The Magician of Sound

Chapter 449 - Arrival

When the next day came, Kai washed his face with the little water they had. Sofia and Jules had woken up a few hours ago because they needed to watch out through the night.

Still, they seemed to be arguing over something. And the fact that they used their devices to talk meant the talk was important and most likely concerned about him.

Considering they just witnessed something so absurd yesterday, Kai could understand her action and chose to trust her.

Roselyn and Arnaud seemed to have been arguing how to report this type of incident to the higher ups too. Due to how insane this incident was, they were not confident they could convince the higher ups they all were true.

Because of the continuous fight, Arnaud didn\'t activate his camera while Roselyn was too shocked to do that. But they needed to convey the fact that Kai indeed killed an S Rank Magical Beast with only another person that was suspected to be a zodiac.

After a few hours, they agreed to understand the whole circumstances first before they knew what to report and what they couldn\'t afford to report. After all, Kai promised them that most if not all their questions would be answered when they reached their destination.

A possibility that they would receive a greater power was also there, so they agreed to talk to Kai first before giving the full report. If Kai was displeased, there was a chance that a catastrophe would appear, so it was wise to discuss the matter with him every time they got something new.

While waiting for the others to get ready, Kai stretched his body and found Shinkai next to him.

"(Good morning.)"

"(Good morning, Sir.)"

"(Are you sure we will arrive today?)"


"(In that case, what are we going to ride today?)" Kai thought for a moment and looked at the right, "(There are zebras over there.)"

"(Then we shall ride those.)" Shinkai nodded in agreement. After calculating their number again, Shinkai visited those zebras, having a small talk.

Since they had magic power, even without a saddle, they wouldn\'t feel anything because of shaking, so Kai wasn\'t that bothered with it.

Not long after, Shinkai returned with seven zebras. "(I have returned, Sir. This is the best one, so please ride this one, Sir.)"

Kai nodded. Although he didn\'t really care about the best or anything, he couldn\'t just shake it off that easily, especially after that careful thought from the other party. "(Thank you.)"

Shinkai lowered his head and left to his wife.

Kai then moved to the zebra that Shinkai chose and stretched his hand gently, not touching him yet. Suddenly, the zebra slowly leaned his head to Kai\'s palm and gently brushed it, showing his approval.

"I will be counting on you." Kai smiled and stroked the zebra\'s head.

The zebra let out a sound to show his approval.

Meanwhile, the others still hesitated because never in a million chances would they think of riding a magical beast. Kai also understood their worry and said, "Don\'t worry. They are not dangerous. In fact, we can go without killing any magical beasts anymore because he and the zebras will tell the others to stay away from us.

"With their help, we will be able to reach the destination today." Kai gave a thumb up before trying to hop onto the zebra. "I\'m counting on you, okay?"

The zebra nodded and slowly walked around them.

Surprisingly, the zebra put more effort into making Kai more comfortable. Even when it tried to run around, Kai didn\'t feel anything and praised the zebra instead while stroking his head.

"This…" Sofia looked a bit hesitant, but since Kai already showed them, she was the first to move closer to the zebra and stretched her hand like how Kai did it the first time. The zebra gave the same reaction to her and even lowered its head as if he recognized the relationship between Sofia and Kai. It was a kind of animal instinct, but the zebra was completely right.

Sofia couldn\'t help but smile as she gently hopped onto the zebra and gently stroked his head. "I\'m counting on you."

The zebra nodded and walked toward Kai as if telling him that everything would be fine.

Arnaud and Jules exchanged looks and knew they shouldn\'t be surprised again. They shook their heads helplessly and rode the zebras too.

Meanwhile, Roselyn just finished the chore and handed them their bags while shaking her head. Kai and the others thanked her since they forgot about it and had her do it alone.

After another five minutes, they all were ready to set off. Kai asked the zebra to go to the front and said, "Alright. Let\'s not waste any more time and go to our destination."

The zebra began running from slow to its max speed. As expected from a magical beast, its speed was faster than a normal zebra.

Nonetheless, Kai raised his hands, feeling free from any restraint while enjoying the breeze. "This is nice… Hahaha. I want to do something like this once in a while."

Sofia and the others facepalmed as Kai didn\'t know what would happen if people knew about this. Kai might become an experimental subject or even the enemy of humanity. However, the latter never cared about such a thing, knowing that everything was going to be alright.

With a Protector from the sea becoming their enemy, if Kai actually abandoned them, humanity would be wiped out of the map. And according to the information he had gathered until now, this hidden place seemed to be going to recognize his status and accepted him among them.

At that time, this place would surely become the new home for him, his girlfriends, and his family. Kai didn\'t know if he had the heart to be ruthless, but he surely wanted to see how much they regretted their choice to become his enemy.

When they crossed the savanna, they found that the magical beasts actually ignored them, proving Kai\'s words even further. They realized that with Shinkai\'s power, they would be able to control the magical beasts.

Arnaud believed this was the latent potential of a Zodiac but couldn\'t say anything because he hadn\'t ascertained Shinkai\'s real identity.

Jules, on the contrary, decided not to care much after last night\'s argument. Since Sofia chose to be with him even if he were a devil, Jules decided to let her go, hoping that she would visit them from time to time.

Jules seemed to have given her permission if she wished to follow Kai to the US Base. Of course, there would be so many things that needed to be done before she could go there again, but more or less, she could do whatever she wanted, especially since she wasn\'t the current successor.

After two hours, Shinkai finally came to Kai and said, "(Sir. Before going there, do you wish to know a bit more about this place? My wife seems to want to tell you something.)"

Kai thought for a moment and nodded.

Shinkai\'s wife then went to the front and lowered her head politely. "(Greeting my King. First of all, I would like to thank you for helping this lowly one and apologize because I can\'t speak the human language with so many people around us.)"

"(That\'s fine by me since they shouldn\'t know this before reaching the destination.)" Kai waved his hand, telling her it wasn\'t a big deal.

She nodded and continued, "(There are actually three things you need to know before they tell you the rest. The first will be the custom. Because of our policy, outsiders are not allowed. It\'s to maintain our secrecy and such.)

"(I know that this is too much, but we have someone with mind magic that will wipe their memories about this place. Of course, if My King wished to make an exception about this custom, you can do it. But we still need to wipe important memories about it, especially the location.)"

Kai closed his eyes and sighed. "(As expected… It comes to this, huh. Well, it\'s been hidden for thousands of years, so I won\'t break that tradition. But they still need to know a few things.)"

"(Yes.)" She nodded. "(The second thing will be about Magic Power. My King can know the method to get more magic power inside your body, but other than your families, no one is allowed to learn this method.)"

"(I understand. With the current situation, letting them learn it won\'t be that much of a difference, so I can wait until everything is settled.)"

"(Last but not least, we beg you not to tell anyone about this place.)"

"(Hahaha. Just like the talk between protectors is prohibited from being known, I will keep everything a secret. You don\'t need to worry about it.)"

She lowered her head again and slowed down, leaving Kai alone in the front.

Kai looked at the sky and let out a long sigh, feeling that trouble would be coming soon.

A few hours later.

Suddenly, after venturing for so long, they found two humans, one male and one female, standing in the middle of nowhere. The guy had long black hair tied neatly on his back. His deep blue eyes watched Kai carefully to check something. He wore a blue shirt buttoned all the way to the top and black long pants.

The girl, on the other hand, had blue hair, a bit shorter than the guy\'s hair. She looked the opposite of him, especially with her black eyes and black shirt. She looked like wearing jeans, but there seemed to be some patterns on them.

Feeling their gaze, Kai decided to leap off the beast and landed on the ground gracefully as he slowly walked toward them. There seemed to be a movement as well from behind him. Yes, the one who moved behind him was none other than Shinkai\'s wife.

All three of them suddenly kneeled on one knee, lowering their heads politely. "We greet Our King."

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