Super Ability Student

Chapter 485: Pull the plane with bare hands

When the chief of staff saw Lin Tian being shot down by himself with a gun, he was not overjoyed. He threw down the gun and laughed loudly, "Hey, dare to fight with me, and don’t look at how many catties you are, I When you are running through the rivers and lakes, your kid still wears open pants!"

"Hey, what\'s the matter, why the plane flies so slowly." The chief of staff was puzzled and shouted to the pilot, "Why are you slowing down, hurry up."

The pilot also looked puzzled, "I have already accelerated, why is it so slow."

He hurriedly checked and looked under the cabin. He shouted, "There are people below, and someone is pulling the plane."

"You are blind!" the chief of staff scolded, "anyone can pull a flying plane, get up, let me see what\'s going on."

The chief of staff looked down and took a breath, his facial features became distorted, and his whole body trembled with fright.

Because he saw Lin Tian, ​​covered with blood, and both hands were holding the warplane\'s reel fiercely. When he looked at Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian was also looking at him. Lin Tian\'s eyes looked like a ghost, staring at him. The hair is creepy.

"He, he, he, he is dead?" The Chief of Staff murmured in fright.

He saw Lin Tian hit two bullets of himself and fell straight down. At that height, he should have been smashed to pieces. In the blink of an eye, he flew under the wheel of the plane.

Recalling Lin Tian\'s **** body just now, and his ghostly gaze, the Chief of Staff was so scared that his whole body got goose bumps.

"Could it be that he is a ghost? He is claiming his life from me."

The scene of Lin Tian grabbing the airplane\'s reel was also watched by the soldiers on the ground. They regarded Lin Tian as a **** and went down to save them.

"Look at it, the man of God caught the wheel of the plane."

"Yeah, the man of God is so powerful that he can\'t be killed by a bullet. The Chief of Staff will definitely get the retribution he deserves this time."

"Man of God, Man of God, Man of God!"


Lin Tian grabbed the airplane wheel with both hands, the alien energy in his body exploded frantically, and he was accumulating energy.

Ten seconds later, Lin Tian exuded a horrible aura, and the closing of his eyes was trembling, and the shaking of his arms seemed to have supreme power.


He exhaled a long suffocation and lifted himself to the peak state.

"Come down!"

He burst into a shout, his voice was like a sky thunder, his arms were hard, and his muscles exploded like horned dragons. He gathered all his strength on his arms to force the plane down.

"No, the plane is landing." The pilot shouted.

"Raise quickly, rise quickly, rise quickly!" The chief of the general staff shouted, cold sweat all over his body.

The pilot accelerated desperately, but still could not stop the downward trend of the plane.

The aircraft descended a little bit, and the propellers were about to spin up, but it still couldn\'t stop the descending trend of the aircraft.

In just a few minutes, Lin Tian created one miracle one after another, so that the little friends below can beat more than a hundred times a minute.

"Pull the phone down with your bare hands, superb power!"

"The gods are awesome, yes."

"Look, look quickly, the gods are working hard."


Lin Tian screamed again, and pulled it down with all his strength. Then, the plane quickly fell down like a free fall.


With a loud noise, the plane slammed into the ground, causing violent friction between the tail and the ground, sparks splashed, and the entire tail burned.

If the plane exploded, its power should not be underestimated. The soldiers hurriedly fetched water to fight the fire.

The fire was quickly extinguished, and accompanied by a desperate cough, the Chief of Staff and the Mi Army pilots climbed out of the cabin with difficulty.

The chief of the general staff looked back at the plane in disbelief, took a breath, and looked up at the surrounding area. Unfortunately, he saw Lin Tian who was exhausted and panting at first glance.

Lin Tian was covered in blood, and looked at the Chief of Staff with the eyes of a dead person. The Chief of Staff thought he was a kid in hell, so he fainted.

Lin Tian sighed secretly, it was a pity that he wanted to torture him and avenge his two shots, but now it seems that there is no chance.

The king quickly asked people to detain the chief of staff. He was still reasonable. After all, he was a king, well-informed, and didn\'t believe in the fairy tale.

But he didn’t believe it. It didn’t mean that the soldiers behind him didn’t believe it either. The king was about to shake hands with Lin Tian to express his gratitude and admiration. The thousands of soldiers and people around him all knelt down and kept on. kowtow.

"God, bless us."

"Thank you God for going down to earth and protecting our peace."

"I implore the gods to help us defeat the Mi Army and let us return to our homeland."


Lin Tian was startled, the king was embarrassed, he stared at Lin Tian, ​​and for a while, he didn\'t know what to do.

Lin Tian had no choice but to pretend to be a god-man and said, "You get up first, I will definitely help you, get up quickly!"

In any case, this group of people finally left, convinced of Lin Tian, ​​and regarded him as a god.

The king said, "You saved my life, and you helped us catch the traitor, enter my room, and I will host a banquet for you."

Lin Tian nodded, did not refuse, took Xiahou Qingyi and the others, and went to eat.

During the war, there was nothing to entertain. There were a few bowls of white rice, a chicken and two ducks killed, even if it was a treat for Lin Tian and the others.

At the beginning, everyone said some kind words, and then Lin Tian went straight to the subject.

"The 100,000-meter legion is besieged in Hard Town. The outside is like a copper wall and an iron wall. Even a bird can\'t fly out. I don\'t know if the king has a good plan to break the enemy."

The king sighed, put down his chopsticks and said, "The strength of our Danguo and the Mi Army is like a chicken and a tiger. The Mi Army has not had time to attack. If after a full attack, with their strength, three days Enough to break through our Harder Town."

When the king said this, he was very emboldened and hopeless. It seemed that the failure was determined by the fact that the Mi army did not attack, but the king\'s expression was full of fighting spirit, and there was no expression of surrender.

Although Lin Tian had known the king for just a few hours, Lin Tian could see that the king was a very wise monarch. If this battle was sure to be defeated, he would not have the heart to eat with Lin Tian here.

He can eat here calmly. There is only one possibility. He has his last hole card, but he doesn\'t want to tell Lin Tian.

Lin Tian guessed his heart, put down the tableware and said seriously, "I came here to kill an important figure in the Mi Army. I need your help. I pride myself on having some abilities that can help. You, you can not tell me your hole cards, but with my help, your chances of success will be greatly increased. We belong to a cooperative relationship, and we each take what we need and fulfill our obligations."

The king\'s face changed slightly, and then he asked, "Who do you want to kill?"

"Hast, a war doctor in the United States, with the group of scientists."

The king was not excited, obviously, Hast was not important to him.

Lin Tian added, "If I can lead an army to rush out, I can not only kill Haast, but the group of scientists, I can also guarantee that none of them will go back alive."

This time, the king became interested and smiled slightly. What he considered was the interests of his own country. Killing a doctor would not benefit his country. If he could kill the group of scientists, he would be able to make the U.S. Army give up on He Danguo Petroleum. The exploitation of natural gas, in that case, the Mi Army will definitely retreat and their crisis will be solved.

Think about the situation when Lin Tian pulled the plane down with his bare hands. The king also admired his strength. He made up his mind to cooperate with Lin Tian.

The king waved his hand and told everyone to retreat, and then said to Lin Tian very secretly, "As early as when I took office, I expected such a day, so I dug several passages under Harder in advance. There is a passage leading directly to the back of the Mi Army."

Lin Tian was very surprised, thinking, you really have foresight.

"Our national strength is weak, and the Mi Army did not put us in the eyes at all. They acted loosely and disciplined. Many soldiers came to **** property and were not prepared for a war. Although they were strong on the outside, they were a group of soil inside. Bengwa dog, as long as we give him a little bit of power, they will lose themselves without fighting."

Lin Tian nodded in agreement, but asked, "Although they are not good at them, the weapons are not a joke. One shot is enough for you to choke."

The king lowered his voice again and said, "What they rely on is their artillery division. In the past few days, I have asked the soldiers to dig tunnels 24 hours a day and night. This time, our tunnels go straight to their artillery. position."

"Suddenly rushed out and snatched their weapons." Lin Tian guessed.

"Yes, the artillery has no combat effectiveness except for firing guns. There are only 5,000 soldiers guarding the artillery. As long as we are fully prepared and attacked quickly, we can definitely take down their artillery division. We bomb them with their weapons, and we can definitely turn defeat into victory."

"Okay." Lin Tian took a sip of wine, very happy, and asked, "Since you already have an idea, when will you start?"

"At three o\'clock in the morning, when people were most sleepy, I was worried that I couldn\'t find a suitable general to take up this important task. The five of you are just right." The king laughed.

"Well, at three o\'clock this morning, we rushed out together to kill the Mi Army."

"it is good."


This news has been blocked all the time, and when it was one o\'clock in the morning, the king suddenly gathered all the generals to explain his intentions.

After listening to the generals, they were all excited. They didn\'t expect that the king still had such a hole card. If they had known it a long time ago, there would be no need to worry for so many days.


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