something born of power.

Jake did not have a shadow of doubt in his mind. She had an incredibly potent social-type profession. Probably even one called Hall Master or something.

“Welcome all newcomers to the Order of the Malefic Viper,” Viridia smiled as she regarded everyone in the room. Her eyes stopped on Jake for a second, clearly aware beforehand he would be there. She also lingered on Draskil a little but quickly moved on.

“I hope you have all settled in during your time in the Order, or more specifically, the Academy. It is a pleasure to see so many attending, even more so in a time of celebration of our Patron’s return. No more words need to be said to fully establish that the Order is not the weak shell it was merely a few years ago but is now truly a pinnacle faction within the multiverse once more. It is an Order that I must emphasize barely anyone here is actually truly a member of,” the Hall Master of the Order said.

A few confused murmurs were heard around the room, primarily from those who hailed from the ninety-third universe but also some who had merely applied to the Order by doing an entrance test. Jake felt a bit good about others also being clueless about things they should seriously know. Even Jake knew this.

“While all here are members of the Academy, that does not make you members of the Order. As students, you are offered temporary membership while within the confines of the Order, but outside our territory, you are not considered one. This lesson today is about your status in the Order, how to improve that status, and how to potentially truly join the Order of the Malefic Viper,” she continued as she waved her hand.

A projection of a hieratical structure appeared above her. It outlined the general power structure of the Order in a simple fashion. At the very top was naturally the Malefic Viper himself, and right next to him – but placed a bit lower – was his Chosen.

Beneath that were other gods of the Order, then the Hall Masters, followed by Branch Leaders, and then a bunch more ranks Jake didn’t bother to remember before finally getting to the bottom. Temporary outer members. This rank was highlighted as Viridia spoke again.

“For now, you need not consider the top. The Malefic One stands supreme, his Chosen second, especially among us mortals,” she spoke as Jake felt her attention briefly on him, but her eyes didn’t even move, nor did she in any way indicate she was talking about him. “No, the ranks you can reach for are those at the bottom. Right now, the majority of you are the highlighted temporary outer members, which, as I mentioned, means you are not truly part of the Order.

“However, this sort of membership also offers benefits. As temporary members, you do not need to formally join or have any true responsibility towards the Order. You can remain part of any other faction as long as they are not enemies of the Order, and we will have no control of your actions or if you choose to leave. Not that we tend to exert much control over our actual members, but some responsibility is expected.”

Being a temporary outer member was the end-point for most students of the Academy. Jake already knew that. Not necessarily because someone couldn’t join but by choice. As mentioned many times, factions often sent talented individuals to the Order to study for a time, and these would naturally only be temporary members. While in the Order, these people were formally recognized as members, and their status from their home faction decided how they were treated, making them even sometimes viewed as having a higher status than true members. If the Chosen of the Blightfather chose to attend the Academy, he would still only be a temporary outer member, but his actual status would be far above his rank.

“As a temporary outer member, also know that your membership will end the day you stop attending the Academy or are made to leave. If you wish to remain a member, you will have to become a non-temporary outer member of the Order of the Malefic Viper,” Virida continued.

“Now, many of you here will easily be able to do this. Simply being able to enter the Academy makes you individuals with some semblance of potential, already making you pass the first hurdle. In fact, I would reckon that becoming an outer member within the week would be possible for the vast majority of those present. If you wish to also take upon you the responsibility membership includes, that is.”

This led to more murmurs, and a few were clearly interested. Most knew these things, and Jake kind of knew, but her just stating it outright was something different. Many of those unaffiliated with any faction probably wanted membership in the Order and knowing that was a possibility was great news. Especially for those from the ninety-third universe… not.

“Naturally, this near-guaranteed acceptance into the Order does not extend to those who entered under extraordinary circumstances, such as those who recently arrived from the ninety-third universe,” Viridia said, making hundreds deflate a bit all across the lecture hall. “Again, to make it clear, nobody here is guaranteed membership even if they want it. Except for one group: the Blessed.”

Jake knew this part was coming as Viridia lit up the next stage of ranks above outer members. “Anyone who carries any Blessing from the Malefic One will automatically become an inner member if they so choose, and dependent on the Blessing, perhaps even higher. Those with Blessings from gods loyal to the Viper or members of the Order are also automatically offered to become inner members of the Order.”

More murmurs, more talking in hushed voices, and more speculation sounded out. Quite a few looked at Draskil, too, as he sat there with his Divine Blessing.

“Membership and your rank in the Order will naturally also bring many benefits. You will gain more resources, more Academy Credits, and some new lessons will become available to you. All that is asked of you in return is to help the Order as they help you. This may include missions, providing materials for the Order, completing commissions, or just assisting it in other ways. We are not a charity, but neither do we expect slave labor from you. We have actual slaves for that,” Viridia joked, getting a few chuckles from around the room.

“However, more than some resources, you become able to finally claim yourself a member not just within the Order, but in the multiverse as a whole. If you wish for it, you can leave behind a Soulseal in the Order that will detect if anyone slays you, marking your killer. People will fear your very presence, and no faction will dare make a move against you lest they invoke the wrath of the Order. Many foolish forces have fallen through the ages by daring to make us an enemy, and do trust in that – your enemies will become the enemies of the Order. Ah, not to say we will simply deal with any issues for you. That is ultimately still up to you. What it will mean is that someone a few grades above you will think twice before killing you. If you die to someone around your own level… tough luck,” Viridia further explained.

Jake smiled a bit under his mask. That did sound like how Villy would run stuff and pretty much what their personal agreement was. If Jake lost and died to someone around his own level, Villy would not interfere, but if some god decided to kill Jake, he would. The Order would probably not save someone in time, but at least it sounded like they would take revenge. The second best thing.

“Now, as for the ways to officially become a member. Quite frankly, you just apply with any official through the Humanoid Resources department – you should each have a contact person linked to you – and they can get your application started. Tests and such will be performed on an individual basis,” Viridia quickly also added.

Jake, at this point, began zoning out a little as Viridia continued explaining what one could do if they became true members. She took some questions too, but none of it really interested him. Instead, he focused on the statue near Viridia, and as he stared at it, he remembered something.

Wait… whatever happened to that insane sculptor from the Primordial Church back in Haven? I heard he was trying to make a statue of the Viper, but surely… surely he can’t still be doing that?

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