Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 324: Just Breathe

Chapter 324: Just Breathe

To listen to my July Author Q & A, go to YouTube and search "Author AimeeLynn." There you\'ll find a voice-acted recording of "Reth" reading Chapter 2 of this book, along with my recent author Q & A about the Anima world, tribes, and history! All for FREE! Enjoy!



Four of the guards stood over them, shielding them from the attack while the others rushed to engage with the intruders.

Too late. Too late.

Reth tried desperately to suck in air.

"Behr?" he croaked, his chest heaving. "Behr?"

Behryn shuddered and his lips moved. Reth caught the bare murmur of his words, little more than breath over his tongue. "Fucking wolves."

Reth blinked. A hysterical laugh bubbled into his throat, but then Behryn\'s eyes rolled back in his head, and Reth snarled. "Get the wise-women! NOW!"

One of the guards, Tobe, an Equine in his thirties that Behryn had always spoken highly of, beckoned his brothers for cover, and squatted next to them, very carefully touching Behryn and examining the point where the arrow punctured his back—high, and to the left.

Reth wanted to roar, but his breath was still shallow, still trying to stop.

"Sire, are you hit?" Tobe asked. "The arrow… it\'s deep. Did it—"

"No," Reth snapped. "Help him. I\'m fine. The only thing that hurt me was getting hit by a horse."

"That is good, but you cannot move," Tobe said, low and hard. "We need to brace the arrow so it won\'t do further damage until it can be removed, and until we\'re certain all the intruders have been killed or captured, it isn\'t safe to get to your feet."

Reth let his head sink back. "Hold on, Behr," he said. "Just… hold on." He made himself focus on what was happening out of sight, beyond the men that had surrounded him for cover.

There were shouts, snarls, and the thwack of blows, alongside further arrow strings. Leaves rustled as men engaged in the undergrowth, and someone blew the horn for back up. Calls rose in the forest, along with thundering feet as horses galloped for the Royal cave to join the fight.

If Behryn hadn\'t been so obviously in very serious pain, if his life wasn\'t at risk, Reth would have been torn between tearing his head off for not knowing the wolves had infiltrated, and congratulating him on the discipline and bravery of his men.

While Tobe strapped bandages around the base of the arrow, Reth wincing, put a hand to Behryn\'s uninjured shoulder. "Hold on, my friend."

Seconds seemed to take hours. As two more males joined them, circling around Reth, the guards muttered between themselves, communicating anything that could be a threat to each other, tightening their ranks when they saw movement on one side or another. And beyond them, above around the cave mouth, combat continued.

But Reth could feel Behryn\'s breathing get heavier, his chest laboring, but the guards were entirely focused on keeping Reth safe and out of the view of the snipers that had almost killed him.

"He needs help!" Reth growled.

Tobe nodded. "But it will do us no good to get him to Aymora if either of you gets shot again, Sire," he said evenly. Reth admired the man\'s self-control. He was a good friend to Behryn, and likely almost as upset as Reth that he\'d been hit. But he did not panic. Or rage.

He focused.

Reth tried to take a deep breath without moving Behryn too much, who was still sprawled over him. But then his friend blinked.

"What—?" he groaned, his breathing becoming quick and shallow.

Tobe looked at Reth.

"You were stupid enough to step in front of an arrow," Reth growled at him. "Don\'t move. We\'re clearing the area so we can get Aymora to come and rip you a new asshole. I don\'t want to be you when she hears about this, Behr."

"Wolves…" Behryn panted, his voice faint. "Got past the bears… to get here…"

"We don\'t know that—"

"Listen Reth!" Behryn barked, then groaned.

"Okay, okay. Sorry. Be calm. Don\'t move."

Behryn, still slumped on his shoulder took a moment to breathe, his forehead lined in pain and eyes squeezed shut. Then he breathed right into Reth\'s ear, hiding it even from the guards.

"Bears… only… for bears."

Reth sighed. "I know."

Arrows had ceased flying through the air over them, but there were still shouts, snarls, and scuffles coming from the area above the cave mouth.

"Don\'t rely… cover valley trail," Behryn wheezed.

"We will, Behr. Don\'t worry about it. We\'ll get you patched up and you can berate me after Aymora—"

Behryn\'s breath caught, then he coughed and something wet and warm slapped Reth in the face and neck. Tobe eyes widened and as soon as he saw the look on his face, Reth knew.

"Nicked a lung," Reth said, his own breathing picking up in fear. "Still think—"

"We\'ll have to keep cover," Tobe said. "Are you strong enough to hold him still while we walk?"

"I got thumped, not cut off at the knees," Reth growled. "Lift him so I can roll out without hurting him."

Tobe barked a command at one of the other guards, who turned and knelt. The two of them very carefully holding under Behryn\'s chest and hips to keep him in the same position as they lifted so Reth could slide out from under him.

Those ribs he\'d injured last time ached from the thud to the ground, and his breath was a little short, but otherwise he was fine. He stayed low and the guards remained around him, putting their bodies between him and the enemies still fighting with their men.

"You give the signal to capture them if they can," Reth muttered to Tobe as they worked between them to lift Behryn with the help of two of the guards while the other five stayed around them, watching and covering them with their bodies.

Tobe nodded and whistled to short, sharp blasts, followed by one long one. An answering whistle rose over the cave mouth and Tobe looked at Reth. "They will if they can."

Reth nodded, his breath shallow, then tipped his head. "Let\'s get out of here."

Progress was painfully slow since they were forced to crouch and hold Behryn every time a warning whistle rose from one of the sentries in the trees, or there was a shout from the guards in combat.

But finally, finally they made it to the trees and began down the trail, towards the Tree City, more and more guards joining them, until finally they met Aymora, under the watch of four tall males, rushing with a bag towards them.

They lay Behryn down on the ground as gently as they could, but he groaned again, and Reth took his hand.

It was limp and cold.

He stared at Aymora who crouched over Behryn, looking under the bandages Tobe had strapped down to keep the arrow from moving.

When she glanced up at Reth, her eyes held a warning.

Reth started praying.

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